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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by panda

  1. I'll give you the diet up until the 2nd night before surgery (surgery is monday, so up until Saturday night for me - that's when I start clear liquids) This is also the last 2 steps of my post op diet, so I'm going to type it EXACTLY like it is on my sheet:: PHASE 3: (Day 9-Day 15) After Surgery (SOFT FOODS): 1. Avoid full fluids except MEAL REPLACEMENTS (Unjury, diet low carb slim fast, etc). 2. Baked NOT fried fish, pork, chicken, or turkey (no skin) and in small pieces 3. Lean ground beef finely crushed 4. Dried beans, peas, and lentils -- well cooked. 5. Canned or well-cooked vegetables. 6. Low carb (30 grams per day is the maximum allowable carbs). NO bread, pastas, potatoes or rice. 7. Cottage cheese and non-processed cheese. 8. Scrambled/boiled eggs NOT fried 9. Salad, Egg salad, chicken salad, tuna salad or turkey salad (mixed well). Low calorie mixes. 10. Separate solids from liquids 10 minutes prior to and 30 minutes after mealtime PHASE 4: (Day 16 onward) After Surgery Lets Try Some Real Food: 1. You may try an solid foods -- protein (fish, meat, poultry), vegetables/salads. 2. Eat your protein first, then vegetables/salads, then other (e.g. fruit). 3. Stay low carb (sugars and starches). 30 grams per day is the maximum allowable carbs. 4. Avoid full fluids except MEAL REPLACEMENTS (Unjury, diet low carb slim fast, ect). 5. Plan 3 meals a day. Remember it's ok to skip a meal, but NO snacking. 6. Cut your food up fine and chew well. Eat slowly. Avoid what doesn't agree with you. 7. No liquids 10 minutes prior to and 30 minutes after mealtime. May have diet carbonated drinks. 8. Continue to drink 3/4 to 1 gallon of sugar free clear fluids each day. 9. AVOID potatoes, rice, pasta, bread products, popcorn, fried foods, processed meats, sweets, chips. When in doubt leave it out. 10. Don't forget to exercise at least 10-15+ minutes EVERY DAY. I know a lot of that overlaps, but, that's exactly how the last 2 phases of our diet (which is our pre-op diet) is specified to us. It worked for me. but it was H-A-R-D for the first week and a half to 2 weeks. But after that, it's been pretty easy to adjust to. I've been drinking low carb/high protein shakes for breakfast EVERY DAY..and i think that's helped a lot. I hope this helps you guys!! I can't believe i'm down to 6 days!!!:clap2:
  2. Guys, I just had to share this with you all. Since January when I had my first visit with Dr. Cywes and he first gave us a basic overview of our new diet/pre-op diet, I've lost 27 lbs!! :faint: :clap2: :faint: Today I had to get cleared for surgery by a cardiologist, and at his office the scale said I was at 249, and I just weighed here at work (I know it's only 1 lb off from Dr. Cywes's office) and sure enough, I'm at 249!!! (it said 248, but again, it's 1 lb off, lol). I'm OFFICIALLY under the 250 mark and I haven't even had the surgery yet (( didn't realize I'd been eating my 'pre-op' diet this whole time till last week - but it's do-able and apparently has been working!!)):hungry: I hate to sound like I'm boasting - I know some of you are having problems losing the required pre-surgery weight your Dr.'s gave you, so i kinda feel bad about this post - and I'm not trying to boast....but I've NEVER been able to lose on my own...ever....period. No matter what I did, I couldn't do it. And now, I'm so desperate to be sure I didn't gain/that my liver would be right for surgery that i've finally be able to do it.... I have to go buy new clothes this weekend (with as much as I really can't afford it! - Thank HEAVENS for Goodwill!). Or raid my mom's closet (she's been a size or so smaller than me for a few years now). I'm just absolutely BLOWN AWAY by this....i mean...just.....F-L-O-O-R-E-D. Watch me get the band and not lose any more for a while, LOL.... j/k....I'm so excited for next monday (my surgery day - 6.5 days from right now!)....Thankfully I have plenty of work to keep me busy (at least for a couple of days...lol). Anyway, I'm praying for all of you on this board, and I know we'll all do great! Hope you're all having a great Monday! -Panda-
  3. Let me tell you what I did for my hubby when we were dating.... At our 6 month mark, it was a big deal to me - my longest relatoinship without some horrible breakup in the middle - so I wanted to do something really nice, but I was a broke college kid living at home ((((THANKS AGAIN MOM!)))). So I got creative. I came up with 182 reasons why I loved him (one for each day we'd been together!!). Some sounded very similar but they were each different. I included special moments, things he said or did for me, every little thing I could think of. ((it didn't take long believe it or not)). And I typed 'em up, printed them out, cut those into smaller pieces and glued each one to it's own piece of colored construction paper, then used packing tape to ""laminate"" each card. I spent a total of 10 hours on it! I went to his parents house that day (he was working), and spread them all around his room, on his bed, pillow, dresser, floor, EVERYWHERE. I also had 2 real roses (one white, one red) and 2 artificial roses (again, one white, one red). Real ones were to signify how real my love for him was, artificial ones were to signify how my love for him would never die. White roses stand for truth, innocense - to symbolize how true my love for him was, and red - "I Love You", romantic love. ((yeah, i went nuts on this one)) LOL. You can copy it or add some twists (i wouldn't suggest using one for each DAY you've been together, but try 20 - one big reason for each year!). Just a suggestion. It cost me less than $10 total, but took time, effort, and thought. He cried for a long time once I got there and gave him the real roses (i'd left the artificial ones on his pillow, and a note on his door). He'd had a horrible day at work that day, so when he saw that, it meant even more to him (((gosh, i gotta get on the ball doing something major like that again!!))) If i think of more, i'll post them later GOOD LUCK!
  4. Hey guys. Well, yesterday I went to my pre-op appt and anathesia screening. Good news first - I found out the diet I've given myself the last 2 months is my preop diet!! How crazy is that? Guess that's why I've lost a total of 21 lbs since Jan 3rd! :clap2: So that makes me happy (but i'm still going to be stricter (is that a word?) on myself anyway for the last leg of this pre-op journey!). Bad/Irritating news - When I did my anathesia screening at the hosp., they said I had to be cleared by a cardiologist because my blood pressure was up. *deep sigh* Good news in that is that my surgeon's office got me an appt with one on Monday at 10am...but still...I thought I was done with all the delays and bumps, ya know? So, a bit of a bump in the road, but I'm determined and confident that I will still have surgery on April 2nd after my mom. God led me here in this journey, Satan's trying to make me discouraged, and I won't let it happen Anyway, so that's my mini-update. I don't post much, but I do read each post. ***group hug!!!*** We'll all do awesome! -Panda-
  5. AMEN SISTER!!! I have PCOS too and have been battling the low carb thing for YEARS. I could never get it right because they kept saying "net carbs" is what to look for. Uhmmmm NO. That doesn't work. My doctor doesn't require weight loss before surgery, however he stressed that if we gained ANY weight by our pre-op appointment, he wouldn't do the surgery. So I've been so desperate to make sure I didn't gain, that I've lose somewhere between 22 and 25 lbs since my Jan. 3rd appt. Most of that was with ((Unfortunately)) lots of cheating! However, I lost 7 lbs in one week by doing the following (warning: it wasn't fun, and i think it made my tummy 'upset', but it worked):: Breakfast - 1 Advantage high protein drink (Chocolate Royale flavor) Lunch - 1 Advantage high protein drink and a bowl (around 2 servings) of canned green beans Dinner - Plain meat (mostly chicken or pork chops), and veggies (usually green beans again - i LOVE my green beans!). By "plain" meat i mean no sauses - just garlic pepper and a little salt. All day - made SURE to get in all my water. Total carbs (not counting the carbs in the green beans) was 12 for the day (each of the chocolate royale shakes has 6g total carbs). Again, not fun having the S-A-M-E foods over and over, but by God it worked....like I said, I dropped 7 lbs that week and I wasn't even exercising. This past weekend was not so good diet-wise, but I'm back on program today.....I just have to remember what my nutritionist told us, "you're going to slip...know it, acknowledge it.....but DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT! You aren't allowed to do that in our program. Just pick yourself up and start over at the next meal". And it helps SO much!!! I think that's half of what's kept me going so strong honestly. When I 'mess up' on my diet, I tell myself, "well, that was dumb, but it's done now...next meal i'm gonna be extra strict and get back on the right track". It really really helps! As for the PCOS, it's been a pain - for the longest time I didn't even have to worry about birth control....((I do now though!)). But what a lot of people aren't getting when I tell them I'm having this surgery is that I can't keep the weight off alone. I've learned I can lose it, but it won't stay gone unless I get help. The band is going to be my help. My constant reminder, ya know? For the longest time I thought PCOS was always going to be in my way, something I'd never be able to take control of and get past, but now that I'm approved and getting banded in 2 weeks, I'm excited because I KNOW I'll finally beat it down and control it instead of it controlling me for once in my life!! :clap2: I'll keep you all in my prayers!!! -Panda-
  6. panda

    Being banded IS the easy way out!

    Amen to that! I've been a walking public service announcement for this surgery and found out that there are very few people who know it exists and out of those, a lot of them think it's just like the bypass. I feel good knowing I've set the record straight and helped people out (several have said, "I have a cousin/brother/son/etc who needs to know about this...!"). In fact, my sister-in-law's brother-in-law (did you catch that one? lol) is looking into it and is waiting for me to get my surgery so he can ask qeustions and see how I do! :-D
  7. You know, I guess it's a blessing and a curse, but I've never been "skinny". Unless you count when I was 4 years old...but I most definitely wouldn't fit into those clothes anymore!!! LOL. But I have acquired a few "skinnier" clothes over the years (still hanging onto some size 16s and 14s that people have given me, and some larger sizes that I KNOW shrank over the years! lol). I see the pictures of those who have already been banded a year and a lot of them look like totally different people...so I'm curious to see if that'll happen to me...if i'll still even resemble the 'me' I've come to know......ya know? LOL. The best part though is that I'll be healthy, no meds, have more energy, and I'll finally (after a year or two of being banded) be able to start having mini-me's with muh hubby :-D That's my ultimate goal - be healthy for life, but also to create life
  8. panda

    Lap-bands in the family!

    My mom and I are both being banded by Dr. Cywes in Jacksonville FL on 4/2/07 :-D She's scheduled at 7:15, and I'm right behind her at 8:30 :clap2: My dad was going to do it, but he needed surgery on some nerves/muscles in his neck area (he's in surgery right now in fact), so he postponed his for the moment (he's lost 40 lbs just by supporting my mom and eating only what she can eat though! So he may not end up needing it!). My hubby doesn't need it. My sister (who is the person who introduced us to the surgery 3 years ago) was trying to get it done, but she's 10 lbs too LIGHT to qualify for insurance coverage and she said it's not worth putting those 10 lbs back on after working so hard on weight watchers to lose the 40-50 she did lose on her own. ((i don't blame her though)). AND We have a lady at my church who is in the 6 month doctor supervised diet part of her insurance approval. So it's all over the board with me :-D We could start our own support group in the family :-D LOL
  9. The nutritionist my mom and I went to told us that we were NOT ALLOWED to beat ourselves up over mistakes. She said, "It happens. When it does, just pick yourself up and start new at the next meal/next day". She made us repeat to ourselves several times..."We're NOT allowed to beat ourselves up". And so far, I haven't done that but once (beat myself up over messing up my diet . Just pick yourself up and start again tomorrow....you can do it :-D:clap2:
  10. Just one for now, but I'm sure I could think of MANY. When I was 10 years old (chubby, but not gigantic or anything) I was staying at my aunt and uncle's house which was about an hour from my parents house. We used to stay out there all the time (my sister and I). Well, my uncle came home towards the end of my stay that time (my sister was babysitting my cousins, so she was staying longer). My aunt told him I had to go home in 3 days because I had a dentist apointment. He looked at me, laughed, and said, "I don't think so, you're not leaving this house until you lose 10 pounds...":mad: :faint: :woot: :faint: I called my mom the next morning and asked to come home, and she came and got me. I never told her why until I was older (about 17). She said she wished I had told her cuz she always wanted to give him a piece of her mind and making fun of her daughter would have let her do that.
  11. panda

    Fatty liver

    Well, my surgeon's office told me at the one-on-one interview that when he says "you need to do this, cut back on that, don't eat any of those" to do it. I was told that if you get through your pre-op diet and he gets in there and doesn't like the way your liver looks, he will not hesitate to sew you up without the band. The surgeon didn't say that personally, however he did stress (and explained with a diagram and everything) that a fatty liver is no good. He wont' be able to lift the liver like he has to to get to our stomaches (me and my mom are doing this together - same day 4/2). He's had us working on cutting out the sugars/sodas/carbs for over a month (look at my stats, it's already working!). He explained that EVERYTHING we eat goes through our liver in the digestion process. When we eat a meal (but especially a very high carb meal) our liver blows up/expands. The liver has 2 choices, the first is to send the carbs/glucose on to the muscles to be used for energy (exercise). If after so long that doesn't happen, your liver can't hold all the carbs/glucose any more and it will turn them into fat so that the liver can go back down to normal. He then went on to say that when we stop eating so many carbs, there's not a lot of glucose to use for energy, so the liver will PULL from our fat reserves, change it from fat back to glucose, and send it to the muscles to be used for energy. He said if we add exercise to that equation, it'll work even faster (he's only asked for 10 min a day of exercise from us!). I haven't added the exercise like I should have, and I've already lost weight. I'm not big on math problems, but I understand this one and knowing that if I don't do one part of the equation correctly, I won't come to the right answer really clicked with me. I may not have explained that fully, or in enough detail, but the way he explained it FINALLY made sense to me why carbs were a no-no. There was a reason for it besides "your body can't handle them, you're not allowed"...ya know? I've done better this time staying low-low-low carb than ever before because I'm SO desperate to make sure I don't do anything to mess up my surgery (fear of him not putting the band in cuz he can't get to my stomache cuz my liver is so fatty). I know the pre-op diet is supposed to take care of that, and I'm sure it would be sufficient, but I'm a paranoid type and I've been working on it since January. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. And I think i'll be better off post-op because of it (already having those practices in motion..ya know?). Anyway, I wish you all the luck in the world, I'm sure you'll be fine if you stick to your pre-op diet :clap2:
  12. Hello hello everyone! A few posts up my mom posted (darla) about how we are going through this together. Let me tell you, the last 3 years while I was researching and trying on my own it was so lonely (even reading posts on here didn't help much). I'm so glad we get to do this together! I feel bad for my dad though - his wife and his daughter having surgery back to back the same day...I know he's got to be going insane! Anyway, I wanted to come in and say HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and introduce myself :confused: I'm hoping to add some pictures/change my avatar to a real picture soon, I just haven't had time recently when I'm home. So mom and I are joining Bandlandia on 4/2 and I couldn't be more excited. Everyone keeps asking me if i'm nervous or scared and honestly I'm not. I just look at them and say, "I was ready yesterday......hook me up, lets go!". My entire office (about 30 or so people) are rooting for me and supporting me. So I've got support pouring out of my ears!! I'll tell ya though, there are people I've told who had NO CLUE what Lapband was and those who did thought it was like the bypass. So I made it a personal mission to tell everyone who would listen....I'm a walking PSA (Public Service Announcment)!! But I love it. I pray that me telling people will lead to someone else who needs this surgery getting it done. Ya know? Anyway, I've written a book, I'll go for now. Take care all and GOOD LUCK!!!:clap2: ~Panda~
  13. panda

    Date and other good news...

    Well, it's official...I'll be joining Bandlandia on April 2nd :clap2: All pre/post ops are the same as my mom's :-) and the best news.................................. Instead of $1,000 due as my 20% I only owe $300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've already got that saved up in our savings acct :-D So all sorts of good news the last day or so.....now i just gotta get that recliner.......:-D I can't believe it's actually happening. It's just absolutely amazing and thrilling and just................WOW..............I still don't think it'll hit me till the day of the surgery, but that doesn't matter now....I'm on my way to being healthy.....((and thin, but that's just a bonus)). THIS IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOL.
  14. panda

    Date and other good news...

    Well, it's official...I'll be joining Bandlandia on April 2nd :clap2: All pre/post ops are the same as my mom's :-) and the best news.................................. Instead of $1,000 due as my 20% I only owe $300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've already got that saved up in our savings acct :-D So all sorts of good news the last day or so.....now i just gotta get that recliner.......:-D I can't believe it's actually happening. It's just absolutely amazing and thrilling and just................WOW..............I still don't think it'll hit me till the day of the surgery, but that doesn't matter now....I'm on my way to being healthy.....((and thin, but that's just a bonus)). THIS IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOL.
  15. After 1 day short of 4 weeks of waiting and delays........................... I'M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I almost can't believe it! I'm so happy i just can't describe it....2.5 years of research and here I am, finally. It's almost surreal. No date yet, but I left a message that I want April 2nd with my mom. I heard it straight from the insurance office (while the surgeon's office was away at lunch). So I left the msg with the surgeon's office, and haven't heard anything back yet, but tentively April 2nd I know it won't really hit me till I'm waking up in recovery, but I'm still SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS, WITHOUT YOU THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE!
  16. After 1 day short of 4 weeks of waiting and delays........................... I'M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I almost can't believe it! I'm so happy i just can't describe it....2.5 years of research and here I am, finally. It's almost surreal. No date yet, but I left a message that I want April 2nd with my mom. I heard it straight from the insurance office (while the surgeon's office was away at lunch). So I left the msg with the surgeon's office, and haven't heard anything back yet, but tentively April 2nd I know it won't really hit me till I'm waking up in recovery, but I'm still SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU JESUS, WITHOUT YOU THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE!
  17. panda

    tightness in torso...

    Ok, well, I know why it's there, but I have an unpleasant tightness in my torso area. Wanna know what it's from?? I'M STILL WAITING FOR AN ANSWER!!! ugh..........:faint: Nicole is supposed to be calling my insurance company today to find out what the deal is, but i haven't heard from her yet. I called and left her a message to call me back and let me know what they said even if it wasn't a definite yes or no...i'm just curious how much longer it's going to take. When I'm here at work the last few days (the weekend it wasn't so bad...no phone to wait by cuz no one was at work)...anyway, so when i'm here, i'm scared to leave my phone at all...worried I might miss the call. So I have all my co-workers (in my general area) listening out for my back line in case it rings when I'm away from my desk....but it sounds just like the regular calls coming in (most of the people have a different sounding ring...mine doesn't .... ). Anyway, it's been about 30 minutes since I left Nicole the msg and I haven't heard anything and I'm sure she won't check it till this afternoon, but I'm just wiggin out. I'm ready to know...ya know? I've been waiting almost 4 weeks now (different things keep holding it up...blahhhhhhhh). Anyway, i figured if i vented here a bit i'd feel better. And sure enough, I feel a little better. pray for me...
  18. panda

    tightness in torso...

    Ok, well, I know why it's there, but I have an unpleasant tightness in my torso area. Wanna know what it's from?? I'M STILL WAITING FOR AN ANSWER!!! ugh..........:faint: Nicole is supposed to be calling my insurance company today to find out what the deal is, but i haven't heard from her yet. I called and left her a message to call me back and let me know what they said even if it wasn't a definite yes or no...i'm just curious how much longer it's going to take. When I'm here at work the last few days (the weekend it wasn't so bad...no phone to wait by cuz no one was at work)...anyway, so when i'm here, i'm scared to leave my phone at all...worried I might miss the call. So I have all my co-workers (in my general area) listening out for my back line in case it rings when I'm away from my desk....but it sounds just like the regular calls coming in (most of the people have a different sounding ring...mine doesn't .... ). Anyway, it's been about 30 minutes since I left Nicole the msg and I haven't heard anything and I'm sure she won't check it till this afternoon, but I'm just wiggin out. I'm ready to know...ya know? I've been waiting almost 4 weeks now (different things keep holding it up...blahhhhhhhh). Anyway, i figured if i vented here a bit i'd feel better. And sure enough, I feel a little better. pray for me...
  19. panda

    dum de dummmmm............**waiting**

    Well, I'm still going a bit nuts, but JUST before I left work yesterday I got a call. I'd left a message for the lady at the insurance company to call me back and just verify that they had my packet there for review (too many holdups at this point, i wanted to KNOW they had it). LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG story short, I talked to her for about 10-15 minutes about all kinds of things related to the surgery, corrected my height (they had me as 5'7 and i'm 5'5) and I asked her at the end if it looked good, bad, what? She said "well, it's hard to say because I just got the packet and have only thumbed through it, but it looooooks like it's going to be OK, but we still have to dig into it all the way and fully research it in our review process" and she went on to tell me they don't take long, but she couldn't guarantee i'd hear anything by today (((UGH!!! NERVES!!!))). but hey, that's at least a step in the right direction. Mom's going to go ahead and wait another day (till Monday basically) if I don't hear anything today before she schedules hers. We're still trying to do this together, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. It's about 1pm right now and mom heard about hers at 1:30 in the afternoon...so maybe here in 30 minutes I'll hear something? who knows......((i know who knows- God knows ....)) I'm just praying that Ann at Medcom (my insurance) can be nice and push my review through fast for a quick approval :-D That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!:clap2: But if not, I'll be ok....it'll just be a REALLY nerve-wracking weekend!! lol. Anyway, so that's where I'm at right now......going bonkers! LOL. NEED MORE PRAYER! God is the one in control - :pray:
  20. Well, I'm still going a bit nuts, but JUST before I left work yesterday I got a call. I'd left a message for the lady at the insurance company to call me back and just verify that they had my packet there for review (too many holdups at this point, i wanted to KNOW they had it). LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG story short, I talked to her for about 10-15 minutes about all kinds of things related to the surgery, corrected my height (they had me as 5'7 and i'm 5'5) and I asked her at the end if it looked good, bad, what? She said "well, it's hard to say because I just got the packet and have only thumbed through it, but it looooooks like it's going to be OK, but we still have to dig into it all the way and fully research it in our review process" and she went on to tell me they don't take long, but she couldn't guarantee i'd hear anything by today (((UGH!!! NERVES!!!))). but hey, that's at least a step in the right direction. Mom's going to go ahead and wait another day (till Monday basically) if I don't hear anything today before she schedules hers. We're still trying to do this together, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. It's about 1pm right now and mom heard about hers at 1:30 in the afternoon...so maybe here in 30 minutes I'll hear something? who knows......((i know who knows- God knows :Banane10:....)) I'm just praying that Ann at Medcom (my insurance) can be nice and push my review through fast for a quick approval :-D That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!:clap2: But if not, I'll be ok....it'll just be a REALLY nerve-wracking weekend!! lol. Anyway, so that's where I'm at right now......going bonkers! LOL. NEED MORE PRAYER! God is the one in control - :pray:
  21. panda


    Ok, I'm going absolutely insane now. :Banane10: they FINALLY got all my info on Friday (over 2 weeks behind at that point). And here it is, the following Thursday and I still haven't heard anything. I know I need to give them time. I know God is working on this. But i can't help but obsess about it! I just want an answer dangit! It's eating me up inside....and I'm trying to forget about it...but...I can't! :help: :help: :help: :help: We were going to get a house (which would've taken my mind off surgery), however that's not gonna happen (thankfully - long story). So now I'm back with this being the dominant thing on my brain and it's hard to put down. I'm not reallly 'worried' anymore....i'm just anxious and curious, and ugh! Where I should have been over 2 weeks ago! I think that's what's got me SO bad like this....the fact that i was held up for 2 weeks...so I've really been waiting over 3 weeks now, and it should just be 1 week. :faint: I need lots of prayer....:pray:
  22. panda


    Ok, I'm going absolutely insane now. they FINALLY got all my info on Friday (over 2 weeks behind at that point). And here it is, the following Thursday and I still haven't heard anything. I know I need to give them time. I know God is working on this. But i can't help but obsess about it! I just want an answer dangit! It's eating me up inside....and I'm trying to forget about it...but...I can't! :help: :help: :help: :help: We were going to get a house (which would've taken my mind off surgery), however that's not gonna happen (thankfully - long story). So now I'm back with this being the dominant thing on my brain and it's hard to put down. I'm not reallly 'worried' anymore....i'm just anxious and curious, and ugh! Where I should have been over 2 weeks ago! I think that's what's got me SO bad like this....the fact that i was held up for 2 weeks...so I've really been waiting over 3 weeks now, and it should just be 1 week. :faint: I need lots of prayer....:pray:
  23. panda

    Banded Duos?

    Is this just for husband/wife duos? My mom and I are doing this together. She just got approved on Friday and we're waiting on my final approval. As long as I get approved too, we'll be banded same day. :biggrin1: My dad was gonna do it too, but he's losing weight just by being supportive of my mom (and only eating what she can eat, etc.). So he's decided not to. My sister is interested, but having insurance issues right now :-( AND we have a lady at our church who is trying to get it done!! But right now, just me and mom are actually in the thick of it... My DH isn't really overweight (well, he is, but not enough to need the band....he's 6"3.5 and weighs about 240 - big, but not like me). When he actually pays attention to what he eats, he loses it quick and since he's being supportive of me by only eating what I can eat (cept he drinks coca-cola -> his downfall lol, and i make him eat my bread when it comes with a meal at a restraunt!). He's already thinning out around his face. Anyway, my mom has been a great support and we help each other out all the time. I'm sure this is going to be a great adventure for us I hope to post pix of us side by side before surgery and then every so often after surgery Other than that, just wanted to say good luck and congrats to those who have been banded :clap2: -Amanda-
  24. panda


    wow...so much has happened. Well, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG story short, it took until YESTERDAY for the pshchologist to get my paperwork to the surgeon's office. And there was a lot of rudeness and ripping into people (not by me -- Nicole at the office took care of that for me - she let the shrink AND her receptionist know that their behavior (and delays) were UNacceptabe). So As of yesterday, I'm finally where I should have been 2 weeks ago! WAITING I'm still keeping my faith though. I know God will come through. But it's hard not to obsess about it! Great news though!!! MOM GOT APPROVED!!! So half our battle to get this done together is completed! just waiting on me now.... But Nicole said she's expecting to hear back by next week. :nervous It's been rough though. I've had my slipups (though not allowed to beat myself up over them according to the nutritionist). But I'm doing good still. Though I had a dream last night that I was eating the most delectable (sp?) chocolate cake with the thickest, smoothest fudge icing I've ever had...and it was huge (think the one from the movie "Matilda"). It was so good.....ugh :faint: ....anyway, so it's been rough!! lol But robert's being 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% supportive. Eating only what I can eat mostly (he still eats bread and drinks coca-cola though). I love that man 'o mine :-D anyway, that's my update... ~out~
  25. panda


    wow...so much has happened. Well, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG story short, it took until YESTERDAY for the pshchologist to get my paperwork to the surgeon's office. And there was a lot of rudeness and ripping into people (not by me -- Nicole at the office took care of that for me - she let the shrink AND her receptionist know that their behavior (and delays) were UNacceptabe). So As of yesterday, I'm finally where I should have been 2 weeks ago! WAITING I'm still keeping my faith though. I know God will come through. But it's hard not to obsess about it! Great news though!!! MOM GOT APPROVED!!! So half our battle to get this done together is completed! :confused: just waiting on me now.... But Nicole said she's expecting to hear back by next week. :nervous It's been rough though. I've had my slipups (though not allowed to beat myself up over them according to the nutritionist). But I'm doing good still. Though I had a dream last night that I was eating the most delectable (sp?) chocolate cake with the thickest, smoothest fudge icing I've ever had...and it was huge (think the one from the movie "Matilda"). It was so good.....ugh :faint: ....anyway, so it's been rough!! lol But robert's being 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% supportive. Eating only what I can eat mostly (he still eats bread and drinks coca-cola though). I love that man 'o mine :-D anyway, that's my update... ~out~

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