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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sweet_liberty

  1. I was just saying to my husband the other day, I am 7 weeks post-op and have dropped 40+ pounds. Even if I never lose another pound, I would do this again in a heartbeat. It has been SO worth it to feel better and conquer my co-morbidities (sleep apnea and joint pain). -Libby :peace:
  2. sweet_liberty

    need ideas!!!

    I went with mashed potatoes, egg salad, Hormel turkey chili and pre-made Manwich. In fact, 7 weeks out and those are still staples for me. But you know, after 6 weeks on liquids (2 weeks pre-op Optifast, 2 weeks post-op clears and 2 weeks fulls) ..ANYTHING would've tasted good. -Libby :peace:
  3. sweet_liberty

    Anyone else lost interest in food?

    I have not lost interest in food, but I do know my tastes have changed. I will cook a meal for the family that I would normally really like, but after sitting there for a half hour chewing and chewing and having the same flavour in my mouth ..I just get bored and don't want it. Its funny ..now that I can't wolf things down and I REALLY have to work at breaking the food up before swallowing, so I have to taste it more and for longer.. I just don't like many of the things that I used to. -Libby :peace:
  4. sweet_liberty

    What habits did you replace eating with?

    I taught myself to knit a couple of months before my surgery. I had always wanted to learn, but reading how to do it never helped me, I am a visual person. I am not affiliated with this site, but if you're wanting to learn and you're visual, like me, the videos on this site were a big help. KnittingHelp.com | Learn How to Knit and they're free. I thought it would be something good to take with me while sitting and waiting in the doctors office. The funny thing is, I almost never have to wait at my surgeons office, I'm taken in within 5 minutes of getting there ..but, it has proven to be an invaluable skill as I have excelled very quickly and have made a good deal of money with the colder seasons upon us and the holidays ..which is great because I NEED money to buy new clothes, I have nothing to wear. -Libby :peace:
  5. sweet_liberty

    Pre-op Optifast

    I was on Optifast for two weeks pre-op. I was not allowed anything else ..except loads of yummy Water. Nothing. I thought it was going to be really hard but it really wasn't. I only used the vanilla shakes as I knew I wouldn't like the chocolate or strawberry. They tasted just fine and I never altered them with other flavours or anything. One tip I was given is to drink it fast.. fill up faster, stay full longer. Don't sit around and sip it for a long time. I also lost 18 pounds in those two weeks. Good luck! -Libby :peace:
  6. I had my first fill today ..it ended up being 4.2 cc's in a 10 cc band. For those wondering, its an odd experience, a little uncomfortable from all the "kneading" the doc does to get the port where he wants it (which for me was a good 3 inches away from where my port naturally sits LOL ..wtf?). Anyway, it wasn't painful, just kinda weird. I have to be on Clear liquids for 2 days and fulls for two days and then can resume cautious eating. Right now I feel the same odd feeling in my throat that I felt after surgery, its like a lump in my throat sort of feeling, like its hard to swallow past it. It's not a bad feeling, sort of a slight reminder to behave, I guess. When I first had the surgery the feeling would start when I was eating and I would decide that that must be how I feel my restriction and as soon as I felt it, I stopped eating. The feeling went away as soon as the food passed thru the band. Right now the feeling is constant, but I imagine the tissue around the band may be responding to what happened today and is maybe a little swollen. With luck, it will release in the next couple of days, otherwise I may go in for an adjustment to see if less of a fill will make it go away. Anyone else have this experience? Doc was also very happy with my weight loss :-) -Libby :peace:
  7. No more weird cramping in my feet. My feet used to ache so bad just walking around the store and would cramp up when I laid in bed. They haven't hurt in weeks! Even after walking a couple miles ..still A-OK! -Libby :peace:
  8. sweet_liberty


    I've never tried the flavoured unjury ..but I think the unflavoured is yucky! I can't get past the smell of it and I have tried every trick about stiring it and leaving it to sit and coming back to it. Maybe I just have really picky taste buds ..or sense of smell.. or something ..because I just can't handle the stuff. Thankfully I'm just on the edge of being able to eat "normal" food and I can get my Protein elsewhere. -Libby
  9. sweet_liberty

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Banded 10/12 ..so far I've lost 36.5 pounds. I am looking forward to my first fill on 11/27 as I feel constantly hungry. I'm trying to stick to a 1000 calorie a day diet til then (which is hard when you have no restriction). In one more pound, I will have lost 1/4 of the weight I need to make my final goal! woohooo hoooo! -Libby
  10. sweet_liberty

    Do you eat popcorn?

    I'm so glad someone asked about popcorn. I have been wanting some but was not sure if it would be a good idea or not. I am not on "real" food yet so I won't be trying it for a few weeks, but I sure would love some every now and again.
  11. sweet_liberty

    Pasta Replacement!

    I've had these before, not since surgery tho, and I was surprised that they didn't have any sort of weird flavor or texture. They are quite good.
  12. sweet_liberty

    How do you "doctor" your cottage cheese?

    OK ..I know this is going to sound bizarre ..but I like lite french dressing on mine. We used to eat at a lot of salad bars when I was a kid and I always put cottage cheese on my salad and that orange french dressing was my fav. So now, as an adult, thats how I like my cottage cheese. It's like having my salad ..without the salad LOL. -Libby :peace:
  13. sweet_liberty

    most ignorant reply

    I've gotten the "you're taking the easy way out" a couple of times. That drives me insane. Don't they understand that I still have to work hard to lose the weight? It doesn't just come off by itself. This week was my birthday and Halloween. I ate zero candy, had no birthday cake or special meal. I am still on full liquids, so my birthday dinner was Soup. Do NOT tell me that I am taking the easy way out when I am altering my lifestyle and sacrificing things I would LOVE to have but cannot. -Libby :peace:
  14. Oh StephM ..I am all excited to see someone else on here who also sees Dr. Krish! I love love love all the ladies in their office, since they're also patients, they can relate. It's awesome! -Libby :peace:
  15. I use a baby spoon too ..its actually kinda fun. Even my kids do it now, its sort of like a novelty thing, I guess. I am still on liquids ..I get to start mushies next Monday which is sooner than my original paperwork said, but my nutritionist corrected me last week when I went for a check up. I am happy to be able to add some different foods to my menu, however I wasn't terribly unhappy on full liquids because I love tomato Soup and split pea soup (blended and strained) and could eat them every day (and did). Anyway ..I find that I enjoy cooking just as much, even if I cannot eat it. I thought that was going to be a problem but it hasn't been, in fact I enlist the kids to help me and taste things for seasoning, since I can't. I find that I am cooking smaller portions and better food ..I guess subconsciously I want to be sure my family members NEVER have to make the decision to need weight loss surgery. -Libby :peace:
  16. I wish all doctors requires a 2 week pre-op optifast liquid diet. It sounds harsh ..and it was ..but it was SO worth it in the end. I did not have to think about what I was going to eat ..because I knew I COULDN'T eat. And it was easier to head into the weeks following surgery where all you can have is liquids anyway. Don't feel badly ..instead TAKE ACTION ..contact your doctors office and nutritionist and ask for diet guidelines. I really recommend a liquid diet. I lost 18 pounds in 2 weeks. You can do this! It is so very important for your health. -Libby :peace:
  17. sweet_liberty

    sense of smell off

    OMGosh ..in the last week, I have become a super-smeller! It's amazing. I seem to appreciate scents so much more. I still have to cook dinner for my family and altho I cannot eat any of it yet, I savour the smells ..it is wonderful. The only time I am not appreciating the smells is when I smell something yucky. I have noticed my hubby has had icky breath a couple of times, but have never known him to have bad breath in 15 years. Weird. Maybe I can finally smell his because my own breath isn't battling against it? -Libby :peace:
  18. sweet_liberty

    no pre op diet?

    I had a two week liquid diet before surgery and let me tell you, I am thankful that I did. If I had gone from eating whatever I want one day, then only having Water and broth the next day, I think I may have freaked out a little. At 9 days post-op I cannot believe how little I can survive on. I am on two weeks of Clear liquids and after a couple of sips of broth or baby spoonfuls of Jello, I am stuffed. I think it would've been a harder transition if I hadn't had the pre-op diet. Seriously ..find out for sure what you need to be doing and stick to it. Even if they don't put you on a diet, it may be a good idea to put yourself on one. -Libby :peace:
  19. sweet_liberty


    kacee ..I have read that a suppliment called Biotin can help you with your hairloss. I don't know much about it, but its something you may want to look into. -Libby :peace:
  20. sweet_liberty

    Hello, Just 2 weeks post op!

    What really helps me is to place a wadded up blanket or pillow under my stomach to support it, while I'm on my side. Otherwise its like the weight of my stomach itself shifts and it feels as if my incisions are tearing. -Libby :peace:
  21. sweet_liberty

    What kind of OTC liquid pain meds

    I take Caltrate 600+D for my calcium ..theyre chewable ..taste like tums as well. I am going to look into the Viactiv ..thanks lessnless! I saw them at Wal-Mart in the Vitamin and suppliment aisle ..toward the bottom shelf. -Libby :peace:
  22. sweet_liberty

    weight gain while in the hospital?

    They gave me full strength juice too ..and no Water to mix it with, plus some sort of broth that smelled gross and hot tea ..with two packets of real sugar with it. I was kinda surprised and had hubby get rid of all but the juice, which I mixed with water that he went and got for me. I am super surprised you were given ginger ale ..I understand ginger soothes nausea, but I was told even flat soda is a no-no and straws are a no-no too ..so yes, you're right ..watch out for yourself. -Libby :peace:
  23. Jim ..thanks for the heads-up on the meeting date and time, I was going to call the office today to find out when the next one is. I will do my best to be there, as I only live 5 minutes away, however since I am still on Clear liquids I lack any sort of ability to move my butt in the morning LOL. I am lethargic ..but excited! -Libby :peace:
  24. I've only lost 20 so far, but I can feel it in my double chin area. When I look down to do something, I don't feel this big mound of flesh trying to find someplace to spread. -Libby :peace:
  25. Something similar happened to me when I had my gallbladder removed. The scar healed that way, with a pretty big chunk of raw-looking flesh turned outward. It took forever to heal and for quite some time it stuck out above my natural skin line ..but now (6 years later) it looks fine, can hardly tell theres a scar there at all. -Libby :peace:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
