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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MsScorpio67

  1. Hello Everyone...This is my sugery story. I decided to stay at my moms house because she lived closer to the hospital. So we get there around 7:45am for my 8:00am appt. We go to the admitting office, sign all the necessary paperwork and then she sends us to another waiting room. We were only there a couple of mins when this cute silver haired nurses assistant comes and gets me and leads me to a room where there are a bunch of beds and nurses. A nurse asks me my name and leads me to my bed. She tells me to change into ever stylish hospital gown and gave me my brown treaded socks. They directed my mom to where I was and she sat next to me with her coffee and some Cookies the nurse gave her. The nurse puts in my IV. He had a hard time finding a vein in my hand, but that's normal cause I have very fine veins in my hands. They ended up putting the IV on the underside of my wrisk. I was visited by the OR nurse and the OR anistisologist. My mom wasn't feeling too good so she ended up leaving earlier then I wanted. So here I was, all alone. But that's okay. I didn't tell a lot of people about the surgery so I was okay with the whole deal. They came and rolled me into OR and they moved me to another table. I heard them talking and that was it. I was out. Next thing I know I'm in my room and and my nurse Maureen is talking to me about the contraption they got me hooked up too. I was not to have any food or drink for the next 24hrs. My throat was sore and dry from the ventilation tubing down my throat. And I slept off an on all day. As far as the pain was, the gas was the worst. I felt it all in my shoulder and left side. I only felt soreness from the incisions, but nothing serious. So I hardly took any of the pain medication. Which is funny cause the contraption that dispensed it was not working anyway. I walked a couple of times that night and in the early morning. Anything to ease the gas pain. The next morning I was told that I would be gone by 11am. But that definately didn't happen. My doctor visited and told me I had to take x-rays to make sure everything was in it's proper place and working and then I would have something to eat. The stuff they give you to drink for the x-ray was soooo awful. It shouldn't be the first thing you drink when you have had nothing for 24hrs. But everything turned out fine. They gave me stage 1 foods which were chicken broth, Jello (Nasty) some suger free juice and tea. I liked the broth cause it was salty and I had some of the jello. When they saw I had no problem with that, they brought me some of the stage II foods to make sure I could handle it before I go home. That consisted of cottage cheese and a thicker Soup. No problem. So my bestfriend, christopher, arrived and the nurse sent him to get my medications. We sat there for a while to make sure stuff was gonna stay down and We packed up and was on our way home. It's been three days post op for me. Getting down all the liquids and Protein is so hard. What I recommend: Gas-X strips are essential :incazzato:. They definately help with the gas. WALK. All the freakin time. It also helps with the gas and it's good for the weight loss. Sip, Sip, Sip your Water. But always have water with you. Remember you will have an IV of fluids in you while your in the hospital. If they think you need all that liquid, your gonna need that when you get home. My Surgery was done at South San Francisco Kaiser Permanente. My Doctor was Doctor Li and the best nurses in the world were Maureen and Victoria. Actually everyone was so nice and friendly there. It was great. I hope this helps anyone about to have surgery.
  2. I won't miss: Not being able to ride roller coasters Waiting for someone big to come down on the Water slide so I can feel comfortable Being a house bum cause I don't have the energy to do anything Being a house bum cause I don't have anything to wear My hips being uncomfortable in movie seats Fat jokes Or making jokes about myself before someone has the chance too Hearing: Your pretty....FOR A BIG GIRL Passing by old friends but not saying anything cause they didn't recognize you. Hating when they do recognize you!!!!
  3. MsScorpio67

    Confused Newbie here

    And I heard Biotin vitamin to take for hair.
  4. MsScorpio67

    Newbie being banded in June!

    The little advice I can offer when it comes to doing the liquid diet is to find a good shake that is tasty. Low in carbs and sugar and is kinda thick to keep you feel. Follow with some water and you should be find. And always trust your feelings when you think your full.
  5. MsScorpio67

    Confused Newbie here

    I was riding the fence for a long time on which surgery to have done. What made me choose lap band was something my doctor said. She said with RNY surgery it doesn't take a lot of work to lose the weight. The work starts when your trying to keep it off. With Lap Band you have a little insurance. If you feel like your gaining a couple pounds or so you can always have a fill and it keeps you on track. That was the selling point for me. And Bandsters don't lose too much hair....
  6. Well the funny thing is, reality didn't really hit until like yesterday. I was on a mad dash to try to find some good books on lap band and the only one I could find was weight loss for dummies. I feel like I'm not prepared.
  7. MsScorpio67

    June 3rd is finally here!!!

    Good luck on your day. I share that day with you, wooo hooooo
  8. How was your surgery? I hope it went well

  9. Thank you. Are you nervous?
  10. Hello! I saw your post and could not believe you lost 100lbs in less then 10 months. That is wonderful. So tell me your secret. I have heard from other people that it's really difficult after surgery with bought of hunger. Did you go through that? Congradulations again and I'm so glad you posted that because I wondered if there was anyone out there that lost 100lbs.

  11. Hello Everyone!!!!! I'm Tonia and I'm from San Francisco. I am a Longshoreman. I come from a long line of Longshoreman but all of them were men. For those of you that don't know what a longshoreman is, we load and unload cargo ships that come to the port of Oakland. I mostly drive 14 wheeler tractors. I'm a single parent of a wonderful 14 about to turn 15 this month, baby boy. I have struggled with my weight for years. It has definately put a hamper on my outgoing and bubbly personality. And it really makes my son sad when i tell him I can't go on a ride at an amusement park cause they don't make rides for BIG GIRLS, cause if I say fat he is highly offended. I just want to enjoy my life like I used to before I used food as my national pass time. My surgery date is June 5 and I'm nervous, but happy. It hasn't really materialized as reality until this week. Congradulations to all of the Lap Banders with their new Birthdays this month.
  12. I am so nervous and excited at the same time. I'm afraid though, because I'm not down to the weight I'm suppose to be at. I gained about 4lbs so I am desperately trying to lose it. Where are you at in the process?
  13. MsScorpio67

    Who's getting banded in June

    I am so excited. My date is June 5th. I'm doing the booty dance......
  14. Hello, I'm looking for a buddy as well. I'm very new here, but I don't have MSN. I have yahoo. I will be banded on June 5. But that shouldn't stop us from being buddies.....
  15. MsScorpio67

    This is me driving

    From the album: Me

  16. MsScorpio67


    This is me, some family, some friends and what I do for a living. My life.
  17. MsScorpio67

    This is where I work

    From the album: Me

  18. MsScorpio67

    This is the equiptment I drive

    From the album: Me

  19. MsScorpio67

    This is me and my 15 yr old Michael

    From the album: Me

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
