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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by terriewoods

  1. terriewoods

    5 day pouch test

    I need the 5 day pouch test. I have been banded a little over two years. I have actually gone to a liquid/soft diet for a week and today is the last day. What exactly is the pouch test does it say somewhere? Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. When you say diet management software are you talking about like My Fitness Pal? I use My Fitness Pal and really like it. It is kind of hard with the band because I need the Protein but it helps me keep up with my calories. I also have a fitbit that I wear everyday and it links with the My Fitness Pal.
  3. terriewoods

    Blood pressure and weight loss

    Good morning! I too have been on blood pressure meds since my 20's. But I also have had a weight problem for my whole life almost. I can lose weight and it goes down but the minute I start to gain it goes up. I had lapband surgery on the 23rd of January. I am on 4 blood pressure medicines. Last time I went in for a fill it was 100/69 which is low they said. I just recently heard a doctor on the radio say it is almost hard to keep going if the top number is 100 or below so I do believe that is why you dont have any energy. Definetly talk to your dr about it and he will probably start weaning you off slowly. I have gotten off one with hopes of getting off all the others as well. There is a family history with me as well. My father passed away at the age of 51 after having surgery for high blood pressure that would not go down with medicine. He also ended up having over 16 mini strokes before he passed away. My mother also has high blood pressure. I do think genetics plays a part in it but I cannot remember a minute that my mom or dad excersised which is something I try to do regulary. Hopefully we can overcome the genetics part of it with a more healthy lifestyle. Thats what Im hoping for in my journey anyway. Good luck!
  4. terriewoods

    The gurgle

    I had the gurgles also after getting my next to the last fill that I got. I was at the dentist and they were cleaning my teeth and it was gurgling. I felt horribly embarrased and had to apologize:(. Ended up on my monthly visit they did a barium swallow and I was so tight and swollen that nothing was hardly getting through. You could see the stuff I drank come back up and just little bits go through the band at times. Was very intersting to watch. I have a very high pain tolerance and just dont have a bunch of ailments at all and am hardly ever sick. I was having acid reflux they said and did not even know it at night while I was sleeping. They were amazed I did not feel bad. I was at 8.3 in a 10cc band. They took out 1 cc and put me on a liquid diet for a week then mushies then a week on normal food. Just went back to dr. on Wednesday and I had lost 9 lbs (before I was only loosing 1 lb here or a 1/2 lb there). They said I was entirely too tight and for me the gurgling meant I needed an unfill. Mine was a constant gurgle though. I could be talking and gurgling at the same time. Really weird but I just thought it was my stomach growling! I have to say I feel so much better. They did put .2 back in but told me I was right at the green zone now and I can definetly tell the difference.
  5. terriewoods

    Pressure when stomach growls.

    That is exactly what just happened to me. I have a 10 CC band and went for a fill and they put .3 in it and I knew it was tight but I was able to eat still. When my stomach growled it was uncomfortable and I felt almost nauseous but not really. Not sure what the feeling was but it was uncomfortable. When I went in to dr they did a barium xray and found out my band was too tight and it was backing up and I just did not feel it. My pouch had swollen so now I am on a 1 week liquid diet (which today is the last day thank goodness) and they took out 1 whole CC and I have an appt on the 3rd to go back and we will see how that goes. I had noticed that my stomach was growling and gurgling a bunch but just thought that was my band talking. My PA told me that is a sign on bad being too tight. When she took out the 1CC that all stopped.
  6. terriewoods

    Wedding dress size questions

    Gosh I am no veteran either but I got banded on January 23. Have had many fills and am now at 8.3 in a 10cc band. Finally Im beginning to feel restriction and actually lost 5 point something lbs this last month. I havent lost but around 25 lbs and it has been very very slow. I have actually gone down from a 24 to an 18 in clothes sizes though. So I can tell more in my inches than I can in my weight if that makes sense. I try to stick to being very good but have my slip ups and know that is the reason for some of the slow weight loss but I feel like the slower the better.
  7. terriewoods


    I go in for a fill on thursday...... I have a 10cc band and have 8cc in it. Most of my weight lost was during the pre and post op liquid diet. I know I have lost inches because I am actually down 2 sizes in clothes which does feel good but I guess I get a little discouraged when I weigh and the weight is not coming off as much. I knew it was going to be slow though. I had a friend that it took 1 1/2 years to loose 179 lbs and she said the most was towards the end. I am close to the perfect fill but still think I need a touch more cause I can eat more than 1/2 to 3/4 cups of food in the afternoons and night. My bad is tighter in the morning and usually cannot eat so I drink a Protein shake. My band does get tighter at different times especially around that time of the month for me. That is why I am not sure whether to get a fill or not. Will see what the dr says though. JamieGirl your bad will feel tighter at times or atleast mine does anyway. Hope this helps.
  8. Ok tell me when you say you cant drink with your meal is it because it is physically impossible or because you are not suppose to? I thought we were just suppose to wait to take a drink so that your body can get the nutrients from the Protein and things you are eating and you dont want to wash them down too soon. I am thinking that I am feeling tighter and maybe in the green zone but I can drink with my meal that is not a problem so am I wrong? I know we are all different but just interested.
  9. Thanks! I did not do the measurements either and still havent but just know that I have gone down in clothes size. I have it in my head and guess I should not that I need another fill but will have to see. I need to get back on track and eat the way I am suppose to. Husband and I do a lot of eating out and am starting to notice that it is really expensive in that I only eat a portion of my food. Told him just yesterday we are going to have to start eating the same thing so I can just pick off his plate. LOL!@
  10. I have a 10 CC band and just got a fill yesterday morning to 7.5 ccs. I got 3 cc's right off the bat during surgery cause my band would not fit it was too big. Then have gotten 1 CC every month with going twice in one of those months. Yesterday I wanted a full CC but they told me with this much in that we needed to start doing it slower so she only put 1/2 a CC and scheduled an appointment for me to go in another 2 weeks if I need. I actually feel like the 1/2 may be it but it is actually that time of month so I am kind of thinking that the fullness will go away in a few days. I have also maintained weight wise but have lost more inches cause I have gone down 2 clothes sizes. It is frustrating but I can definetly tell a difference with this fill.
  11. I am actually a new bandster with just being banded January 23. I too was needing something that I could use to help me stay within the limits that I needed as far as carbs, fats ect. I have been doing my fitness Pal which is actually a free app you can get. You plug all your info in as to how much you want to lose and all that good info and it tells you everyday what you need to lose. It is all based on any food you can think of. This has helped me and it does not have the prepackaged food. But you can use the prepackaged food cause it is in the app also. Just thought I would throw that out there. May not be as convenient as with the prepackaged food but you can eat what you want just keep track of it. I guess it is like weight watchers just not with the points if you think about it. Good luck and let us know how it works.
  12. Hi! I am really new to this forum and had my lapband done on January 23. I can say that I think a lot of my nausuea came from the gas pain and what I thought might be hunger also. I felt like I was starving but not able to eat anything. I did take the nausuea pills the dr. gave me and if nothing else they helped me sleep it off.
  13. terriewoods


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
