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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MrsMurky721

  1. Sore throat four days before surgery... please don't let me be sick!!

    1. ProjectMe


      Can you take some zinc or ziticam or that airborne stuff? It always works for me.

    2. MrsMurky721


      Oh! that's a good idea! Thank you!

  2. Five days until surgery! AHHHHH!!!

    1. yogamom72



    2. Skywalker


      Daunting, huh? I'm 12 days out, but I'm sure it will become real soon.

    3. Elode


      So exciting !

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. If that is your surgeon's death rate and you're that concerned maybe you can look into going to a different surgeon? My surgeon's death rate is 1 in 3,000.. Dont worry. If having this surgery were causing people to drop left and right it wouldn't be allowed! You'll be fine Something I did to help me look past surgery and stop worrying if I'll make it out on the other side is I ordered my favorite movie from amazon and it's supposed to get to me the day after surgery. Now I have two things to look foward to! Well it helped me at least.
  4. MrsMurky721

    Your dream outfit

    Red leather skinny jeans (yes, I know, very obnoxious but I can't wait to look smoking hot in them!) and anything Black Milk. Oh my gosh I need Black Milk in my life!! But, really, it will be great to be able to wear anything I want, whether it be my goal outfit, a little black dress, or a random funny shirt I find online or in Walmart. I'm so excited!
  5. So I'm on the third day of my pre-op diet. I work as a kitchen manager in a fast food Italian joint so I'm around unhealthy food ALLLLL day. chocolate cake, Pasta, cheesecake, Cookies, soda, pasta, Italian doughnuts, breadsticks, pizza, pasta pasta AHHHH It's driving me crazy! But I was a good girl and had plain chicken with salami and a salad for lunch while at work. Had a Protein shake for dinner. Then my husband comes home and the first thing he does after kissing me is complain about how hungry he is! HA! So he goes to make a quick dinner and comes to our room, sits down on the bed right in front of me and what is he shoving his face with? PASTA -________- I got so mad!! I feel so stupid and petty to be this unreasonably aggravated with him. I shouldn't expect him to change his diet or his eating habits for me. He's never had a weight problem his entire life. But damn it a little understanding on his part would go a long way. I guess he got the message after I clammed up and kept staring at his food He left the room to finish it Anyway, I'm so annoyed and wondering how the hell I'm going to get through the next 11 days staring at unhealthy food all day at work and home. But I know I can do it! Just needed to vent, and now I'm feeling a bit better. Thanks!
  6. MrsMurky721

    I want to punch things!

    How are you doing now @@GenaW828 ? My husband is doing a lot better. I only had actually SAY once that I was irritated bc he was eating unhealthy food in front of me. After that he got the message and has been super supportive. My doc is pretty lenient with the pre op diet and I think that was my problem. So I made it more strict for myself, only allowing Protein shakes, certain Soups, and one piece of chicken a day. Since putting that limit on myself I've done a lot better!
  7. MrsMurky721

    I want to punch things!

    @@Elode Bahahahaha! I'll try my best not to kill anyone. I LOVE that channel @@Miss Mac I'll have to try to think of food that way.. right now I'm just seeing it as food I dont get to eat which is bad! @@scstxrn ahaha that's great! I'll try that tonight @@VSGAnn2014 I'm thinking that I need to restrict mtself to shakes and Soup for this preop diet. My doc gave us a lot of leniency and that makes it hard for me to stay on track for anything! Here's hoping it's better today. And yeah it SUCKSSSSSSS but I cant wait to be smaller and healthier and run around that kitchen like a mad woman. And everyone will be like "DAAAAMN!" LOL!
  8. MrsMurky721

    Looking for a picture

    This is one I picked up a few weeks ago from somewhere on this site. I knew I would need it again!
  9. OH. MY. GOSH. WHAT!! This makes me so excited!!!!!!!!!!!! No added sugars AND only 2 carbs a serving! I'm buying this ASAP! Thank you so much!
  10. MrsMurky721


    From the album: MurkyTedders607

  11. MrsMurky721


    From the album: MurkyTedders607

  12. MrsMurky721

    Surgery Dec 12, anyone else?

    Hi!! My surgery is December 11th! WAAH! I'm so excited! It almost doesn't seem real though. But I've made a list based on what I've been reading on this website over the past year. Packing - 1. Toothbrush/toothpaste 2. Change of comfy loose clothes 3. Phone charger/ phone 4. Nook / Nook charger 5. A good book! 6. Slip-on shoes 7. Body soap, hand lotion 8. Pillow from home 9. Gasx 10. iPod or earplugs To do list for home before surgery- 1. Clean clean clean! 2. Have comfy clothes clean and easily accessible 3. Change / clean sheets and blankets 4. Get rid of unhealthy food or get it out of sight. Shopping list (This is for my first stage diet after surgery) 1. broth (chicken, beef, etc) 2. sugar-free popsicles 3. Sugar-free Jello 4. Protein shake stuff, flavorless Protein powder 5. Crystal Light Good luck! Feel free to keep in touch if you want to.
  13. Since childhood I've had a love affair with condiments. Ketchup, honey mustard, ranch dressing mixed with hot sauce, soy sauce, Polynesian sauce, and especially barbecue sauce. I can and have eaten BBQ on anything and everything. Giving up my barbecue sauce has been so hard! I can't find any without any high fructose corn syrup which is a big no-no for my doc. But I'm still alive!
  14. Being a kitchen manager in an Italian restaurant while on this pre-op diet is soooo hard!

  15. MrsMurky721

    Free Deodorant for You Stinky People :-P

  16. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers!
  17. MrsMurky721

    Sooooo cute ha!

    Oh my gosh! That's brilliant!! I've been looking for a new crafty project! I should do a sleeved theme. Thanks for the inspiration

    1. motherof5


      Time will fly! congrats!

    2. MrsMurky721


      Thanks! I'm hoping it does fly but it seems with me that whenever I'm waiting for something time stretches on and one!

  19. MrsMurky721

    Monday's POSITIVE Post!

    I'm thankful for my husband and everything he has given up and fought against to be with me. I'm thankful for his humor, his support, his kind heart and never ending patience with me. He makes me better. I love him with everything I am. I'm thankful for my best friend of 8 years who has been the most supportive of me. She understands me more than anybody else in this entire world. She has been with me for most of my struggles in life and will continue to be. She's never afraid to tell me I'm wrong, or being lazy, or crazy. She knows exactly what I need to hear to get my butt in gear or cheer me up. She is my personal hero.
  20. So I've been reading these forums for about a year now. I know that the time between insurance approval and surgery is not the time to binge eat all the food I think I'll miss. I've prepared myself for these three weeks before surgery for these very emotions I'm feeling now. But I broke, damn it. I find myself thinking "This may be the last chance I can eat ________" And then I have to fight with myself to not run out and buy whatever it is. Luckily my husband has been very supportive and has helped me through those cravings. Today I was shopping for Vitamins while my husband was at work and magically ended up in the cookie isle ( L O L !!!) Bought some Double Stuffed Oreos. Trouble. Ate a third of the container. And then I was considering hiding the package so my husband wouldn't know That set off my alarm. In the middle of writing this post I got up and threw them away. At least I recognize that I'm doing this so that means I can stop. But crap! I really didn't think it would be so hard. I start my two week pre-op diet on Thanksgiving but I'm thinking of just starting early so I can get out of this "last chance" mind set and into the swing of surgery.
  21. MrsMurky721

    Buddy to motivate me

    Hello! I had such a hard time getting motivated first starting out, and even, sometimes. It's so easy to just stay in bed and watch a murder mystery marathon or read two more chapters. It's hard after working my a-double-s off each day (I have a stand up job, uuugh) to get my work out shoes on and go for a walk or a hike. It sucks! But I just do it. Nike style lol. I know that if I sit down after I get off work then I'm not getting back up. I set my workout clothes out before work as a reminder and try not to give myself time to decide to not go. I also recruit my husband or a friend to work out with me as additional support. Also I know that they won't let me cancel on them because they know it's important. After you get over that initial "Ughhhh do I really have to exercise?" mind set you'll find that it's enjoyable! I chase that high that I get afterwards. And I've found exercise really is good for my mental health. It calms me down after a stressful day, or it works me down that I just don't have enough energy to care lol It feels soooooo good, believe me! So what I'm trying to say here is just do it! You won't want to. No magical force is going to make you want to until after you start. Nobody else can make you do it. YOU have to do it. I believe in you!
  22. MrsMurky721

    I knew better but...

    Thanks for the support everyone. It's so nice to come over here and not worry about being judged. I found a delicious Peanut Butter chocolate Protein shake recipe so I'm allowing myself to turn to that whenever I'm about to have a lapse in judgement. I've also found a very healthy Indian recipe that I'm going to try instead of going to my favorite India buffet! Progress!! I've found myself thinking "But I deserve it after the day I've had!" Until I figured something out. I deserve to not have it!
  23. Haha yeah well that's just for my pre-op. For insurance approval I did the pysc evaluation, labs, an endoscopy, the six month diet.Not nearly as much as some other people, though. Probably because other than having a BMI of 53 I'm rather healthy and only 23.(If you can call such a thing healthy lol).
  24. Hey everybody! I've been lurking on this site for about a year now, researching, looking at pictures, stock-piling information. I've finally decided to come out of the shadows! I'm will be sleeved on December 11th in Kentucky. I'm 23 years old and weigh 349 lbs. 5'10. My highest weight was 375 lbs this past January. I've done the six month diet for insurance, had all of my testing and meetings with doctors, nurses, and my surgeon. Only thing left is Pre-Admission Testing on 12/10/14 and then MY SURGERY ON DECEMBER 11th!!!!! WAAAAH! I work as a restaurant manager so on my feet allllll day. Taking two weeks off work. It's kind of like a vacation (heh heh heh). Pre-op diet starts on Thanksgiving but I've eaten 22 Thanksgivings in my life. I can make it without this one. Anyway! I'm really excited if nobody can tell lol. I see all of you guys talking and supporting each other and sometimes it's hard for me to take that first step to be social with new people, so here goes. Hope everybody is doing well! This is me! The first pic is me at my HW at my wedding at 375 lbs The second is me at my current weight, 349, fitting (barely) into my first Goal Outfit!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
