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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    neecy78 got a reaction from xiomara8868 in Hi ppl (Worries)   
    Don't you worry you hit a stall. It's normal!! Scary but completely normal. It will pass and you will begin to lose again.
  2. Like
    neecy78 reacted to mzshay35 in Losing SO slow   
    I guess my 2week stall is over lost 10lbs in 3days so that's 40 surgery 8/28 dint know how still not eating good
    Mz Shay
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    neecy78 got a reaction from cherieblake in Its been five weeks post and two weeks since I have lost any weight whats up?   
    I'm right there with you!!! I'm 5 weeks out Aug 26 surgery date. I've lost 26lbs and scale is STUCK!! It's common to hit a "stall" that's what I have read on here anyways. We will start losing again I'm sure
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    neecy78 got a reaction from vicki s in unflavored protein?   
    I couldn't agree more!!!! It's GROSS!!! Nothing unflavored about it!! Luckily my Aunt gave me a sample of it so glad I didn't purchase.
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    neecy78 reacted to Tina727 in hello everyone   
    Well I had my surgery on August 19th! So just under 6 weeks I have lost 48 pounds! I'm pretty excited about this! I had my post op appointment and I was cleared to finally head back to the gym! My blood work came back and said I need a little Iron and Vitamin D, so will be starting that soon! I have only had 1 dumping phase since surgery! I never felt pain or have had to take any pain reliever since surgery! My incisions are gone! I had a reality check on how important it is to keep your fluids up, I went swimming at the gym one day and didn't realize I was dehydrated and ended up passing out in the locker room and riding in an ambulance to the emergency room because I didn't keep my fluids up! I'm now getting about 80 oz average in fluids a day, some days are tough and I'm only able to get 42 oz in! I never struggled with gas issues or getting it stuck anywhere. Everything taste super sweet to me so I've only been drinking Water since my surgery! I haven't noticed any taste change but I have craved odd combinations I usually wouldn't ever consider. I have experienced my skin is a lot softer now, and sometimes my legs feel restless. I haven't had increased energy yet like everyone talks about, or an increased sex drive lol.. My safe, go to food is bananas! If I'm having an off day, or not really hungry but need to eat then I will have a banana. So that's an update on my first 5 1/2 weeks!
    Good luck to everyone
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    neecy78 reacted to kpayton81 in August Post Ops   
    Welcome Kelly and Kim. This is a great group for support and information.

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