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Posts posted by JillC878

  1. Today I had my weekly weigh-in and I have gained 0.2 lbs. This has been my first gain since surgery in Jan. I have lost 81 lbs and I should not be so upset about this. 81 lbs is huge!

    So, why does this hurt so bad. A lot of questions are running through my head. What did I do wrong? Have I hit my limit; never loose again?

    I know it seems silly, but I could really use some encouragement right about now.Weight Gain Panic

    Today I had my weekly weigh-in and I have gained 0.2 lbs. This has been my first gain since surgery in Jan. I have lost 81 lbs and I should not be so upset about this. 81 lbs is huge!

    So, why does this hurt so bad. A lot of questions are running through my head. What did I do wrong? Have I hit my limit; never loose again?

    I know it seems silly, but I could really use some encouragement right about now.

  2. I agree. Do what you think is best. Dont worry about you doctor or your family. I had to see a different MD for an infected incision because I was not go in to drive 2 hrs to see my surgeon. You know yourself and uou really could be dehydrated and the fluids may make you feel better.

    Are you urinating? If not or if it is really dark yellow, it is a pretty good chance you are dehydrated.

  3. Bitter yellow liquid sounds like stomach bile. Have you had something to eat yet today?

    Are you getting any kind of reflux or burning feeling?

    Are you able to keep fluids down?

    Sorry more questions for you then answers. If you can't hold anything down and are vomiting bile, you really need to contact your surgeon. If it will be open tomorrow and it does not get worse, you could probably wait till tomorrow, but remember, we are not doctors and cant tell you anything for sure.

  4. Did you eat something spicy/hot? That could cause it too.

    Are you on anything for acid reflux? You could check with your MD and try taking an over the counter med like Prilosec.

    Like Bufflehead said, eat less and slower. My surgeon says to eat up to a 1/2 cup and I notice if I eat more then that my reflux can act up.

    Between the two, you should be able to get some relief. I know how much it stinks and I hope you get relief soon!

  5. Is it hard when you touch it? warm or hot?

    I got an infection in one of my incisions and it was a week out before we knew it. It was very painful and tender and it was hard (almost like knotted scar tissue). It burst (luckily out rather then in), I had to do 3 weeks of antibiotics, and my husband had to pack and dress the incision. All turned out well.

    Please have it checked. My only real symptom was pain and it could have been way worse if I did not go to the MD. Better to have it check and it be nothing, then to let it go and it turn bad.

  6. I want to see what someone might have to say about my issue. I don’t want to have unnecessary worry, bother by surgery team, or pay money for an MD if this is a common occurrence.

    I know that with extreme weight loss there are changes to your body and a woman’s cycle can be one of those changes. For a little background, I had surgery at the end of January and have lost 77 lbs. so far; my period has always been very regular. There have been small things since surgery, a day or two late, early, or shorter. I was roughly 3 weeks late last month (started on 6/6) and it was lite (many pregnancy test were negative) and it was light. I have been a little spotty since then (when I wipe). Now I have started again.

    Is this type of things pretty common? I will mention this to my MD when I see him, but not sure if that needs to be sooner rather than later. Thoughts?

  7. My story might be too TMI and if it is, I'm sorry.

    Just hoping I can help.

    The first day I came home (3days after surgery) and has a few very watering BMs. Then NOTHING for days and days. At my post-op visit I mentioned it and they told me to take laxatives (keep in mind I had been following MD orders and taking stool softeners every day). It still took a few more days of taking laxatives before I could go. When I did it very painful and eventually there was bleeding involved (due getting hemorrhoids from the straining I assume). The continued until the next post-op visit when I told the MD about it. The MD told me to take a specific laxative that pulls moisture to your bowl and that is what makes you go. He told me that this happens with some WLS pts. and to just take this laxative when needed (he said it may be everyday or it may be once a month).

    You are not feeling constipated so you are probably OK. Are you still on narcotic pain meds? If so, this is more then likely the reason.

    If it becomes uncomfortable in ANY way, call your MD. If there is pain involved, call your MD.

    Don't forget to tell your MD about all of it when you have a post-op visit.

  8. I have my own cupboard for my food that is away from my hubbies junk food. He goes there and I go to my cupboard for Snacks....

    This is a great idea! It has not been a huge day to day problem in my house, but there are days that I just want "something" and this might help.

    I do hear what everyone is saying. I can only imagine how hard it is to hear that stuff all the time. The only one that tells me that stuff is me! My sister had bypass at least 17 years ago and has gained all of the weight plus more back. I have not even told her or others in my family because I don't want the judgment (my mom, husband, and select friends know). I had a lot of hesitation is this because of what my sister did. I am not her and she is NOT me!

  9. I am lost. I have not been documenting like I was. I have not been eating enough Protein or drinking enough fluids. I have been grazing. I have not been taking my Vitamins like I am supposed to.

    OK, now that I have admitted my sins I can ask for help. I am truly seeking help to get me back on track. I am very discouraged and not sure how to do this anymore. (Before anyone says it, I have started seeing a therapist.)

    I see before and after shots of people and I don’t get it. I do not see how I will ever be close to being that small. I really don’t see me being smaller then I am now. Don’t get me wrong 70lbs is amazing, but it is not as much as me or my MD want lost. I am still doing well with exercise; I missed measuring myself this month. So there could be inches and not pounds lost at this time. People are starting to notice enough to say something and that is a little encouraging.

    I know that I am stress, anxious, and depressed (hence the reason I started therapy). I know that is effecting my eating...well affecting everything. I also know that I can’t seem to push myself over this hump.

    Any thoughts? Anyone go though this? Anyone willing to help or maybe mentor me?

  10. Do you take your measurements?

    I try to do that the first Sunday of every month. Remember that mussel weighs more then fat. If you are exercising with weights, this could be the issue.

    Have you been getting all of your fluids? Have you has a BM recently?

    I don’t mean to be personal; just spiting out ideas. Any one of these could be a reason for weight gain.

    Don’t stress too much and let it derail you.

  11. I am right there with you! In fact, I had to read your post carefully because at fist I thought it was mine from a few months ago. Ha!

    I quit smoking 1/2013 and had a sleeve 1/2014. It is really hard. The first time I truly was emotional (not sure the right word or feeling to use here), I thought I was going to have a full blown panic attack. For all the reason you put in your message. You do not have a crutch any more.

    There are still days that are extremely hard and I have not found my “thing” yet. I am sure I will and I know you will too. It is just a matter of trial and error. Do you like music? When I get stress at work and the head hunger kicks in, I have a mix that I listen too. It is totally cheese music, but I love it! That takes the edge off. Also, I don’t know if this is something you will be able to tolerate, but gum is a great “got to get something in my mouth now...chew chew chew” thing. I always have peppermint gum on me (as a bonus, the peppermint can ease stomach upset).

    I hope I have been of some help. I hope you find your “thing” soon!

  12. I am roughly 4 months post-op and have a concern about my menstrual cycle. I have always been regular for the most part. Stress has made it a little off at times. I am wondering if rapid weight loss can effect your cycle? I am assuming it can.

    I am almost a week late and wonder if it could be due to the weight loss - almost 68 lbs. I have heard that it is easier to get pregnant once weight comes off and was told that it is not advisable to become pregnant for at least 18 months post-op. I do not think that is the case, but it is still a concern. More likely is the stress from work combined with the hormonal changes (that is if weight loss can do that).

    Any information would be appreciated. Have others had this is issue with irregularity and need to be put on birth control? If you can get pregnant easier, maybe birth control is not a bad idea?

  13. Today is my 3 month post-op visit with the surgeon and the nutritionist. I am so nervous. I am worried that they will tell me that I have not lost enough, that I am doing it wrong, and that it is all stretched. I know I am wrong and that I am doing well, but these feelings are real.

    Anyone else have these feeling? I think everyone might. We have spent years judging ourselves by number on a scale, feeling inadequate, and self-conscious in almost every area of our lives due to our weight (OK, I know I am taking a lot of liberties with others feelings, but I think 99% of us are all hear for the same reason in one way or another.)

    If all goes well today, I am going to work hard at reprogramming the "fat" brain I have. I want to be proud (and I am) and not discourage by what my "fat" brain is telling me.

    Any ideas, tips, or tricks on how you learned to love yourself...or at least like yourself? How do you reprogram the voice in your head that says you are not good enough and you are always "too fat" for this or that? Did buying new smaller sized clothing help? I think it would, but I have realized that even with a 59.8lb weight loss I am still in the same clothes; imagine how tight these clothes that not FIT were 3 months ago!

    Send good thoughts my way my friends!

  14. OK, my name is Jill and I am an addict. I am a food addict. I know sugar is a trigger. I am struggling.

    The last couple weeks have been difficult and I feel it gain control.

    I wish I had the pain, nausea, etc. associated with certain food after WLS. I know, I know....there are many that think I am lucky and in reality I know I am very fortunate that food does not make me sick. However, there are drawbacks to this good fortune. I can eat anything; if food like sugar made me sick, I believe it would be so much easier to avoid. (Please know that I am just venting and looking for support. I do not envy those with food issues post WLS; I feel for your and know that I don’t know what it is really like. I am merely typing what is in my head at times.)

    I just can’t seem to get it together. I have still lost weight the last two weeks, but I don’t think I am doing it right now. I have not been tracking my food/protein or how much Fluid I am having. I have been eating more sugar. I have skipped meals and will sneak a bite of something like leftovers as I walk by the fridge. I feel terrible and guilty and can not stop!

    Has anyone ever gone to an Over Eaters Anonymous meeting? Anyone have suggestions of what worked for them? I feel very alone. I am embarrassed to talk to my husband about it because I feel like I a failure. (So, I am letting all my crazy out...sorry) I go back to my surgeon on Thursday; I will see my Nutritionist that day as well. I do plan on talking to her about this and maybe creating a meal plan. I have so many questions for her and that might be part of my problem; I am frustrated by my lack of knowledge and lack of ability (or my perceived lack...).

    Any advice would be appreciated. I really need help. Thanks everyone.

  15. I have two questions or things I would like advise/opinions on.

    1. Stationary Bike - I have a dual action stationary bike and I love it. I plan on upgrading someday to a newer bike or an elliptical. However, my issue now is that it hurts my butt so bad! I am good for the first half our and then the pain kicks in. Does anyone have suggestions for seat modifications or aftermarket seats that I can try? There is no way that I am alone in this issue. What has been tried that works? Epic fails?

    2. Most times after a workout I do not have time for a shower right away. Does anyone know of a brad of wipe that can clean me up a bit after a hard workout? I have baby wipes and wonder if there is something better or do these work well? Again, what works? What has failed?

    Thank you so much for your input. It is really appreciated!

  16. I am feeling so terrible. I can't snap out of this funk and I feel like I can't talk to anyone. I find myself falling into or wanting to fall into bad habits. I know I should not say this because I am sure it is horrible and that I am lucky, but I wish that foods made me sick or hurt so that I would not eat them. I can pretty much eat anything, but that is causing me trouble. I am still loosing. I just have doubts, struggles, sad, anxious feelings that I can't shake. Am I messing up? Will I never go down a dress size? My husband told me about a month ago that he feels like I pick on him about weight; that cut me so deep. I have never said anything to him about his weight unless the MD did. He is Type II Diabetes and has a CDL. If he is put on insulin, he will loose his CDL and that is his job. Anyway, now I am afraid to mention anything to him about my weight because he will think I am picking on him. My best friend has a divorce and new boyfriend (drama); she is very self centered right now and I feel like she does not care. I find that everyone else is just superficial friendships or family (and most of those people don't know about my WLS).

    I guess I just feel alone. Anyone feel like this.....ever?

  17. No that shouldn't effect the outcome of your evaluation. What they are looking for is unaddressed issues that could prevent you from being able to do the weight loss or other issues that would cause you to choose another addiction such drugs, alcohol or smoking. Don't stress about the Psyche evaluation. It's not as scary as it seems.

    Thanks for mentioning this, 1Day1Life4Now. I had forgotten the addiction issue and that is a really good point to make.

  18. Hi Mentalistfan. I can only speak from my experience and research, but you probably have nothing to worry about. I have had psych issues in my life; I have been on and off of different meds for depression and anxiety (I too have panic attacks). I was honest with the MD about it all. I had no problem passing the eval. They are not looking for "crazy"; they are looking for signs that you are not realistic about the surgery risks and changes that will need to be made. They want to make sure you have support at home. They want to make sure you have a plan for post-op care. See they do not want to deny you this tool, they want to make sure you are ready and have the support you need.

    It is not that scary (at least mine was not). We talked for 30 minutes or so (asked about my support and why I want to do this), I took a quick test about bariatric surgery (to make sure I knew the "rules" for post-op life and what the surgery really entails), then I took a verbal intelligence test (this was way more like a game then I test), and lastly I was given a very long (almost 400 questions) written test (statements like, "I like to fish." - rate from strongly agree to strongly disagree). That is how mine went, but I am sure that others are different. Still I believe that all of them would have the common thread of making sure you are ready and NOT that you are "crazy" (for lack of better word).

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