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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JillC878

  1. I am becoming more and more convinced that I am doing something wrong. I do not feel that I have lost enough weight. My sleeve was 1/20 and I have only lost 37 lbs It has been 2+ months. I see where others have lost that much in the first month!

    I am very stressed about this and am not sure what to do. I just hit send on an email to the NP at my surgeon's office and anxiously wait for her reply (which might take several days and before anyone says it, I know if it Sunday and she is not working). I am loosing pounds and have lost inches, but I am afraid it should be more. I am watching everything I eat and doing cardio for 30 minutes 5 times a week.

    I am on several medications for Lupus and Fibromyalgia and they cause weight gain (one of the many reasons I am hear now and could not loose). Could that be why I am not loosing as much? Am I doing something wrong?

    I know that no one can give me an exact answer to my question, but I could really use some support. Thanks y'all!

  2. I know this is more of a cosmetic question, but I was unsure where to post something like this. Sorry if this is not a good place.

    I have not really noticed enough sagging to worry about it yet (I got sleeved in January), but I am thinking about things to prepare myself for the future. Does anyone ware shapeware, like Spanx? I am pretty sure I will get some for times I am wearing something a little clingy. I have never worn any before and am want to know what the best brand is? I don't really have a lot of money to spend, but am willing to pay for quality. I don't want to have to buy new shapeware every week because it is garbage or because it does not work.

    Let me know what your experience is. Best price? Best quality....control? Comfort?

  3. I am down 40 and people that know about the surgery say I look like I have lost, but no one NOT in the know has mentioned it. I can not see it. Some of my clothes fit a little better, but they were all way too tight before (for lack of funds to buy bigger sizes). What made me notice and get excited was a measuring tape (forgive me if this was mentioned and I missed it). I forgot to do it on the day of my surgery - 1/20/14, but I did it on 2/1 and then on 3/1. I had lost 2" in my waist and 3" in my hips! It makes me look at things completely different!

  4. I almost cried when I stumbled across this post this morning. I feel so much better to know that I am not alone in my fears and that others are (lucky too) do not have food tolerance issues. I thought something was wrong and that it didn't work right because I can eat (so far) anything. Sometimes I fee very alone because no one understands my fears or issues. This helps! Thank you!

  5. Tomorrow will be 6 weeks post-op. I am happy with the weight I have lost (can't lie and say I wish it was more, but I don't think that will go away). I just can't seem to shake this feeling I have...anxious, slightly depressed. At times it is strong and others it seems to almost go away. I start thinking about things like not eating certain foods, extra skin, having to explain to my family (who is 3 hours away) where my weight went and I start to fall apart. I was not in denial about things before my sleeve. I addressed all of these things when making my decision and did not feel like I chose surgery hastily. I read that there could be emotional side-effects (for lack of a better word), but thought they would be different and would be long gone by now. I don't want to live the rest of my life ashamed of or regretting the decision I made.

    Does anyone else feel this way? If you have, how did you get past it?

  6. Hi Michelle. I am almost 5 weeks out and when I met with my nutritionist I asked about calories and she told me not to worry about calories at this point....but if I needed to know, 800-1000 is expected once on solid food. I don't know how you are doing it! I am averaging 700-900 a day and still am either at the lowest amount of Protein needed or not meeting the goal!

    Have you been working out at home before now or not at all? Congrats on your weight loss so far!

  7. OK, will not give you TMI, but I am going thru some things right now and my life is not the easiest (poor baby - said sarcastically). What bring me to this question right now is my current condition. I am dealing with something with someone who I thought was my best friend and I can't stop crying. I really want candy....chocolate. Anything I can eat/binge on.

    What do you do? I quit smoking over a year ago and now can't (or shouldn't) eat what would normally make me feel better. I know that eating (even if it is chocolate) will not fix things or actually make me fee better, but the urge it still there and strong. This is making me cry worse. It hurts.

    Please tell me others understand what I am saying. I am open to any thoughts, stories, or suggestions. Please....I don't know what to do.

  8. I have some honey in tea often. It is natural sugar and if it is local, it is really good for allergies too. Try peppermint tea; I read about it on here and love it. Very soothing to the tummy. I also love my sleepy time and I think that has chamomile and peppermint.

  9. Dream, I am only 4 weeks post-op and I can see how I could slip into the same old habits easily. It is great that you know what the problems are and that you seem willing to start working on them again. I use myfitnesspal.com as many others do. I am JillC878 (the same as here) please feel free to look me up and add me as a friend - that goes for everyone.

    sueBHoney, thank you for letting us know that the sleeve is a slower weight loss compared to other wls.

    erp, I had taco salad last night too. My problem with food I cooking for me and my husband who is not dieting. We tend to eat different meals or I modify what I am fixing him. Last night I ate took a 1/2 cup and put a little brown rice, followed by the turkey and black bean mixture, a little cheese, some salsa, and a little light sour cream. It was delicious! Could I have eaten something a bit better for my diet? Yeah, probably, but I don't want to live life without taste!

    So, Dream, you can do this! If you need help, ask - we are all here for you!

  10. Hi everyone! I have a concern and it could be completely crazy, but I am not sure. I thought it best that I ask before I go off the deep end with worry.

    OK, I will be post-op 4 weeks tomorrow I have lost just about 20 lbs since the day of the surgery. Last week I only lost 1 lb. and this week 1.8 lb. I have read that there is a plateau around week 3 and maybe that is what is going on. I guess what I want to know is how much weight should I be loosing? What is a normal amount to have lost by now? Is 2 lbs a weeks normal?

    Don't get me wrong, 20 lbs in a month is great, but I was expecting more by now. Part of that is because I did not really know what to expect in terms of numbers. I don't want to become obsessive with trying to move the number is things are normal.

    I also don't want to keep feeling as defeated as I do right now. I keep thinking that this is going to be like everything else and not work. I am terrified of that. If this is not normal, any advice on what I need to do to fix it? Do I need to contact my surgeon?

    Please don't judge me. I just need some encouragement and guidance.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!

  11. Hi! I will be 4 weeks post-op on Monday. I love/loved spicy foods! I am finding that asking about foods here is very helpful, but EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! I am very fortunate that I have not had any food toleration issues (and I do know I am very lucky!). I read that people tend to not tolerate spicy food post-op and was very disappointed. I have started to try "spice" in different things and have been fine so far, but I am taking it slow. I don't think I will be able to tolerate "Thai Hot" food anymore, but I think enough spice to keep me happy will be possible. My best advise to you is to listen to the Nutritionalist or MD, read here and ask questions, but remember you need to feel out your own tolerance. Take it very slow! Now I am very much the newbie with this, but I am just telling you what I have experienced so far.

  12. Chin up! It will get better. I am 4 wks post-op on Monday and I do still fee discouraged at times, but things are getting better everyday. I too had an infected incision and was on Bactrim and Levaquin for almost 2 wks. (I feel your pain) also I had a BM on the Friday after my surgery and, even with many laxatives, magnesium citrate, and stool softeners, I didn't go again till week 3. I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. It will get better. I hope you have some good support at home. Maybe you should talk to your surgeon about the nausea. You need to get something to stay down (I would think).

    If you want to vent, I am here.

  13. Hi all. I am 3 weeks post-op as of this past Monday and I am not going to try either of these things any time soon, but am curious about a couple foods.

    How does everyone tolerate salad and raw veggies?

    I was sent home with diet literature and it says that starting with stage 4 and continuing on that you may not be able to tolerate raw veggies. I want a salad so bad that I can’t see straight!

    How does everyone tolerate alcohol, specifically wine?

    We love vineyards/winery trips and wine festivals. About once a month we would pop open a bottle at home with dinner. I will miss that greatly if I can never do it again. It is one of our “us” things.

    Like I said, don’t plan on doing any of this tomorrow or even next week, but I am thinking about the future. Any insight or personal story would be helpful. Thanks so much for taking the time to respond!

  14. Hello, Finallythin. I just recently had my sleeve as well. I'm Day 6 post op. I understand your pain, quite literally. Nausea is also still a big problem for me along with gas. Gas X is very helpful. My doc also recommended Peppermint tea since peppermint helps to relax the GI tract. Also, sometimes just having ice helps me. I hope some of this helps. Hang in there.

    Any tips from others are appreciated.

    Thank you so much, Lumineer, for mentioning the peppermint tea. I am going to take note and try that.

    Finallythin, is the sensation you are feeling pain or discomfort? I am not questioning you at all. Just wondering because sometimes it is hard to distinguish between the 2. I am 6 days post-op and still feel discomfort when drinking/eating/taking meds and pray it passes soon. I also had some heartburn in the hospital (due to pain meds I think) and they gave me Miralex and that helped with some of the discomfort. You are not alone and if it is pain you feel, I think you should call your MD. They would rather here now then later.

  15. Good morning, Roxiaa! I had started earlier in January and had my surgery on Monday. Tuesday, went to the bathroom with the PT lady and guess what...there it is again. They told me at the hospital that it is pretty normal for that to happen. However, that has me wondering how "normal" my cycle will be now. Have I thrown the whole thing off kilter?

  16. Got the Date!

    Surgery on 1/20/14!

    I have been pushing and pushing for this all to be done before the end of 2013 for insurance reasons, but that didn’t happen. It is OK; I will just have to spend a bit more. When the nurse looked over my chart she said “Wow. You were just here in Nov.” I didn’t realize until I go the surgery date what a whirlwind this has been. I got the referral sometime mid-October, first apt with the bariatric surgery team was 11/7/13. I got my psych eval (the longest part of the processes) on 11/12/13 and now have a surgery date of 1/20/14!

    I am super excited and stressed out! There is so much to get done in 2 weeks. I am getting a Hiatal Hernia repair and my Gallbladder removed too, so I may be out a little longer than anticipated. I have to train someone to do my work while I am away from my job. I need to get the house in order (pet sitter for the 2-3 days in the hospital, bills paid, etc.).

    I am so happy to start 2014 this way. I am ready for my life to change. I am hoping and praying (good vides or whatever it takes) that this will alleviate some of my pain and help improve my quality of life. OK, I know I have a lot riding on the outcome of this surgery, but I also know that if it does not help in the ways I am expecting, I can say that I have tried everything!

    Oh yeah….I have to go to the grocery store too!

  17. January 2, 2014 - Pre-op, gallbladder scan, and set surgery date (they will do the sleeve, hernia repair, and possibly remover my gallbladder)

    I have been waiting (not so patiently) for this day, but now it is here and I am getting nervous. Wonder if I can really do this. Will this be a very painful and long recovery? Will I miss the food?

    Don't get me wrong; these are not second thoughts. Just things running through my mind. I am super excited to start the next part of my life. Please tell me I am not alone in having these feelings/thoughts.....

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