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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Lossingitxo

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  1. Stressing out Im not finding good drinks. Tried Whye and Muscle Milk. ..no good! Help!!!
  2. My surgery is Tomorrow! 10/16/2013! Im soooo nervous yet sooo happy! Hows all my October surgerys out there?!
  3. Lossingitxo

    Any October surgeries out there...

    It has been soooo stressful with this diet I won't lie I have been bad it's just so hard! But I have four days left and Im gonna kick butt! 10/16/2013
  4. Lossingitxo


    I keep thinking this is all a dream that I'm gonna wake up and be told I was never gonna get Gastric. 22 years of being overweight takes a toll on you. I worked so hard to get where I'm at in life and now It feels like a dream. I'm scared for the journey ahead but, it's going to be an amazing exprianc. I can finally be myself. Where ever this journey takes you all I hope it's nothing but good <3 17 daya to go!
  5. Lossingitxo

    Any October surgeries out there...

    My surgery is Oct 16 I'm so happy! 20 more days!
  6. Lossingitxo

    Pre Op HELP!

    Can I get it at any local supermarket?
  7. Lossingitxo

    Pre Op HELP!

    I was thinking that. You see I'm 450 pounds and only 22 Im just so used to this life style it becomes very hard. I think I might try that. Thank you!
  8. So my surgery is October 16 2013! I'm so happy! But, this diet thing isn't going well. I honestly am trying to drink 5 protein shakes a day and only one meat and green mean but it's so hard! I get cranky and drained by 3 pm :/ Any advise???

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