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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Chelly

  1. Chelly

    blood sugar

    I took didn't watch my self and was on Victoza and metaformin at the same time. I went from an A1C of 8+ to under 7 before surgery. I haven't taken any diabetes meds since surgery and when my A1C was checked in March it was 4.7. So keep up the good work you are doing and you'll be amazed when your numbers come way down more. Good luck with your surgery.
  2. I suggest that you contact your doctor and tell them about it. The doctor is there for you when you are having problems or just questions. Drink as much as you can of Water so you don't have any problems with dehydration. It's possible that you could be reacting to dairy in your shakes. People have been known to have that problem after surgery. Again check in with your doctor so they can tell you what to do to combat the diarrhea.
  3. Chelly


    I'm sorry your having such a problem. I use Gas X strips that work faster then Gas X pills. They help me much faster with gas pains. If that doesn't work contact your surgeon and ask what they can do to help you. Feel better soon.
  4. Chelly

    Protein drink

    If you can't have milk based Protein drinks or powders you could try soy protein powders or Jay Robb makes an egg powder protein. I have not tried the Jay Robb egg Protein Powder but I have used other products from them and they are very good. You can get the Jay Robb at Whole foods, Amazon, directly from the company, or eBay. Good luck in finding something that works for you. Oh and you can mix your drinks with soy milk or almond sugar free milk.
  5. Chelly

    Dumping syndrome after cherry yogurt?

    Sugar will do it to you. You should stay from things that have more then 12g of sugar per serving according to my nutritionist. Feel better.
  6. Chelly


    I take mine without fail.
  7. Chelly

    Starting puree today.

    Hi Scylla, Dr, Denham was my surgeon too. Who is your nutritionist? I had gastric bypass 7 months ago and am very pleased with it. I followed everything to a tee and still do. I wouldn't mess in eating something you shouldn't at this point because your stomach is very delicate and even if you think it's okay to try something you will do damage. If you have any questions at all or problems call Dr. Denham's office and talk to Liz and she will be a great help or call your nutritionist. If you belong to North Shore Connect even better to Contact him, Liz, or your nutritionist. Continued success to you.
  8. Chelly

    Protein powders

    You could try Torani sugar free syrups made with Splenda. They come in many, many flavors. You purchase them from World Market, directly from the company, Amazon, or eBay. They are really good.
  9. Chelly

    Too soon

    I would insist that he check you out or go to see your primary doctor and have them run tests to see if you did any damage. I really think your surgeon is not on the ball about this. If you can't get any relief from the pain meds then take a trip to the emergency room where they can start the process of finding out if everything is okay. Good luck.
  10. I had chronic diarrhea after surgery but I had that problem before surgery too. I had accidents a couple of times but I guess that I knew what was happening and got to the bathroom in time to go. I now only have it sometimes now but basically I'm fine. I do keep Imodium with me just in case while out. I also memorize where bathrooms are when out and about so if I need to go suddenly I can. The thing with your friend is rare and I think she should see her doctor about it right away. Take care and good luck with your surgery.
  11. Chelly

    Post op success

    I had surgery September 25, 2013 and I'm doing well. I've had no major issues except the dreaded problem with gas which comes with gastric bypass surgery. I have lost at least 97 lbs and counting. I don't weigh myself and my last weigh in was at the end of March so I might have lost more. I will get weighed again maybe in May but more likely not till the end of June when,I have my next doctors appointment. My eating is good for the most,part. I still can only eat small amounts of Protein so I have a Quest bar and a Protein shake everyday to supplement. That's all I can think of to say.
  12. Chelly

    Surgery went well!

    Congratulations on your journey to better health. To help get your Protein in may I suggest using unflavored protein in crystal light. I also used unjury chicken broth to help get my protein in because it has 20g of protein in each serving. Good luck in what you are doing for yourself.
  13. Hi, I use Jay Robb whey Protein powder that comes in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and tropical. It has 25g of protein in it. You can purchase at Whole Foods, Amazon or eBay. It's not gritty and it's made with Stevia. I also add Torani sugar free syrup which is made with Splenda to it for added flavor. Torani sugar free syrups come in many flavors and you can purchase from the company, on Amazon or eBay. Premier shakes come in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry at costco. I use Fage 0% plain Greek yogurt and Costco has it in 3 lb containers since you use it in cooking too for your family. The fruit flavors have to much sugar. I forgot that if you want to try Jay Robb whey Protein Powder Whole Foods carry the individual packets to sample it. I also used unjury chicken broth to help get in my protein because it has 20g of protein in each serving I hope that you feel better and it will all improve.
  14. Chelly


    It bothers me also. I don't think that these people should be broadcasting what they are doing and making light of it. Especially the ones that say they are still losing weight. I think they have a lot of nerve doing this on this board. They are not setting a good example for the rest of us that try really hard to stick with our proper eating. Shame on them.
  15. Congratulations,on making a very brave choice to get yourself healthy. Having this surgery was brave because it took a lot of guts to do it. To heck with your MIL and her way of thinking. She should be proud of you for taking matters into your hands and making this new life choice to be healthy. You are doing great.
  16. You'll be fine and try to relax by maybe watching a movie or two. Something light and funny to try to calm your nerves. My surgery went just like I was told it would. The only thing I wish is that I consumed more fluids then I did while in the hospital because I had to stay for four days for IV fluids. That was the only problem I had and it was me not the surgery that caused it. I wish you the best of luck in this new chapter in your life.
  17. Chelly

    Lack of protein

    May suggest a Protein powder that I like it's Jay Robb whey Protein which comes in four flavors of chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and I believe it's called tropical. It's full of Vitamins and it's made with Stevia. I also recommend Torani sugar free syrups to add to the shake. They are made with Splenda and come in about 20 or so flavors. Jay Robb is sold at Whole Foods, also, Amazon and eBay. Torani sugar free syrups are sold directly from the company, Amazon, eBay or World Market stores. I also suggest unjury chicken broth because it has 20g of protein per serving. You get that directly from the company. You can also add unflavored Protein Powder to sugar free Jello, sugar free pudding, or even in Crystal Light drink mixes. One other suggestion for Protein drinks is Premier Protein drinks from costco. They come in chocolate, vanilla or strawberry. I also suggest you check with your nutritionist about these suggestions and see what they say. Good luck to you on your journey of weight loss.
  18. Chelly


    I'm seventh months out and my hair is highlighted and had no problem. I must say this that Protein is very important and you must eat all that is required to do or when your hair starts to thin out in month four, five and six you will loose more from the lack of protein in your diet. Also your body will not heal as well from surgery from the lack of protein. I suggest Protein shakes, unflavored Protein powder in sugar free Jello, in sugar free pudding or even in crystal light. That will help get protein in your body. You could also use unjury chicken Soup that has 20g of protein in each serving. These are just suggestions for you. Good luck and have fun with your hair.
  19. Chelly

    Any WLS grill ideas?

    One of the fishes that we use is Sole and it cooks very quickly wrapped in foil. Spray the foil always with cooking spray so it won't stick to the foil. Any kind of fillet would work cooking in foil. I can't remember if shrimp is on the list for soft foods but if it is you can grill them too.
  20. Chelly

    2 mos today

    That's wonderful and congratulations.
  21. Chelly

    Woohoo greek yogurt!

    I use Fage 0% fat Greek yogurt myself and put Splenda and fruit sometimes.
  22. Chelly

    Chewing gum

    If you've have had gastric bypass the answer is no you can't have gum. The reason for this is it puts air in your pouch and can cause pain and cause gas. This is what I have been told by my surgeon and nutritionist.
  23. I still take meds for my Gerds but it's not as bad as it once was. I believe I'm a rarity because most people get rid of their Gerds and reflux from bypass surgery. Good luck with your revision surgery.
  24. Hi I was on metformin and Victoza and I got my A1C down under 7 for surgery which was required. I would ask your surgeon what they require your A1C be to have the surgery. I wanted say that I stopped all diabetes meds the day of surgery and I now have an A1C of 4.7 last time checked. Good luck with your surgery and getting your A1C down.
  25. Chelly

    Hello everyone. First post

    Welcome Michelle, This is a great place to come to talk and ask questions. Let me tell you a little about me. I am seven months out and I feel great. I had no major complications from the surgery. I eat at restaurants when I go out socially. I eat a variety of foods. I find by trail and error that I can eat certain fishes over others. I can eat turkey and chicken only in certain forms. I can eat beef if it's slow cooked and soft. I prefer Egg Beaters over eggs but can eat regular eggs too. I eat reduced fat cheese and some times with crackers. I eat greek yogurt with Splenda and sometimes fruit because regular yogurts have to much sugar. I eat a Quest Protein Bar every day and a Protein shake every day to make sure I get in enough protein in. I drink plenty of Water. Probably enough to fill an ocean. LOL. I eat fruit and vegetables. The most important thing you can do is listen to your surgeon and nutritionist and follow the guidelines they give you. Always eat first of all your protein and drink all your water every day. Your feelings are normal about this surgery and you will be glad you did it. I wish you success on your journey into this new chapter of your life.

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