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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About scoresmore

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  1. Centrum for kids here... They aren't bad, though it took a little time to get use to them.
  2. scoresmore


    I was told specifically NOT to crush them by my surgeon. In fact, the first 48 hours I was in the hospital, the nurses were crushing my meds and he gave them a talking to... < Even though all of the other surgeons the nurses work with insist that they crush pills for their patients... What's a poor nurse to do?... Darned if you do, darned if you don't B-)> At any rate, his instruction to me was all pills must be cut smaller than Lincoln's head on a penny... And I have not had any problems at all... it actually made taking them a lot easier than trying to push down crushed pills in liquid....yuck... And no matter how much I tried, I never really got all of the med in... Good luck to you!
  3. Went from having a good amount of energy to none over the last few days... Ugh. Just dragging... Perhaps it has all caught up with me! And I gained a few pounds... I am taking that as just part of the cycle... Tomorrow will be a better day. I will stop complaining now... Just because I am too tired B-)
  4. scoresmore

    Wardrobe Issues!

    I have suits in every size on my way up! Looking forward to getting into some old favorites very soon!
  5. Amanda... Hope you are doing better and better... And I hope you are all on the upswing... I was so nervous about recovery time, but I am shocked that I haven't felt this great in years aside from some aches here and there. I have so much more energy, and I am not in pain just sitting in bed. I have been getting most of my Protein in with the shakes. I have been adding milk, ice and blend them for a pretty delicious milk shake... Though there is something in the shake mix that irritates the inside of my mouth.... Gargling salt Water helps. Still on a full liquid diet and not sick of it yet... Sf pudding every morning for Breakfast, and then a pureed Soup for lunch and dinner. ( I am loving low fat cream of mushroom soup right now.... Which is a good thing as I have another 9 days on the liquid! It has been amazing weather here, and I've been out with my partner and our dogs walking a couple miles each day... It is so nice not feeling like I am about ready to die of exhaustion... Anyway, thinking of you all and wishing you a good night's rest...
  6. I am a week out, and I am still in some moderate pain. Nothing feels wrong... no stabbing pain anything... but just an ongoing ache and discomfort. My pain medication runs out on Saturday, but I am wondering if I should try to get it renewed tomorrow... So.may.i ask... how long were you on pain medication?
  7. Stitcher: does the temp change ever seem to coincide with eating?
  8. Amanda - so sorry to hear you are not feeling well... I hope that changes soon... but as for your bf, he needs to get his crap together. If he can't be supportive for a couple of weeks... well, he's a real piece of work. Tell him to put down the pizza and the video games, and help you the f out... and if he starts to complain, remind him that karma can be a real b... and that it is going to go both ways when he needs a little bit of help. And if he is still a jerk, sign him up for an account here, and we can give him a little guidance on how to behave as a human being with a soul and a conscience
  9. scoresmore

    Tried on my first wedding dress!

    Huge congratulations.... how exciting
  10. Overall I had terrific nurses, but I had one that was so bad that I am considering filing a complaint. This woman should never work with a bariatric patient again.... her care in its best moment was neglectful, and in her usual moments was combative, lazy and inept.... I mentioned to another nurse I had a terrible nurse, and that nurse knew exactly who it was... If I were the hospital, I would be mortified
  11. I had my surgery on the 19th, and two days after I feel so, so much better.... I can't wait until I get one week out. I went for a walk today around the block. I got a terrific night's sleep (I slept HORRIBLY in the hospital... I thought the insomnia/pain would literally drive me crazy...) I couldn't have imagined the improvement in just a couple days....
  12. The one thing I wish someone had told me.... just get through the first 24 hours... it's going to get a thousand times better after the first 24 hours... Also I wish I would have drank my protein with a spoon... I got so much air in there taking the shots of protein...
  13. Out of surgery... all went well. But it feels like I was punched in the stomach about a 1,000 times. Ow ow ow

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