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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About stnichols

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/06/1963

About Me

  • Biography
    married with four kids. Two in college and two in elementary school!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    my kids, reading, sports, woodworking
  • Occupation
    Tax Attorney (mergers and acquisitions)
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  1. My current go-to, is a bowl of Special K: Protein cereal. It has a great taste. Skim milk and then I sprinkle som powdered milk on top to add a little more protein. Carbs are reasonable and it ends up being about 15g of protein.
  2. stnichols


    Thanks for that information. I had to get the IV this week. Man are you ever right. That burned big time. They didn't tell me that in advance! Congratulations. According to your ticker, you are doing phenominal!
  3. stnichols


    Sorry to hear about your knee. How long ago did this happen? I have had a couple of knee surgeries, which also creates some limitations. I have found when I do exercise, just walking on the treadmill and using the eliptical machine have been the best on my knee.
  4. stnichols


    Anyone had issues with really low potassium? It makes sense as most of the high potassium foods are way down on my list of acceptable foods to eat. I was feeling lathargic and had no energy. Was attributing it all to surgery and a slow recovery. I am thrilled with weight loss progress, but haven't been able to sustain any consistent exercise program. When I went to Dr. for blood test to see where the numbers were, my potassium was on the floor. Dr. has added potassium supplements and two glasses of V8 daily, so hope it gets stabilized. Been a real issue for the past couple of weeks. The real bummer is I stopped losing weight as well. Hoping getting things leveled out will help on all fronts.
  5. I didn't tell hardly anyone prior to my surgery. As the days got closer, I found the whole process to make me want to keep things incredibly private. Post surgery, different story! I will tell anyone who asks what the heck I have done. It was the best decision I ever made for my health. Diabetes - Gone. Severe knee pain - greatly reduced; sleep apnea and a CPAP Machine - don't need it!
  6. stnichols

    What does pre-op consist of?

    My pre-op was very uneventful. I went through a bunch of paperwork and had two blood draws. I did not meet with any Doctors. That was it. The largest part of the appointment was the wait to get called back! Good luck with everything.
  7. stnichols


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
