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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JillC878

  1. I am frustrated this morning. I have gained pound. I know, I know, no big deal; it is just one. However, I have been struggling for months loosing and gaining the same 5 lbs. I had gotten away from working out everyday and have started up again....walking 1.5 miles at lunch and then either yoga or some other workout in the evening. Why am I gaining when I am working it? My eating is not perfect, but I am still eating little amounts an not too much sugar. Any thoughts?

    Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App

  2. So i just got done workinout for the first time in weeks. I am a sweaty mess, tired, and in pain. I have Lupus and Fobromyalgia and it is so hard to workout. I just forced myself to do it today.

    How do you stay motovated once the weight loss slows or you have a long interruption in your routine?

    Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App

  3. Hi. Have you tried swimming? I am sure someone already said that lol

    Also as far as revisio goes, i would say that if you can eat more the 4-8 oz of solid Protein with co.fort then youay want to talk to your surgeon. Stop snacking! I a huge grazer and emotional eater. That is the biggest reason i am stalled now. I am not an MD so i could be way off, but if you need to talk things out or need support, contact me :)

    Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App

  4. I am about 2.5 years post op and have lost almost 150 lbs. Well, i stuck and still want to loose a little more. Problem is that i am totaly unmotivated. I lost my job in December and feel into a pretty bad depression. I stoped working out and even though i am still eating very little, i eating all the wrong things. Oh and i have gone back to myemotional eating which consists of a lot of grazing

    I am looking for support to get be back on track and any sugestions on how to get out of this unmotivated place. Someone out there is bound to have had similarfeelings. Thanks for reading my post and any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App

  5. I am a little over a year post-op and am stalled and have been for two months or so. I was wondering if someone who is still loosing could give me an example of their diet for a day, please? I am at a loss and still have more then 30lbs to go before I get to my goal. I know it slows down, but any tips on kick starting things would be appreciated!

  6. A big question is do you live with your parents? I live hours a way so it was easier on me as far as telling my family. In fact, my mother is the ONLY person in my family who knows and only my closest friends here know. It is a personal choice....NOT the choice of anyone else, no matter how hard it may be to feel you are going against them. You will feel better physically and the issues this creates with your parents will more then likely mend as they see you become healthier. If your healthcare team is behind you, I say GO FOR IT!!

  7. This is one of the deciding factors in having surgery for me. My CPap is the devil. I was told however that I would need to have another sleep study done to truly come off the machine as far as my medical team would be concerned. I am set on the CPap's lowest setting and my husband has noticed that I am not snoring like I was, but I dont want to chance having to do more then one sleep study. Therefore, I am going to wait until I reach my goal weight. 27 more hard pounds to go!

  8. When I had my sleeve done in Jan., I also had a hiatal hernia repair done. This Monday morning I woke to what my husband and I thought was a heart attack. Turns out my hiatal hernia is back. I see the surgeon tomorrow, but am much bummed. Don’t get me wrong, I am very very glad it is NOT my heart. I just thought this hernia mess was behind me and I don’t know what I did to mess it up.

    Has anyone else had any experience with this? I am having trouble eating and having a BM. There is a lot of pain and discomfort involved and I’m worried. Anyone have words of wisdom or light for

  9. Hi everyone. I know that this has been posted before, but I would like to do it again for those that missed it previously or those that are new.

    My name on myfitnesspal.com is JillC878. Please add me to your friends and I will add you.

    It is helpful to have friends/support that are in similar situations. I feel like I can't be friends with just anyone due to the extream numbers. I would love to hear from you!

  10. I am around the 100 pound mark too and, yes, I have trouble following the rules. It is hard and tedious trying to plan meals. I do know that this is what I signed up for and I hope this feeling will pass.

    I think (or at least like to think) that everyone struggles with this at one point or another. Do your best. It seems you are successful so far and am sure you must not be straying from the rules but so far.

    I wish I had some advice for you. All I can say is that I hope that this will pass for you soon!

  11. Wow! You are doing amazing!

    About the being a hater, I am always doing it and I still feel like the fat girl in the room even though I have lost a little more then 100lbs. I still see the same girl in the mirror. I am glad you can pull yourself back to the positive side!

    Be proud and rock that size 14 (and shrinking)!

  12. Hi everyone. I need some help. I am eating way too much. I notice that there are foods I can eat so much of and never feel that full feeling. I know I am doing something wrong.

    My thought is that there are too many "slider foods" in my diet and not enough will power.

    Has anyone experienced this and what did you do to correct it?

    Any ideas on a menu that can be kept in a lunch cooler (I do have a microwave to use) that will be filling, low cal and sugar, and high Protein?

    Anything will be helpful. I am really struggling lately. I have kinda plateaued and can't get myself over this hump.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  13. My cycle is completely screwed up. It is finally starting to level off, but for a long time I had no idea how to track it or what it was going to be like. There was even once that I thought I was pregnant because my head could not wrap around the fact that I am not my same normal.

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