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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by txntiger

  1. well thank yall for the comment i was just kinda worried because i kept doing research on it to see if it was normal and one of my incisions is down in my belly button and i never read anything at all about them going thru or around the belly button for the band... someone had mentioned maybe he took my gall bladder out too but i kinda would hope he would tell me before he did that= / i dunno i guess we'll see but ty all for the help.

  2. hi all ... i just got banded july 18th and i had assumed i was only going to have about 4 or 5 incisions and i woke up with 7. i havent gotten a hold of my doctor yet because my throat is real torn up from the air tube but if any of you could help explain this to me id reallyyyyyyy appreciate it!

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