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Posts posted by JillC878

  1. In the last couple of months I have been put on some different psychiatric drugs and am stuck. I have been stuck within the last 2 or 3 pounds for at least a month.

    Is there anyone else out there on antidepressants (and/or other drugs) and are you experiencing an effect on your weight or weight loss?

    As anyone who struggles with depression and weight troubles, it is a cycle. You gain or don’t loose and you get more depressed. I am seeing a therapist and my doctor in regards to this. However, I am wondering if there is s something I am missing and wonder what I am doing wrong.

  2. I will be as honest as I can be with you in regards to MY experience.

    For the first several days, maybe couple weeks, I didn’t want anything. After several weeks, I wanted something to chew so bad I could not stand it! Finally released for solid food and could chew! I was still satisfied with very little and did not really “want” anything. Fast forward 10 months and it is not hard. I can eat more with more ease and I am fighting “head hunger” and cravings daily.

    YOU CAN DO IT! You can fight it. It is much easier to fight when you are NOT hungry. You just need to psych yourself up and get through it. I wish I had a world of advice to help you, but I am still working on fighting it myself.

    I wish you all the luck in the world, friend. If you need anything, I am happy to help if I can.

  3. I am having a huge problem with head hunger and drinking water…well really drinking much at all. I have some other issues that are occupying my mind and I am weak.

    How do others deal with the head hunger when you are places like work and what you can do it limited?

    Also, Water, I have never been someone who drink a lot, how do you get it all down? A large McD sweet tea would last me all day. OMG I feel like I am drowning.

    I am just wondering how things like stress, your cycle (for my ladies), or times of days affect you and what you do about it.

    Thinks all in advance for weighing in on this. Also, any advice would be great!

  4. Help! Eating everything in sight. Started yesterday when I got upset about something and now can stop. Please share with me how you handle you emotional eating. I have never been one of those who do not eat when upset.

    I need new coping skills. I don’t smoke anymore and want a cigarette so bad (I will not go back there).

    Any thoughts on what can be done in a split second to calm yourself?

  5. I am almost at the 100lbs lost mark and beleive I have a small (probably yeast) infection in the fold of my belly. I have a couple questions.

    1. Does anyone know of good ways to prevent or minimiz this breakdown? I have some Monkey Butt powder that I using after showing and working out.

    2. I wonder if I need to see thw PCP. I dont known if it can clear up on it's own and may have gotten bigger. I also hear that if you get enough infections, insurance may pay for part of the skin removal (not that I am any where close to that).

  6. I have lost my way and need some support to get me back on track. I am still losing, but just barely. I am 2lbs away from losing 100 and those pesky 5 or so pounds have been hanging on for dear life. I am working out every day for at least 45 minutes. I believe that is the only reason I am loosing. God knows it is not my diet.

    I am popping by the offices with candy jars a lot. My office has a candy jar, but I hate what I put in it to keep me from nibbling. However, there are 2 or 3 others that tend to have what I like. I have not been using the food diary and that is just being lazy.

    Also, the emotional eating is so had to keep at bay. Old habits are creeping in. For example, my husband it out of town for the weekend and I have been eating crap. I know it is wrong because I feel like it is secret and I would feel terrible if anyone knew what and how much I am eating.

    I feel like I am falling apart. Tomorrow is another day and I will get up and try again.

  7. I had that issue (I think I know what you mean) and still do sometimes. For me it felt like stuff was going in faster then the air could come out and it just kind of got stuck. Gas strips helped a little. Usually after I burped a couple times it would letup. Sometimes I get hiccups and then the feeling will go away.

    I would suggest eating slower and always having some type of gas relieving meds handy. If it keeps up, you need to talk to your doc about it. Hope this helps a little bit....

  8. One of by best friends after surgery (and I had no idea I would need it) way a stepping stool. It was a tremendous help when getting in and out of bed. My bed is fairly high and it decreased the pain and pressure in my abdomen a great deal.

    I agree with the buying as you need it. I got sick of things fast too. I think it is because after a couple days, I wanted something....I didn't know what, but I imagine it was just solid food). I craved a salad so bad that it bordered on obsession! Ha ha!

    Good luck to you. Stick to the guidelines and you will do great!

  9. I do not have my own children, but I do understand (to a point). I was teased and bullied from 5th grade on due to my weight. It was horrible and effected me deeply. I always thought that if I had a child I would do everything in my power to keep this from happening. Seems like you are doing all the right things to be a great role model for him. I will be keeping yall in my thoughts and hoping for a brighter day for your young man.

  10. None of the surgeries are magic. My sister had bypass 15ish years ago and lost a lot of weight. She now weighs more then before. She did not follow the guidelines. As has been said, it is a tool and how you use it is up to you. If you do as you are directed by your bariatric team, you will have success.

    Sure, you may fall of the wagon, but you start over. One thing I have read over and over is that you just need to keep going back to the basics - measure and track your food, get your Protein and Water, and listen to your surgery team.

    You cant judge your success off of someone else's failure (maybe not the right word, but you get my drift)!

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