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Posts posted by JillC878

  1. Everything I have read says 5 days to 7 days (a week) or less for recovery. I have already started banking my hours for when I get the green light for surgery and right now I have 5 days of banked sick time and over a week of earned time. Everyone is different though. Different pain tolerance, there could be other medical factors, what type of work you do could keep you out longer....it seems that you just need to do what is right for you and your body. I think I better keep banking time just in case!

    I hope you a very easy return to your normal routine!!

  2. Thank you so much for the support. Some of what was said is making me tear up.

    I had these same fears when I was thinking of quitting smoking. What am I going to do with myself? But, I have been smoke free for almost a year (Jan 1,2014) and it is getting much easier. I totally open to any suggestions that anyone might have....ex) walk down the hall and work and not want to stop and every person's candy dish......

    It is funny how your mind works...things that are good positive changes can scare the tar out of you!

  3. Hi countrysweet! I have not started any pre-op diet (or even have a date or approval yet), but I wanted to tell you to look at all of the support you have here and listen to what they have to say. Your body can do what it wants and it is more then likely NOT going to do what the person's next to you is doing. I was on a prescription drug for 6 months to loose weight and all I read was how wonderful it is and how much weight they lost....I lost 15 stinking pounds! I am beyond frustrated. Remember, stress can make your weight fluctuate and looking at the numbers can cause a whole bunch of stress. I understand how you must be feeling and know you need to just hang in there. Things will look up; you are just beginning your journey!

  4. I do not ever know when (or if) I will be able to get the surgery and I know I don’t need to be so stressed about it, but something is really bothering me. I think I might be a food addict. I’m like 99.9% sure I am, and I am an emotional eater. Eat when I am sad, happy, stressed, bored….etc.etc.

    Well I know you will not be as hungry and it will only take a tiny bit to be full, but what about all the other times you eat when you are NOT HUNGERY. I don’t know how I am going to fight those urges to eat after the band. Also, I quit smoking in Jan and pretty much replaced that habit with gum. According to the papers from UVA, I can’t chew gum anymore. How will I keep from eating when I would normally chew gum?

    I know I can’t be alone with this issue. I you have the band already, how is it different? Do you have to fight all of those urges to eat or are they gone? How do to fight it? If you have not had the surgery, do you have the same fear as I do? I may be stressing way too much about this, but any little bit of information y’all can share will be appreciated.

  5. I received a giant stack of forms that I need to fill out and take with me to my first appt. I have read over it and am having serious anxiety over filling it out. It is just a very extensive questionnaire about my history.

    Couple concerns.....it ask you to check what diets you have tried and it has a list about a page and half long. One of them is vomiting/not eating and on the next page is ask "Have you ever tried vomiting to loose weight?". Can I answer this honestly? Of coarse I have, when you are young and stupid you will do anything, even if you know better. It did not last long and was not constant, just here and there. I am afraid to say yes and them think that I am not stable to have surgery. Also, they ask for names of diet pills you have tried. I started trying pill some time in the 90s. I can't remember the names and most of them are not even on the market anymore.

    In another place is ask you to tell them how the "following people in your life feel about your surgery". It list children, partner, parents, friends....well, my husband could not be more supportive, I have no kids, but one of my stepdaughters is just like her dad and behind me 100% (we do not have much to do with the other 2 unfortunately). The other people is where I have concern...no one knows and I want to keep it that way. I do not feel like I should have to tell anyone and I afraid that will make me look unfit for surgery. I will more then likely tell my mom after the date is set, but no other family. I will probably tell my best girlfriend after it is all set-up. I am sure that the people I choose to tell will be supportive, I am not ready to tell them. I might not ever be approved by insurance....why do they need to know.

    The more I read over it, the more stressed I am getting. Maybe I am thinking too much. Anyone have any words of wisdom? Please.

  6. I am worrying about the documentation too! I called my insurance and all they would tell me is that they needed my medical history. I assume they mean they need to know about weight loss supervised by PCP. Well he is the one that referred me and he followed me from 1/13 (actually before) until last month on a weight loss drug (with disappointing results). I am hoping that this will count. I find it hard to believe that everyone that has this surgery has had monthly or more apts will an MD for diet. I don't think them telling you to loss the weight every single time you see a MD is what they are looking for. LOL

    Who made the referral to the surgeon or does you insurance not require one? Would they have documentation of weight?

  7. I am getting so nervous about the insurance auth. I really thought it was not a big deal. My PCP wrote the referral and they should just say OK. Not that easy, I know.; I just did not realize it was as hard as I am reading about. I was on Qsymia for 6 months while followed and documented by my PCP. I have had all of the notes and the Band referral sent to my insurance already (I know they say at the surgeons office that they will take care of it, but I do not want anything to fall trough the cracks....OK...a lil'bit of a control freak). I am hoping that this will count as the 6 month part, maybe? I thought I was going to be able to get this done by the end of the year, but it appears that will not be happening. I have all these forms to fill out and a questionnaire that I am terrified to do. What if I say the wrong things? Psych eval!?! I knew that this would be happening, but again, what if I say the wrong things?

    I am probably stressing too much, too early, but I can't help it. This seems to be taking forever. Maybe because I am excited...nervous...excited...anxious...(repeat and repeat again)

  8. OK. Here goes......

    I think I should say a little something about myself since I am reading all about y'all. I got my referral from my PCP on 10/16/13 and go for my orientation/class, meeting with insurance counselor, and first apt with the surgeon/team on 11/7/13. I am going to UVA (University of VA) and am not sure who my surgeon will be yet (because it is a teaching hospital).

    I have been overweight my whole life and I am sure like many of you I have struggled to control it. I know I have a food addition...more like sugar addiction. I have tried so many different things; most recently I tried a drug called Qsymia with no results. It has been very frustrating. Add the fact that I have some other medical issues that have developed in the last few years and between the conditions and the meds, the weight keeps piling on.

    What made me decide to have the surgery is that my PCP (and my Rheumatologist) told me that loosing the weight would make me feel better. Less pain can't be a bad thing and I am willing to do almost anything to get there. I am realistic; I know that loosing weight is not a "cure all" for my medical issues or for emotional ones.

    I am very excited to start this journey and am happy to have found a community to share it with. I have a great support system at home, but they will not understand everything my body and mind are going through. I have found inspiration and knowledge here and want to thank you all. Sharing your stories have helped someone (me) and I look forward to sharing my journey with the hope of helping someone too.

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