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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MsScorpio67

  1. Hey i read your post on ca bay area social group. Did you ever have your surgery? i had mine with Kaiser on June 5, 08.

  2. MsScorpio67

    Mini goal by New Years Day?? Any takers??

    I want some of this action. I would love to lose 10lbs by new years. my weight has been at a stand still and I was looking for some motivation to get my butt in gear. Thanks.:grouphug::thumbup:
  3. For me Tortilla chips are the one guaranteed thing that will go down. It something about it being hard a crunchy that makes it go down with no problem.
  4. I'm three months post op. I recently had a fill 9/9/2008 and thought I felt a little tight. I could still drink liquids so I wasn't too much worried about it. I hadn't had any serious problems post-op and I felt that I had the hang of this LAP BAND. Well I went out with a friend to the Sizzler to have clam chowder. It was soo good and hot. The heat relaxed some of the restriction I was feeling and I got carried away. I started to eat kinda fast. Not really chewing cause I felt there wasn't much to chew. Before I knew it I ate the whole thing. It took 5 mins before I felt the effect. It felt like a bubble was forming in my chest, real slow. My breathing started to feel slightly labored. My friend looked at me and asked if I was alright. I said no. I told him I was gonna walk around. My old faithful way of walking to dislodge whatever was stuck, was not working. I eventually went to the bathroom and suddenly my mouth was watering perfusely. Is this slimming??? OMG am I gonna throw up???? Well to make a long story short and not so graphic, I threw up 4 times. The 4th time I was infront of emergency about to walk in. I never felt so awful. Emergency didn't do anything for me cause I felt 10 times better. I am so careful now of what I eat, how I eat, how fast I eat. Cause i don't want that to ever happen again. What was your experience like of getting stuck and what worked for you?
  5. MsScorpio67

    Tell us about yourself

    Hello My Sistahs, My name is Tonia I'm a single parent of a wonderful and animated (Like myself) son that's 15 yrs old. I live in Hayward, CA I work for the government part time and I'm a Longshoreman the rest of the time. When I started this process, I went to my first orientation July 23, 2007. I weighed 299.6 and I was floored. I couldn't wait to get on the phone quick enough to call moms. She said, "YOU WEIGH 300LBS?!?!?!?!???!?! And I said NOOOOOOO!!!!! I weigh 299.6 Hahahahahaha The funny thing was when I was cute and had a booming body I was so freakin shy. If you didn't hear my quiet giggle you wouldn't know I was there. As I got older and started putting on the lbs. I became very outgoing. I was funny, bubbly and animated. I had to make jokes about my weight before anyone else did. As a defense mechanism. Now I just want to put together the great personality and the booming body together. And stop using food and the fat as a way of making excuses for not doing some of the things I always wanted to do.
  6. Gosh I didn't even know I had messages. It's been a while but....Hey!!!! It's so funny we were banded on the same day and our birthdays are just days apart. Both Scorpios. So how did the surgery go and how has your progress been so far?

  7. MsScorpio67

    Before pics

    Photos before surgery June 5, 2008
  8. MsScorpio67

    299.6 June 10, 2007

    From the album: Before pics

  9. You look absolutely wonderful.

  10. Hello, I ws just checking out your page and I love that your doing so well. How did you lose soo much weight so quicly? come on Girl share your secret.

  11. You have totally transformed yourself. You look wonderful. It was good chatting with you. Hope to do that again soon.

  12. I'm with Kaiser and they give fills every month until you've reach your sweet spot. Now when I went in for my first fill, I thought it was kinda aggressive that he put in 2ccs. But when he gave me a bit of water to make sure everything was going down okay. I was having problems. So he wanted to take out 1cc. I asked him not to. He told me he could take it out now or Saturday (Which was the next day). Puzzled i said tomorrow? He said when you realize after 24 hrs that you can't eat or drink anything. I would probably be seeing you in emergency tomorrow. So Doctors have to be careful on how much they put in your bands. And that time gives you the opportunity to adjust to it. Cause I'ma tell you I just had my second fill on 9/9/08 and I'm almost at the point where I think I'm too tight and he just put in 1cc. I have to remember to eat and drink.
  13. Hi was I was reading one of your post. I, too was banded on June 5 of this year. I also got a fill on Sept 9 and i think I'm a little too tight too. I just refuse to go back to get an unfill. This is some serious restriction. The type that I have to remember to eat. I'm just a little worried that I haven't gotten all of the calories that I need. But I have a question. You commented that you lost 51lbs, is that all together or is that since your surgery. When I started I was 299.6. Pre-op I was 279. I am now 252. So I'm at 47lb total.

  14. MsScorpio67

    Can applesauce get stuck?

    Also your band has periods when it's just tighter at that time. My band might be a tighter in the mornings. Sometimes it's even hard to drink my protein shake. A couple of times it's been tighter at night and sometimes I think it's because I've been eating light all day then I try to have a meal and it's like "Oh Hell no!"
  15. MsScorpio67

    Losing inches not lbs

    I know how you feel. I have been working out 5-6 days a week. I know I cut my eating in half and I jump on the scale and NOTHING. But I went from a size 24 to a size 20. So i know something is going on. People tell me it's the muscle that I'm gaining that is keeping my weight the same. I sure hope so...But I'm due for my fill tomorrow. I've been waiting on this day like Christmas. This will be my second fill.
  16. MsScorpio67


    DO NOT LET THIS SET BACK, MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU FAILED!!!!!!:thumbup: As I'm sure you have heard, you didn't gain this weight over night, yadda, yadda, yadda. This band is such a learning process. And it takes a while to get the hang of it. Don't beat yourself up. And plus you know where you went wrong. You made the best choices you could make given the circumstances. Give yourself a chance to enjoy life and then get back on track. You have proved to yourself that you could lose the weight and you hadn't even gotten your fill yet. Hang in there.:teeth_smile:
  17. MsScorpio67

    First fill a week ago, so much pain!

    Yea I agree with everyone else. You maybe too tight. I had my first fill on July 25th. He put in 2cc and then told me to drink some Water, or to better clarify, sip some water. First sip...cool, second sip, I took a larger gulp and it got stuck. He was just about to take off his gloves when he turned and saw me having problems swallowing. He asked was it going down and I said no and he said, well I guess I'm gonna have to take some of the Fluid out. I protested and he said, "Tonia, I can take some fluid out now or on Saturday. I gave him a puzzled look and he said cause it will take you that long to realize you can't eat or drink anything and running back to emergency to have me take some of the fluid out. So even though I protested I gave in and I feel so much better with good restriction. I don't know if all doctors does the little drinking the water test, but thats a sure sign if your too tight. But you also have to take small bites and chew slowly. :teeth_smile:
  18. Hi I ran across your post and am excited to read you lost 70lbs so far. That is great. what would you say has really helped in your weight loss.

  19. Hello, I just wanted to say hi and see where you were in the process. I was banded June 5th.

  20. Hello I was banded June 5th and looking for supportive people to stay in touch with. Everything is going fine except the gas which is soooo freakin awful. How is everything with you?

  21. Hey Ms. Ladiekappa, I saw your profile and wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. I was banded June 5th and I'm looking for friends to help me through the process. Like GAS for instance. It is kickin my but. I didn't even need for pain in the hospital or after I got home, but the gas has got me curled up in the fetal position. How is the process going for you?

  22. Hello Tanelle96, I was passing through on another profile and saw you and wanted to say Hi. I was banded June 5th and everything went great except for this gas. it's awful. So how has your progress been?

  23. Hi Ms Trina,

    I am totally encouraged by your drive and committment to your goal. I was banded June 5th and everything went fine. If I had to complain about anything it's the gas. It's soooo awful at times. I've read some of your blogs and I loved them. I would love to add you as a friend and be able to chew the fat...Hmmm I'm sure I could use a better saying then that...Let's see....compare notes and share secrets on what works and what doesn't. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  24. I know how you feel. My period started a couple days before surgery. So I know the emotional roller coaster your on. But it will pass. I didn't go through a deepression, but I felt bad cause I was begining to realize how much my life revolved around food. I'm 7 days post op and it seemed everything I did eventually ended up with me eating or snackin on something. I went to the movies and felt so left out that I didn't get to have popcorn or go out to dinner afterwards. And you might be sad at first. But I lost in 15lbs in 7 days and I love the way I fit in my clothes so I keep that in mind and I don't feel so bad. Remember you had major surgery. You gotta let your body heal and once it does you will feel sooo much better. It gets better everyday, believe me.:teeth_smile:
  25. OMG i forgot about the back tits!!!! I haven't wore a tank top out in public cause I can't control the back tits, hahahahahahahahahaha

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