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Everything posted by want_so_bad

  1. want_so_bad

    Keeping secrets

    my husband, my mom, dad, sisters, and brother, 2 online friends (each has had wls, one has the band and one had bypass), and one old friend. and i wish i hadnt told her. she was just shocked that i would go to Mexico to do it. "havent i seen those dateline shows about mexican doctors?" shock and gasp. yep, and i have seen those shows about american doctors as well! i havent told any other family for fear their responses will be like hers. or even more negative, or "why? just be happy how you are" yes, well, i am not, so i am doing something to change it. i think just be comfortable with who you tell. if you have any reservations about telling someone, wait. i sure wish i would have! but oh well, life goes on.
  2. want_so_bad

    weight challenge - Thanksgiving to New Years Eve

    ugh, this is horrible. better be cuz of that time of the month! Name......Chall. Start Wt.....Current......Chall.Goal......To Go want_so_bad.....193.5............195............ .180.............15 i so did not want to post this, but i have to stay accountable!
  3. want_so_bad

    feelin blue, need a boost.

    i just wanted to tell everyone thank you for your kind responses. i am surprised at how up and down i have been, even over the weekend. i am trying to get into a better mindset to start this week fresh today! i am still amazed at how much of a head game this all has been. i thought i was prepared and ready for such a huge life change. i mean, i am ready/was ready, and am so incredibly glad i had this done. there are definately things that are much harder then i thought they would be. but i am just gonna take each day and it will get better! thanks again!
  4. want_so_bad

    weight challenge - Thanksgiving to New Years Eve

    Name......Chall. Start Wt.....Current......Chall.Goal......To Go want_so_bad.....193.5............193.5.............180.............13.5 so how does this thing work? we check in each week and post our new weight right? good luck everybody!
  5. want_so_bad

    first fill tomorrow

    i go for my first fill tomorrow and am scared to death! dont know why either! usually i have no problems w/ medical stuff or needles. and i am sick to my stomach just thinking about it! i wonder where this is coming from? i am excited too, i started to gain back some of what i have lost and its really buggin me. thanks, i just needed to share.
  6. i am assuming that it would take overeating on a regular basis to stretch the pouch..is that right? a little background... i am 1 month 1 week out from surgery. we are currently in the process of selling our house and buying another. i am a comfort eater. so i have been incredibly stressed and recognized last night i was eating more then i should. i think i probably have been a few other times. now i am freakin out that i may have stretched my pouch or ruined something. please help! suggestions? advice? oh, i have in this bad time also taken a few sips of something while eating. i know, i know, i know.... and one more thing...i find myself drinkin more then just sips. i will drink several swallows at once. i try not to, but sometimes i just dont think about it until i am done and then its "oh crap". it never hurts or anything, so i am tellin myself i am ok. yes??? no???? thanks everyone!
  7. want_so_bad

    Cancelled My Surgery

    sorry to hear you are going through such difficult times. i hope your son continues to do well. take care of him and yourself and when the time is right you will get this. best of luck!
  8. want_so_bad

    Fred Phelps and Westboro Church

    i read an article about these people. hats off to them for standing up and doing something good and decent! after reading the article i wished i lived somewhere i could join them. i would stand up in a hearbeat to protect the families!
  9. want_so_bad

    help, feelin blue

    ok, so i was down like 20-21 lbs or so. this morning that damn scale said i had gained like 2 back. WTH? plus, i thought i would be fitting into smaller pants. i do, but they are kinda tight. i guess i just thought that down 20 pounds would make more of a difference in my pants? i dont know. i am feeling really blue the last couple days. i am on mushies. i just want to eat. i know its in my head... i think i just need some words of encouragement, or maybe a good swift kick in my butt. i am finally getting an appetite back. i am scared to death that i will gain back the weight i have lost before my first fill on the 15. i know this is suppose to be the healing period and not the loss period, but omg, what if i gain that back? i am having horrible head games with myself! why cant i get past this? this is so much more a head thing then i expected! any tips on what to do to get past it?
  10. want_so_bad

    special k protein water

    i was just wondering if anyone else had tried this? i bought the strawberry kiwi flavor and its pretty good. also, i havent seen much posted about nutritional shakes, like ensure or boost. (and maybe i havent looked hard enough??). are these good/ok to use post-op? i bought some of the walmart brand. it has 9grams Protein in the 8 oz can. and i was reading how you can add powder milk to things to up the protein. how much do you add? how do you know how much protein? thanks! and sorry...new to this and trying to get a few more things figured out before thursday!
  11. want_so_bad

    Where is your goal weight?

    oh yeah, my ticker is set for goal of 150. but anywhere between that and 155 will make me an incredibly happy lady.
  12. want_so_bad

    Where is your goal weight?

    my healthy target weight is 143-160. i set my goal at 150-155. omg, i cant weight,,haha...i havent been that since, hmm...never. only in passing. in high school i was 175... so yeah, 150-155 will be incredible.
  13. i am 3 weeks out today. i have the strangest noises going on. whenever i eat or drink anything, no matter how small the sip, i get these "man burps" as my sister says. deep rumbling belches. and then, quite often i get this sound/feeling like its passing through. is this normal? there isnt any pain. i try to make myself be mindfull of not swallowing too much air. any ideas? tips? from what i have read this seems to be normal? is this a forever type thing w/ the band now?
  14. want_so_bad

    Dr. 90210/ Dr. Rey's wife-Halley

  15. want_so_bad

    Brett's still going strong

    but what a way to win your first in denver. damn him! ha, but he sure is yummy to look at. and what an arm. even though it kills me, have to give the man his props for a great game. GO BRONCOS!
  16. want_so_bad

    Dr. 90210/ Dr. Rey's wife-Halley

    omg, he is a different bird thats for sure. and she does look sick. but i have thought that for a long time now. did you ever see the one where she is writing down what she eats and he looks at it and its like a pepsi and then i think like a hot pocket or something. i dont even know if they were the same days! he may be kinda different, but by god he does good work. i would love to be able to go see him after i have been at goal for a year!
  17. want_so_bad

    Just banded

    congrats on your band!
  18. want_so_bad

    I guess this is Bandster @*&%

    why do you think that because we are here sharing our "pain" and seeking support from those going through THE SAME things we are that we are whining? you too will be here in a few weeks. but like everyone else has told you, everyone is different. maybe it wont be as bad for you as it has been for some, and that is ok and fine and great--for you! dont come down on those of us need the support that this place is designed for. you think you are the only one who has tried just about everything out there? how about the cabbage Soup diet? south beach? atkins? diet pill after diet pill? i could go on and on and i am sure everyone here could add another to the list. it just goes to show that we are all here for the same reasons, even if they are different. and, hun, you arent the only one who shelled out big bucks for this. why do you think that because we are here sharing our stories seeking support does that mean that we are not working this like we should? who are you to judge? that said...best of luck with you band. i know i love mine so far...hard times and all. this is MY light at the end of a long tunnell, and yes, i may complain, but i will work this for all i have.
  19. want_so_bad

    I guess this is Bandster @*&%

    i too am struggling. i have a thread just like one... it is somewhat comforting to read that i am not alone in my now daily struggles. everyone keep on keeping on and i know we can all get through this. my first fill is the 15. like 2 weeks. i can do this, i can do this, i can do this....
  20. want_so_bad

    help, feelin blue

    i appreciate everyone's responses. i seem to have good days and then blue days. i am pretty sure this is normal. topdown---i too get that, "what have i done?" feeling, but i know it is worth it. and this is the hard part. i think i have read that it is referred to as bandster hell? that is so true! i KNOW this is the best thing i have done for myself. i KNOW this is a tool that i must use, not a magic cure. its just hard to do what i am doing and not see a loss, does that make sense? oh i am sure it does, each of you is going through, or has gone through this same thing. my hubby isnt supportive, so i cant vent any of this to him. thank you all for the encouragement and feedback. good to know i am not alone. my time-table is to lose this in a year. a year! and when i see those couple pounds bouncing back up and down and up and down on the scale, it is discouraging. but i know that i am only 4 weeks out, and 2 weeks from my first fill, when i will really start working this band! and then i will see results. thanks again to everyone. it helps to know i am not alone in my misery and questioning and the highs and lows.
  21. want_so_bad

    Noticing self more?

    i have noticed it in my face too! my double chin is disappearing. i have to tuck my chin in to my chest to get the roll to show up nowadays! omg, its great! on the down side, i swear my boobs are already shrinking! i knew they would, but come on girls, try and hang in there! just for a little while, momma needs ya! my pants are seriously baggy too. i think i could fit into a smaller size...i have a few at home i think i will try tonight.
  22. ok, so.... anyone told how long to wait to resume sex? or any tips? i mean, well, you know what i mean... certain position that didnt hurt your stomach? i have been thinkin, and for right now, missionary would be out...lol...please dont be offended! this might could be a kinda fun thread??!!??
  23. want_so_bad

    first nsv!

    first, a quick background... my dh is not supportive of this at all. he has never been one to acknowledge any weight i may have lost or any of that sort of thing. that said... this morning, he actually told me i was getting skinnier! holy crap, i about died. seriously. i pretended like i didnt hear him and said, what? and he repeated it. and i had a second round of heart failure. :faint: it has just totally made my day and i had to share.
  24. want_so_bad

    Fellow October bandsters - help....

    it does get better. slowly. day by day. there were days i didnt think i could drink another thing, and yet i did. and here i am now starting on mushies. there were times i thought, "what have i done?", and more then a few break down moments with tears. but, i am so glad i had this done. i see a light at the end of a lifetime struggle with my weight. for something to chew...i chewed ice...it was SO good..lol umm, what else? i had the broth from different flavors of soup. i didnt think there would be much difference, but there really was. i made wassabubble's recipe for olive garden fagoli (sp wrong, sorry) soup. my family loved it and i loved the broth. the broth from beef veggie soup was really good too. oh, sucking on hard candies was good too. i still have moments where i struggle. but i think to myself, i CAN do this. i know i can. and i know you can too. be strong!
  25. want_so_bad

    gotta ask....XXX rated possibly...

    i was wondering about doggy style, (and i hate callin it that too!), i didnt know if it would be uncomfy, w/ my belly being sore, and then hangin (yucky mental pic for ya there, sorry), ya know? good to know it worked for you. i was thinkin the on our side thing would be good. i guess i will let ya know what worked tonight tomorrow.

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