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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bscott3

  1. I was banded in July, 2007. I had good restriction after my second fill at 6cc in a 10 cc band. Had a .5cc fill three days ago and lost restriction. Has anyone had an experience such as this?
  2. bscott3

    Does size matter?

    I have a 10cc band. What is the difference between the smaller and larger bands. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to either?
  3. My doctor refuses to do a first fill before 3 months post op. I have been doing well in using will power to lose weight. Am I at any disadvantage or will the fact that I have to wait 3 months affect my long term treatment?
  4. I am finishing my liquid stage, during which I lost 24 pounds, today. Is it inevitable to gain weight now that I am starting to eat food? I find it hard to believe that, even with careful monitoring, that I won't gain weight initially. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you, Bruce
  5. I was banded on 7/18/07 and I was informed by my doctor that no insurance company will pay for the first fill before 3 months from the operation. Is this true? Have most of you had to wait 3 months for your first fill? Thank you, I look forward to being a member of this community. Bruce

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