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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by panda

  1. Hello fellow bandsters :o

    I first joined this site a LONG time ago, but am just now posting because originally the insurance I had would not cover the band (or ANY bariatric surgery for that matter) and I got discouraged. Well, fast forward, new job, new insurance. I just found out yesterday from them that as long as it's deemed medically necessary (which it obviously is already - my primary doc brought this up with me, not the other way around), that it'll be covered!!! Obviously there are some hoops i have to jump through, but nothing major.

    I just wanted to finally introduce myself :D

    I'm Amanda (or Panda - whichever you'd prefer), I'm 24, will be 25 next month. I live in NE Florida and I've been married to a wonderful man for 3.5 years now (and he is 1000000% behind me in my decision to get banded---he wants me to be around for many years to come!). We have 5 'furbabies' (1 dog, 4 cats), but we are definitely ready to have babies of our own.

    My mom and dad are going to see about being banded in the new year as well as my sister (her hubby doesn't want her to have it though). It seems all our prayers are being answered because their insurances are going to start covering the surgery in the new year as well.

    I just called Dr. Cywes's office in Jacksonville today (the doc I'm looking at for my banding) and I got a consultation appointment for MONDAY! I couldn't believe it! I'm so excited! Granted, with my insurance, I still have to pay 20% of everything, but I'm hoping maybe they will arrange a payment plan with me so I don't have to pay everything up front -- that would severely delay me getting banded.

    Anyway, if anyone else is in the NE FL area and would like to talk, please feel free to email me :-D

    Take care everyone!!


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