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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MrsMurky721

  1. MrsMurky721

    Eating pizza after VSG

    You could just grab a fork and eat the cheese and toppings and leave all the bread! Just tell your buddies you're just trying to avoid pointless carbs! I did this often on my six month pre-op diet. No one really cared.
  2. Oh! And a pair of slip-on shoes !!! It will hurt far too much to bend over and battle with the shoe laces for the first few days.
  3. MrsMurky721

    Louisville KY stand UP?!?!?!

    I'm down here in Lexington!!! Hi!
  4. Hi! Good luck on your surgery! Make sure to get broths, or Soup that you can strain and the liquid will still be clear. Water, maybe water flavorings like Crystal Light or those squeezy bottles that you can put in your water. Different flavors of Protein shakes mix and Liquid Protein. My body is rejecting all forms of protein so I had to go out and buy even more different flavors and brands to find something my body would tolerate. Still nothing Gas x. A comfy recliner! I'm a week out and still sleeping in my recliner Oh! I had to go out and buy ice trays to make little Popsicles. I froze different flavor lemonades with toothpicks and ate them like popsicles. It was the only way I could get water down the first few days. You could also try suger-free popsicles (but I've heard they cause gas???) and sugar-free Jello. For the hospital I suggest a pair of comfy pajama pants or shorts. I brought my nook and laptop and a book and never touched them.
  5. My first sneeze post-op brought me to tears. I hope I never sneeze again!

    1. Mike4132


      Yup, that really sucks! After 7 days I was ok to sneeze and cough again so hopefully you will be able to also. If you feel a sneeze coming in the meantime, pinch your nose on the bony part as hard as you can tolerate. Most of the time it will pass without you needing to sneeze.

    2. MrsMurky721


      Thanks guys! So far I've warded them off by the nose pinch but this one snuck up on me ! I'm a week out and still hurting to cough.

    3. blondebomb


      grab a pillow!! I remember my first sneeze in my room after waking up..my hubs tried his best to divert me from sneezing! lol..but I did it anyway! hang in there!!

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  6. MrsMurky721

    Calves hurt

    I had this exact problem!!!! I understand how scary it is. My calves were sore, and when I would walk every now and then I would feel a charlie horse spams like thing. I was walking often, going up stairs, wearing the calf compression cuffs, everything. No redness, swelling, or knots. My mom is a nurse practitioner so I had her check often for blood clots, and nothing. I had a check up with my surgeon's PA. She checked it out and said it was completely fine. It has to do with dehydration. Water is getting sucked out of your muscles to make up for lack of hydration which causes them to spam. Something like that. So don't worry! I've been drinking more water and the pains have gone. She said you will KNOW you have a blood clot. Your calves will swell, you will most likely have a noticeable knot, it'll be red, and it will hurt, and continue to hurt. I think you're fine! Just try to drink more water
  7. Waaaaaaaah that's so exciting!
  8. Hey guys! I'm four days out from surgery. Been home for two and a half days. I am nowhere close to getting in all the Water I need. I haven't had more than twenty ounces in the past two days combined. I've only had 8 ounces of water today it's 10:30 pm. I'm getting about 30 grams of Protein per day. I've already lost 10 pounds 4 days out from surgery and I'm scared I'm not losing fat. I don't know how to get over this mental block. I tried setting my phone alarm to take a sip every two minutes but that didnt work too well because I drift off to sleep often. I don't even know how much liquid I should get per hour. My body is exhausted and I can't seem to push myself to get water. I'm scared it will hurt or I won't know when I'm full and over-drink. How did/are you guys push/ing getting the water you need?
  9. @@athena3127 So I should try to get 2 ounces per hour, 1/2 tablespoon sips! Thank you so much! I haven't been able to get a clear answer for that question. And every time I take a sip I get anxious that it's too big so I've been taking super super small baby sips! I've been very lucky in that I'm not fighting nausea but I get really painful shooting gas pains after I drink a small amount, or no amount lol I get them when I'm standing up walking and in the middle of the night they wake me up! At least I hope it's gas I have no gas at all in my shoulders and chest anymore so yay! Walking to help with full feeling is something I haven't tried! I'll add that to my to-do list! Thank you!
  10. @@Elode You are possibly one of the kindest and most helpful individuals I've run across! I'm a big Crystal Light fan but my favorite flavor doesn't tempt me. I have different flavor Water enhancers but they don't help me get the water down an easier. I've tried broths but they just make me feel nauseous . The only thing that is easy for me to get down is 100% apple juice but I'm only allowed to have 6 ounces a day. I had my husband buy me ice cube trays today. I just filled them up with assorted flavors of water, stuck toothpicks in them, and threw them in the freezer, so I'll guess I'll find out if that works tomorrow. I guess there are only so many things you can do with water lol! Any other interesting tips you've seen around here?
  11. I've lost ten pounds since my 12/11/14 surgery! O_O

    1. Jordan861


      Congrats.... great job!

    2. Jordan861


      Get your protein and water in and your muscle will stay!!!!


    3. MrsMurky721


      I'm trying but it's so hard! Nausea has prevented me from getting any protein for the past two days :/ Waiting on docs to ome with a solution.

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  12. MrsMurky721


    I'm down on Lexington Ky!
  13. Heck yes! Hell, I was crying as they wheeled me to the OR. It's scary stuff. Just be sure to prepare everything for when you're out of surgery. Have laundry done, groceries bought, house clean. Try to learn as much as you can about the procedure and the recovery. All of these things helped me ease my nerves in the final days before surgery.
  14. MrsMurky721

    How do u get ur protein?

    How far are you post-op? I'm three days out. I set a timer on my phone to go off every two minutes so I remember to take a sip. It's slow but the only way I can get myself to drink anything. I found New Whey Liquid Protien. It's 42 gm of protein in 4oz. Not delicious but oh well. I also bought Genepro online. It's a flavorless protein powder that can be mixed into anything. So along with my protein shots I'm sipping on lemonade with genepro to get in my water and extra protein.
  15. Oh my gosh this post is not good for me! I'm three days post op and it hurts so much to laugh but this post is just hilarious!!! On another note, I havent been able to find gasx. Where are you buying it? No trouble getting small burps from the top, but nothing's passing below lol Thanks for the laugh!
  16. From being wheeled to the operating room, through surgery, through recovery to getting in my own room was a little more than four hours. Pre-op not included. I also had a hiatal hernia repair so that added time to the surgery.
  17. Laying In bed right now. I now it's late but just woke up again. Writing this in small sections because I keep drifting off. On morphine 4 mgs. Woke in from surgery in so much pain and freezing but doing a bit better. Not much nausea so yaaay! Still hurts my belly to walk but it feels so good for the gas pains. It seesm to feel a bit better if I hold my belly up as I walk. Gas pains in my shoulders and chest. Incentive spirometer hurts to use but I've been doing it every time I wake up. I have those little calf squeezy things on. They actually feel really nice, like a massage, or a blood pressure cuff but on your legs. I was able to request a private room and got one! Woohoo! So my husband is staying the night. The first thought I remember having after surgery besides "AAAAAAAH OW" (which was taken care of as soon as they could) was "I want to seee my mom" LOL Only allowed ice chips right now and only peed once and the nurse is a bit worried about that. I've been able to lay down at only a small incline which the nurse is very impressed by. That's all I can think of right now, just trying ro be as discriptive as possible to help others who are nervous or want more info.
  18. MrsMurky721

    Surgery today, in pain

    Thank you everybody!
  19. MrsMurky721

    Surgery today, in pain

    Thank you everybody! @@Elode I tried the abdominal binder when I got home but I think it was too small. Still had to hold my belly up as I walked and it was hurting my incisions so I took it off. but it was a great idea! Anybody else have to hold up your belly to avoid that painful stretching feeling? I got home yesterday. Pain is mostly controled with loratb. Of course having trouble getting enough fluids. I think it maY have to do with my hiatal hernia repair bc it hurts somewhere between my breasts when I swallow. I'm walking often. No nausea. I knew I would be in a lot of pain. I knew I would have trouble with fluids. I knew it would suck a lot. But knowing it will happen and experiencing it are two different things lol each day does seem better than the last though.
  20. MrsMurky721

    Surgery today, in pain

    No draining tube. Not getting enough protein sui staying another night. In a lot of pain but can't have more meds for an hour. Still hurts to get laid protein down. This sucks.
  21. MrsMurky721

    Surgery today, in pain

    I asked avid the abdominal binder and we actually have one at home so woohoo. Did the contrast and drinking made the pain worse. Small fever as well. Not sure if I'm ready to go.thanks guys!
  22. Hi! I'm looking for buddies too! My surgery is tomorrow! I'm a bundle of nerves but trying to kwep myself busy today. Let's keep in touch!
  23. MrsMurky721

    It's over

    I hope to get whatever pain meds she was on! LOLOL ! But it seems like you're doing well from what I gathered, so that's great!
  24. MrsMurky721


    Oh my gosh tell me about it! It really does suck! And I work as a manager/cook in an Italian joint. The smell of pizza as your brush garlic butter on the crust.. heavenly D: This is my 12th day of pre-op dieting (surgery is in 2 days!!! AHHHH!!!!) and it has gotten easier but I was tempted soooo bad when I opened the fridge to get milk for my Protein shake last night and there were meatloaf and brownies hanging out. Just calling my name. But I was a good girl and had my protein. One of the only ways I've been able to stay on track is by thinking about how awful it would be to wake up and the surgery not be done because my liver was too big.

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