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Lady KatieBug

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from cdwashington73 in Throwing up white foam?!?   
    Hey guys... I'm 3 weeks out on mushy foods and today I went for a long walk and since I got back everything I eat or drink comes back up... It's like a thick white foam and saliva.. What did I do to myself?
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to LindafromFlorida in Anyone missing specific foods?   
    No Diet Coke for 7 months and could care less. I had wanted to get off it for years. Loving Crystal Light Peach Tea (my husband's drink) now and I hated it before. I miss no food. I am enjoying small portions of so many foods, we eat no bread, rice or Pasta and do not miss it. I am loving my new life way too much to worry about food. I love having a yogurt and going shopping for hours without getting hungry. I am still loving SF popsicles. My priorities have changed drastically.
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to aNewTanya in Anyone missing specific foods?   
    Diet coke, burgers and fries. Ridiculous cravings for these items
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to lkleigh in Anyone missing specific foods?   
    PIZZZAAAA!!!!! And diet dr pepper!
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to Jen40 in Anyone missing specific foods?   
    pizza. Fried chicken. Soda. Burgers. Doritos. Basically, all the stuff that made me fat in the first place.
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to millergirl314 in Anyone missing specific foods?   
    pizza, popcorn and beer! And I miss a good mojito.
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    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from shadowsmom in Who is in March?   
    Hang in there guys!! It's really not as bad as you imagine. The drugs are good.. I'm 10 days post surgery and totally no regrets! Down 10 pounds in 10 days....
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    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from mizzzmoka in Who is in March?   
    Well... I'm here at the hospital. Ready to go! Only a little bit nervous. Ha not! I had to take 2 Xanax just to get out of the car. But.... I'm here and all checked in. I will update everyone as soon as possible. I'll try to spare you my drug induced day one ramblings! Good luck to everyone else... Keep with the pre op diets. I know it sucks but it's worth it! - Lady Katie Bug xoxo
  9. Like
    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from mizzzmoka in Who is in March?   
    Well... I'm here at the hospital. Ready to go! Only a little bit nervous. Ha not! I had to take 2 Xanax just to get out of the car. But.... I'm here and all checked in. I will update everyone as soon as possible. I'll try to spare you my drug induced day one ramblings! Good luck to everyone else... Keep with the pre op diets. I know it sucks but it's worth it! - Lady Katie Bug xoxo
  10. Like
    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from mizzzmoka in Who is in March?   
    Well... I'm here at the hospital. Ready to go! Only a little bit nervous. Ha not! I had to take 2 Xanax just to get out of the car. But.... I'm here and all checked in. I will update everyone as soon as possible. I'll try to spare you my drug induced day one ramblings! Good luck to everyone else... Keep with the pre op diets. I know it sucks but it's worth it! - Lady Katie Bug xoxo
  11. Like
    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from mizzzmoka in Who is in March?   
    Well... I'm here at the hospital. Ready to go! Only a little bit nervous. Ha not! I had to take 2 Xanax just to get out of the car. But.... I'm here and all checked in. I will update everyone as soon as possible. I'll try to spare you my drug induced day one ramblings! Good luck to everyone else... Keep with the pre op diets. I know it sucks but it's worth it! - Lady Katie Bug xoxo
  12. Like
    Lady KatieBug reacted to cejiogu in Starting my first day preop diet   
    Have you guys got sugar free popclicles? They are great and Jello. Help with the cranky feelings. You will hate them by 2 weeks post op but have the honeymoon now! I loved jello sugar free pudding rice especially. I don't like sweet stuff that much but it helps. Keep strong I am 10 months out and at goal weight for 2 months.
  13. Like
    Lady KatieBug reacted to Teachamy in My surgery date has been approved for march 20th! Any pointers out there for before and after ?   
    All I used was chapstick, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a comb for after my shower. I also was very happy to put on my own sweats and a t-shirt as I felt pretty naked in the hospital johnny. (I was in for 3 nights, 4 days, so my stay was a little longer than most.) My attention span was limited due to all the dope, but I watched a lot of Law and Order SVU when I came to consciousness.
    Be prepared for ups and downs, including regretting your decision. The ups come later for those of us who felt sick at first. But the ups are worth it!! Good luck!
  14. Like
    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from SandeeD in I miss food!   
    Oh my goodness... This is exactly what I needed today. I'm 4 days into my pre-op diet and I'm having a really hard time. Even though I've lost 8 pounds in 4 days I'm seriously missing food. My fat brain keeps telling me that my surgery isn't for another week and nobody will know if I cheat. I'm holding it together though... Because, I made this choice and I need to follow through with the entire process! But, don't think I didn't give that guy eating a meatball sub at the park a nasty look cause I wanted to rip the sandwich out of his hands.
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to Chelenka in 4 Things I Wish I Would've Known Pre Op   
    I wish I knew that my arm pits would truly become pits! So much harder to shave! LOL!
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to Inactive Profile in 4 Things I Wish I Would've Known Pre Op   
    I wish I had known I was the " fat friend" to my best friend, she has been super hateful to me with every pound I lose her comments get uglier, I was told my apples would fall from the tree and only real friends would stay. ,
  17. Like
    Lady KatieBug got a reaction from vdub_tx in Starting my first day preop diet   
    I'm on day 4 of my liquid diet and man oh man... It's tough. Last night I went to sleep dreaming of celery... And ranch. Anything other than Protein and Water at this point. Gah. My surgery date is 3/3 and it can't come soon enough. Anybody ever freak out at the hospital and need to be drugged? I'm already planning to take Xanax the night before. Really don't want to make a fool of myself in the hospital.
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to CowgirlJane in Survey - Carbonated Drinks? Do u drink them?   
    I waited till 2 years post op....at goal for awhile... I had a vodka and soda Water....teehee.
    In truth soda pop, diet or not is TERRIBLE for you. I strongly encourage anyone to just break the habit. Eating clean, real foods is just such a good thing.
    Former Diet Pepsi junkie (and it never made me skinny)
  19. Like
    Lady KatieBug reacted to mommyof3sweetboys in Scared   
    This thread was just what I needed this morning. Start liquids Monday and I am scared to death. I am normally not a fearful person. I am a Christian, believe that God will take care of me, and know this is the right decision. I am just struggling with the "what ifs"- what if I am one of the rare complications, etc. I have 4 children and a wonderful husband that need me. But they need me to feel better, both physically and mentally. I just want to be on the other side, knowing what it feels like to be in control and losing these pounds. I am glad it is normal to be scared. It is not helping that my family is (of course) worried and they can't really be my cheerleaders right now for fear. My goal is to go through my 2 weeks of liquids with no complaints or even talking about it. I don't want anyone (especially my mom) to say "I knew you wouldn't be able to do this".
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to plantosleeve67 in Scared   
    Oh yes....very normal! I postponed my surgery once, wrote a will several times, cleaned my house in case I never returned, and said goodbye to my husband about 100 times that last two months...
    The worry was SO MUCH harder than the actual surgery...I had never had surgery before so I was terrified...
    The surgery was quick, successful, and mostly painless. I has some aches and pains at first, but nothing too bad. I am down 40+ at 9 weeks, maybe not the fastest loser, but I am very happy. I feel better, am off diabetes meds, and have so much more energy than before. love the sleeve...only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!!!
    All the best to you
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to Teachamy in FINALLY!   
    I was first scheduled for surgery July 31. I was geared up, I was positive, I was CRUISING through my pre-op diet life. Life was good. Then BAM! KAPOW! SMACK! A roadblock. My heart decided to beat in Afib, and until it was zapped back into regular sinus rhythm, no VSG for me. That really broke me for the entire month of August. Reverted back to my coffee drinking, my emotional eating...But as the school year loomed, I managed to get back in the game. The surgeon had a cancellation, and I see her (again) Monday! I am scheduled for a 7:00 AM surgery on December 18th. Shazam! Ahh...it feels so good!
  22. Like
    Lady KatieBug reacted to unbesleevable1 in Surgery in 11 days not so sure I want to do this!   
    I feel ya, girl!!!!! We have the same date and are suffering through this pre op craziness together. I freaked out on about day 7 and got a cheeseburger!!! This food thing is an addiction for me and right now it is consuming my every thought. The obsession and compulsions are going crazy. Like the above poster said, it is the food demons ( I choose to call it addiction) trying to keep me sick. But seriously, all I have been thinking about is food, even if my tummy is full of Protein Shake. I keep having to be reminded that I am not starving to death, and I am doing this to help me live a better life. I don't have any doubts about having the surgery, I just wish it would hurry up and get here!!!
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    Lady KatieBug reacted to Sleeve Siren in I'd Sell My Soul For A Sandwich   
    This liquid diet is absolutely for the birds. Day 7 of 10, you sir can KISS MY GRITS!!
    Wait a minute I don't have any grits…
  25. Like
    Lady KatieBug reacted to Butterthebean in Just putting it out there, so 'dirty' little secrets may see the light of day!   
    8 days post op I licked the seasoning off some wheat thins...I think it was the sun dried Tomato basil flavor. f**k it was good. My sweet dog Wrigley ate the licked crackers afterward. She was all too happy to dispose of the evidence for me.
    Also.....I parked in a handicapped space at the dollar store while on my 2 week pre-op diet. I was running in real quick to get a Kit Kat which I may or may not have eaten. Honestly it disappeared so fast I'm not sure where it went.

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