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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sfeiner

  1. sfeiner

    When did you start gaining weight

    I was a skinny kid. Reached my full height of 5'4" in 7th grade and weighed 110 through HS. and collage Weighed 115 when married and had a 23" waist. I actually tried to put on a little weight for my wdg so my colar bones wouldn't stick out (I was self conscious about them) Then I had 6 kids in 10 years. At one time during that time I weighed 100# and had no boobs. At age 32 I started gaining a few # a year and welcomed it untill I got to 132. Then I started to think I might be getting fat so I tried some silly diets and got fatter with each one. At age 40 I quit smoking and gained 40# and went over the 200# mark and got really serious about dieting. Then would lose 10, gain 20, for years. Two years ago my oldest son committed suicide and I ate through my pain and gained another 40# bringing me to my highest of 286. Sorry for the long story, but I've had a long life.
  2. sfeiner

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    Oh golly, this is a hard one. I think I would be afraid of getting caught and risking your future benefits. It could be concidered a moral dilema but we all know insurance companies have no morals at all and try to get out of paying everything they can. You probanly shouldn't take any advice from me anyway, I had a oral surgry this morn and I'm pretty well medicated, not thinking well......so remembering the state I'm in, I'm saying "go for it"
  3. sfeiner

    A new medical issue for me.

    Dear Kendra, I'm so sorry you got bad news. I am praying for you . Please let us support you by posting and venting here. You know we are all here for you.
  4. sfeiner

    4 months out

    Susan, Do you really have 6 kids???? Wow, that's great! Now wonder you lost so fast. I have 6 also and when they were little I ran it off faster than I put it on. I have a grandson named Mason. I love that name but don't hear it often. Keep up the great work.
  5. sfeiner

    I've swapped addictions...

    This is so funny to me because I was a skinny kid until I turned 30. I was actually self conscious about my bones sticking out. I avoided low cut tops that showed my collar bones. When I started to gain weight I would always be feeling my collar bones and enjoying the new soft feeling of them. I'm not kidding, it really got to be a habit. I enjoyed my new flffiness so much that I let it get way out of controll and then started dieting,,,,and well we all know what that leads too.
  6. sfeiner

    Your favorite pre-band meal

    Pizzahut supreme pizza....at least 3 slices and a couple pieces of dessert pizza or some frosted cinnamon bread sticks....and iced tea with artificial sweetner so I wouldn't get fatter LOL
  7. sfeiner

    Restriction Saves Me!

    My goodness Jowjow, You lost 35# since Dec! Thats a great loss. I don't think it would be good for you to lose faster than that!
  8. sfeiner

    Lap Banding and Medicare

    Hi Susie, 1 Yes medicare paid for my surgery and also pays for the fills and any other aftercare I need. My supplemental ins. is AARP and they pick up what medicare doesn't pay. I have never seen a bill. 2. No problem at all. 3 no they didn't require any 6 mos diet. The Dr required a 2 week pre- surg diet. 4. Well the Dr doesnt schedule until they get ins. approval and that came right away but it still took 6 mos to get all the pre-testing done. Hope that helps.
  9. It sounds like you have good restriction already. Lucky you. I'm 4 months post-op and just got the fill that gave me some restriction. I could still eat a big bowl of soup though.
  10. sfeiner

    OnQpainbuster Medicine pump

    I sure didn't have enough pain to warrant something like that (I googled it) It sure would've been nice when I had back surgery or my knees replaced!
  11. sfeiner

    Has anyone just packed up and left?

    If I were young and single I would get a job that involved a lot of traveling...ot maybe just made travel cheap and easy , like working for an airline. I'm a nurse and wish I would have had the oportunity to be a traveling nurse. My daughter was a travel agent a long time ago and had lots of travel opportunities. But now with computers, there aren't nearly as many jobs in that area. Do you have any special skills.?
  12. sfeiner

    Has anyone just packed up and left?

    What kind of j0b are you looking for?
  13. sfeiner

    So, can you feel it in there?

    I don't feel it at all except when I get something stuck. Then I feel pressure.
  14. sfeiner

    Fighting with my Magic Bullet

    Sounds like too much frozen stuff. Try with more liquid and less ice. Good luck. I love mine.
  15. sfeiner

    SATISFIED, but needing some assistance

    I have to agree with Shortgal. There is a lot more to good health than being skinny!
  16. sfeiner

    Actitrainer or BodyBugg???

    I bought an actitrainer and I don't like it and don't use it.
  17. sfeiner

    I'm So Sick Of These Commercials!!!!

    They keep coming in my e-mail. I got rid of my "Dick" 11 years ago. Don't want another of any size. I hate w ith a passion the whiney fibromyalgia one where she reads from her journal...gag gag gag Beflro valentines I gagged at the couple talking baby talk while buying phones. Who thinks up this junK?
  18. sfeiner

    Free Kittens (Joke)

    EEEKKKK, I'm afraid they would scare the dogs!
  19. sfeiner

    Any good cottage cheese flavorings?

    I found pureed pineapple by the fruits that come in the little individual cups. I love it with cottage cheese. I'm still using it even though I'm not required to eat mushies.
  20. sfeiner

    That lady at the top.

    I want a picture of Jack up there. I've got the hots for his brain!
  21. sfeiner


    Absolutely agree! Can you get that message to the News reporters?
  22. sfeiner


    I have a slimfast.
  23. sfeiner


    I'm glad you found us too! It's so nice to have friends our own age here. Tell us more about yourself. To find us in the furture, from the home page scrool down to the age groups and then to the 60s
  24. sfeiner

    A place for bandsters in their 60's

    Hi Davids girl......I'm thinking you may have a problem with depression that needs to be addressed. I think about 75% of us over weight ppl are on anti-depressants. As far as family support, some have it, some don't. It's nice if you do, but not necessary. This is something you have do do for yourself. Follow Phyll's advice. Best wishes to you. If you don't mind I'll say a prayer for you.
  25. sfeiner

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I want to take my dog for long walks when the snow melts.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
