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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. 6 months after my RNY I had a serious complication of a huge hernia and my intestines twisted up and choking off my lil pouch. I had it repaired. However, from that point on I still have trouble reaching the calories I need. So this past mid December I was checked internally. Nothing found, but my surgeon put a gastric feeding tube in me to help me reach my daily calorie an Protein goals. Here I am in February and now 18 months out and it is slowly getting better but I still need this support until I can consistently eat on my own without trouble. By the way I have a lot of food sensitivities and I have fibromyalgia, which make it really challenging at times.
  2. Emeree

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Oh and I forgot to mention....It makes it harder to have a consistent appetite and increased stomach pain during flare ups. How about you?
  3. Emeree

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    I have FMS also and I have a cane. I don't need it all the time, but when I do, it is very helpful. I find that if I don't get enough calories and nutrition on good days, it will send me into flare up. Or if I am in flare up and I don't get enough super nutrient packed foods, then my flare up gets worse or lasts much longer. Although the RNY surgery has been a blessing for me, it adds another dimension to the challenge of maintaining balance for the condition.
  4. Emeree

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    I too have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other issues. I agree with what you said. It's definitely harder. I have to pace myself. For example: I do a task then I take a break (15 minutes to several hours depending on the task that I am completing). Then I start the process all over again. Sometimes I have to lay down for an hour or so.
  5. Emeree

    African American RNY Sisters

    Hi Flygirl, I am a revision from band to RNY and although it has been a huge learning curve with regards to what foods I can/can't tolerate and a few starts and stops, I REALLY LOVE my new tool. I think you will love it too! I should have done the RNY to begin with. Good luck and feel free to ask me anything!
  6. Emeree

    African American RNY Sisters

    Relentless302, I get it! My mom and sister still don't know, because I can't take the chance of any negative or teasing comments. Only my husband knows. This journey is for you, and only you know what is best for you. Like everyone says, we are here anytime you need us. Try and surround yourself with positivity because some days it is the positivity that will get you through the day. Try not to worry about it, okay. DO YOU GIRL!
  7. I hope this post goes through. Yesterday I tried twice, but my computer was not acting right. Anyway, I called my NUT who told me to start incorporating coconut oil, olive oil, or avocado, because they are all high in calories for a little amount and are healthy fats. I wanted to let you know this info. My goal weight was 150 because I figured it was a realistic amount. But when I reached it, I changed it to 130. I secretly want to get to 120. So although you seem to lose quickly, aren't you happy that you are getting closer to your goal weight? I ask because I am so happy to still lose. What worries me is: what if I do make to 120 but still keep losing. I guess eating those things my NUT suggested will really come in handy. Do you get stomach pain. My stomach is so sensitive that seems like every other day is why I can't get enough calories.
  8. Thanks for replying and sharing your struggle. It helps me to not feel so alone. I never thought I would have trouble trying not to starve to death. I get Migraines too, but I take Imitrex, which sucks! Like you, I too find myself late at night forcing food down to try and reach goals! I also track my food daily too, so I know where I am at and what I have to do to make it. If you find something that works well, please let me know and I will do the same for you. I am going to add you as a friend so that we can exchange successful info, but feel free to vent or discuss anything. Thanks again!
  9. Hi, I had revision from band to gastric bypass on 8/1/13 and I am still struggling getting my Protein, liquids and calories. On a good day, I get the minimum (48 oz liquid 45-60 protein but approx. 500-600 cal). I just feel too full and can't fit anything else in. Getting these amount is a real painful struggle. I did have a recent complication of a hernia with my intestines twisted up and around the pouch. During that whole month of dire pain I was only getting 300-400 calories. I am healed up now, but I still struggle like I did before the complication getting 500-600 calories. Is there anyone else that struggles because they are just too darn full all the time? Oh I also have more pronounced food sensitivities. Most of the time I am in pain from trapped gas and I think about how I can't continue living like this. It's really depressing. I am happy that I am losing weight, but I don't feel successful, because I feel like crap everyday (lack of energy, dizzy, very depressed from lack of calories, and borderline wanting to end it all). Hubby says take it one day at a time, but I don't know if I can anymore. Doc told me to take beano, digestive enzymes and gave me prescription strength antacid. These things don't seen to work well. Please, is there anyone else going through this?
  10. Emeree

    African American RNY Sisters

    Love your pics! You look Awesome! Go You!
  11. You are not alone. I am on anxiety meds. I am supposed to be on an antidepressant, but I keep getting other health issues popping up that they think may be causing the depression. BUT I wish they would understand that my health issues plus, life trauma, and now complete loss of food as my comfort makes it difficult from day to day. Yes, it feels like I am going crazy some days or just want to crawl in a hole in the ground. Some days I feel so empty with no way to comfort myself. You know that feeling of being totally lost and like something is missing. Hang in there and cherish the days you feel good and think about how proud you feel making good food choices. This what I try to do to stay sane.
  12. Emeree

    African American RNY Sisters

    ShaKazi, I don't know what it means or exactly why, but I think our bodies sometimes need to adjust and make sure that we are not harming ourselves with the reduced amount of calories so it conserves from time to time. Check to make sure you are getting enough protein. Try increasing the water, reduce the coffee, increase exercise and see if that helps. Sleep and stress can play a role in making weight loss more challenging. I don't think you should worry since you are still losing inches and weight (even though it isn't as much as you would like). After tweaking a few things and it is still slow in the next month, perhaps speaking with your NUT may help. I don't know anything else to share. I think you are doing great so don't give up and take it one day at a time. Hope this helps.
  13. Emeree

    African American RNY Sisters

    Welcome aboard newbies. You will do great and I am so happy to be able to share and read everyone's experiences!
  14. Emeree

    African American RNY Sisters

    Shakazi, thanks for the tip! I have never thought about doing that. I will have to look at the budget and see when I can do this sooner! What brand did you get? And what is your favorite juice concoctions?
  15. Emeree

    Anyone else experience this?

    Hi Pookybear. No you are definitely not alone. I had the problem just a lil bit before surgery due to a hysterectomy (ovaries remain though for right now). BUT now it is a big problem. It hurts just to walk around and I also have extremely hard Water at home. I haven't really looked into something for it, but I may need to. I have been using Vagisil, but it is such a pain to have to keep applying though the day. I see a gynecologist in a few weeks for ovary problems and I am going to ask her what can be done about the severe dryness. I will let you know. I have other health issues and sometimes don't remember to follow up, so shoot me a message or something if I forget to let you know. Tell your man it's not him. My husband thought this at first, when I initially started changing after the hysterectomy, but now we just keep our room fully stocked up on lube (lol). And, please know that it is NOT your fault and don't let this stop you from reaching your goal. You are doing great!

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