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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by panda

  1. Hey guys, I know it's been a long time sine i was on here, but you guys post so much I can't keep up!! :-) Especially now that the busy season is hitting at my job. BUT I wanted to say I've had my first fill, looking forward to my next one this Thursday (which just happens to be my 4 year wedding anniversary - guess no going out to eat to celebrate huh? LOL). Anyway, DH and I are in teh middle of buying our first home, busy season is hitting at work and my coworker who's training the new girls hasn't put them on the phones yet!! Plus, it's "that time of the month".......the last 2 WEEKS i've been eating all sorts of junk....cake, cookies, ice cream, pop tarts, granola bars...you name it, if it's cheap, sweet, and completely bad for me, i've eaten it. I KNOW it's my emotional eating kicking in, but I'm dyin over here! It's SO hard not to snack, but unfortunately our kitchen is so small, it's hard to keep good 'snacks' around (plus cheese and meat are expensive, chips and cookies are cheap...and buying a house - well, we need to save everywhere we can). Is anyone else going through this??? I can't wait to get my next fill...I'm hoping that when all I can eat is 3 high protein meals that all this binging will stop.... if you want to reply to this, PLEASE reply directly to me, not on the board...i don't have the time to keep up with the board, but i'm really wanting to knwo if any of yuo have gone through this or are going through thixs..... also, mom is doing awesome...she says she's struggling like I am with the diet part...but...she's doing great Ok, ig otta go...TAKE CARE!!! -Panda-
  2. Thanks for all the encouragement everyone It still seems surreal that I'm saying "I'm down almost 50 lbs since January".... I've NEVER been able to lose more than 5 lbs or so...and I know why now...all those "sugar-free/net carb this and athat" that I was eating ---- PACKED with TOTAL carbs, which is what we're supposed to look at....it's crazy! Anyway, I haven't weighed in a week, but last week I was down 8 lbs since surgery. I'm wondering if I've gained any back since being back on real foods...? I'll have to weigh in a few minutes and let you all know Anyway, it's lunch time for me...talk to you guys later
  3. Well guys, I've been REALLY slow about getting in 'real' exercise -- using every excuse known to mankind (too busy, too tired, too cold, too hot, too this, too that, etc). Well, the other night I had to go buy a new workout outfit (another excuse, "i don't have anything that fits anymore!"). So I have an outfit (slightly too tight so it'll last me). I told the hubby last night, "At 7:20 I'm getting dressed and at 7:30 we're going for a walk and taking the dog with us." (notice I said "told" and not "asked", LOL). Took some prodding to get him up and motivated, but we took a 30 minute walk!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, the AMAZING part about this is that the last time we tried to walk around our neighborhood (which isn't big) I would get winded in the first 5 minutes and after 15 I was DYING. Well, that was back in probably December - before the weight loss. Last night I got to the point where I would usually be hurting bad enough we'd have to turn around and I wasn't even winded!!!! and we probably did 3 times as much AFTER that point...still wasn't too winded and felt great! Tonight I'm planning to walk to my Aunt's house which isn't too far, but is over a mile away! (no dog this time though). When we got to that stop sign (my old "stopping point" lol...coincidence?), DH looked at me and said "ready to head back?" and I said "NOPE! I've lost almost 50 lbs and I feel great!!" He just smiled at me and started laughing And for once, I'm looking forward to exercising Anyway, i just had to share my exercise victory! Hope everyone is doing good!
  4. I know someone had said that it was a no-no.....but (and this just goes to show individual differences), I've had peanut butter a few times since banding. I was worried it would get stuck, but hasn't. In fact, when I get that "snacky" feeling (not quite time for the next meal, but i'm hungry and don't want to "snack" --snacking is a big NO on our diet--), I'll take one spoonful of peanut butter (about half a serving) and lick on it like a popcicle, let each 'lick' melt and turn to liquid in my mouth, then swallow. And that could be the secret to it - let it become liquid in your mouth before swallowing to avoid getting stuck. I don't know :noidea:
  5. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! :clap2: :cheer2:
  6. Thank you. I've been really dedicated to the diet since 3 months before surgery...only "cheated" a handful of times. With that and doing thinks like parking further out, trying to get my 10-15 min of exercise a day in...it's really blown me away...i mean...I knew the number kept going up as I went along, but it wasn't until today that it dawned on me....."oh my gosh.......................................i'm 6 short of 50"....It just about floored me...... I'm just praying I can keep up the good work! LOL. They had a lunch at work today and the leftovers were brought into the break room....AFTER i'd had lunch already (wouldn't ya know)...but it was better that way...even though I could have had a sandwich minus the bread and lettuce, they had goodies I was oogling, but should not have had and would have been hard pressed to resist if I hadn't already eaten....won't go into details, but lets put it this way, 1.) starchy vegie i LOVE in 'salad' form, white flour stuff, lots of fructose, and also had something with more white flour+sugarX100. :-D ((doesn't sound so appetizing when you break those foods down into what they're really made of! LOL))
  7. Hey guys, I have other ideas for weight loss rewards....my first of which I'm only 6 lbs away from!!! See, I go for big "splurge on me" "i'd never do on a regular basis" type things because I"m HORRIBLE about pampering other people, but not myself.... I had 126 to lose when I began this journey back in January...so for the first 50 lbs gone (6 lbs away from that! OMG!! :faint: )....I'm going to pamper myself with an hour sweedish massage and a pedicure (hubby has agreed...i hope he's got the money ready!) The next 50 lb mark will be very similar if not the same exact thing. Then, when I reach goal, I will give myself one of those "Day of Beauty" things from a salon (hair, makeup, massage, manicure, pedicure, facial, the whole works!!!) See, originally I wanted to go on a 7 day land/cruise package with Disney World (we live 3 hours from there, so we could drive there) because I LOVE disney....but....unfortunately I want a room with my own balcony, and to do that for 2 adults is about $4-5k....we don't have that money, and won't see that kind of money in the next year *sigh*...so I might ahve to settle for just a 4 day park hopper ticket deal (still about $800-$1000 for the 2 of us, but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it...) and staying in a disney resort (done it once and I'm HOOKED...will NEVER stay off disney property again....nope, never....:-D it's worth the extra funds, and the value resorts are really pretty affordable considering it's disney property..lol. ). So, if we happen to be able to save up for a house AND the disney trip...then we'll do it...but...if not, i'll get my day of beauty and still be satisfied :clap2:
  8. Well, today mom and I started our mushies...and it felt SO awesome to have real food again. Since so many are still on pre-op diets, I won't say what we had, but we shared it and still didn't finish it!! Dr. Cywes told us today we're doing great and that we can expect to start getting those "i'm hungry" feelings. I'm down basically 8 lbs since surgery, but he said most of that is water weight and I can expect to get that back in the next 3 weeks, but that as long as i stay away from carbs and stick to my diet that i can still expect to see a 1 or 2 lb loss at our next appt (3 weeks from today). So at least he's prepared me for that!! Now, I need to find a Gym with EARLY and LATE hours (and hopefully a shower!) that's close to home and safe for me to go to alone. We have no room in our house - I am a packrat, and hubby is too....baaaaaaaaaaaad combo. So even though I have a Gazelle exerciser, i have no room for it. So i'm going to break down and find a gym....preferably one i can do a month by month membership. See, in the summers at my job, we get REALLY busy and i'll work from 6am - 7 or sometimes 8 pm, so I don't want to pay for months that i know i won't be able to get in there when they're open. I'll just have to look around this weekend. Anyway, good job everyone! We're all going to do marvelous! Btw, thank you to those who complimented me on the picture. Take care!
  9. Here's a picture of my first day back at work coworkers said they could already see a difference one week postop I don't see it, but I figured I'd share...
  10. Hey guys, I had surgery on monday....FINALLY feeling like myself again. Well, out of nowhere (just sitting at the computer) i suddenly had a hiccup (took in a deep breath) and then burped....it didn't hurt...but...felt.......funny, i guess (cuz i hadn't had that happen since surgery...used to happen a lot to me though). I feel fine now....nothing hurts.....but just wondering if anyone else has had this and if i sould be worried? haven't had anyone describe anything like this before so i wasn't sure what to think. I know I can come here to get insight...so, I figured this would be my first stop :-D THANKS! -Panda-
  11. Too funny I'm still burping...and only done the hiccup thing a few times....but here's another question -- when you burp, do you feel a weird sensation in the middle of your chest....?? it's like i can feel my stomache trying to push the air out....lol...hard to explain...i'm not too worried about it, my mom had lapband surgery the same day, same doc as me and she's experiencing the same things...but i was just curious since i had this thing going Thanks guys!
  12. http://www.asseenontv.com/prod-pages/magic_bullet.html I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond...it is awesome...but if using ice, make sure they're not the huge chunks of ice, i don't think tehre's a blender in the world that can do anythign with those.....lol
  13. Thanks so much guys..... I just wasn't sure....I hadn't had a hiccup since before surgery (especially not a hiccup/burp together), so it just felt...different, and i wanted to be sure. I'm the paranoid type....LOL. But you guys have totally made me feel better (plus, I figured if i wasn't hurting, i was fine...but...again, paranoid....probably will be for the first few months...lol). Thanks again -Panda-
  14. Ok guys, there were like 8 pages of replies since I was last on my computer....no offence, i don't have time to go through all those posts one by one :-( sowwwwwwie! But I wanted to say that being 4 days out......MUCH IMPROVEMENT! WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK. I cannot stress that enough! Yesterday and today I did a good bit of walking and I'm POSITIVE that's why I'm doing so much better today. Still sore obviously, but doing 100000 times better. I haven't taken pain meds since yesterday morning (they were making me sick, which lead to vomit - sorry if TMI - and we all know that's a bad thing). So i've toughed it out and i'm doing much better. I'll try to keep up on the posts from now on, but i'm not positive i will (LOL), so if you want to make sure I see/read something, please PM it to me...otherwise I might not see it, and I don't want anyone to think i'm ignoring them! Anyway, so far so good, again, today has been much better. Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you're all in my thoughts - those just banded, and those still to be banded. We can do this!! :clap2: -Panda-
  15. Hey guys, it's actually me this time...hubby's in bed Anyway, last night wasn't exactly the smoothest night I've ever had...I wish I had a recliner to sleep in...I think sleeping elevated a bit helped in the hospital, though my back started hurting sleeping like that. but anyway, i'm doing ok...still sore and it's hard to get up and down, but once i'm 'settled' in a position, it's not so bad. We didn't get my prescription pain meds (i was feeling 'ok' at the time, and i have liquid extra strength tylenol here)...but i'm kinda wishing I had gotten it. Hopefully mom got hers and I can just take a dose of hers instead of paying $30 for my own (that's my prescription co-pay....yucky). But then again, I might just keep taking the liquid tylenol...*shrug* I've noticed that walking does help, but I don't have much room here as we are VERY bad at the housecleaning thing....so it's a royal mess at my house...:- I get to go visit mom today while DH goes to pick up some furniture that someone's giving us for free Which is good, cuz mom has cable :-D LOL. Anyway...I just wanted get on and say hello and good luck to all of you getting banded today....high spirits!! I just said a prayer for all of you getting banded today. I prayed for God to guide your surgeon's hands and for speedy recoveries! Take care -Panda-
  16. (This is panda's husband. Im writing for her.) Mom and I are doin okay. Definitely sore, but the worst part is over. I just wanted to let you know that were home and in good spirits. We'll write more tomorrow.
  17. Ok guys, I woke up just a few minutes ago and I just had to do one last post. From th emoment the alarm went off I was thinking about LBT. Not really nervous yet....thankfully not sick to my stomache (i was sick yesterday --- ugh :girl_hug: ) Anyway, i'll be praying for you all, and please keep me in all your prayers. Talk to everyone afterwards!!! :clap2: -Panda-
  18. It comes in a strip form (you know, the lysterine strips, theraflu strips, etc....the ones that disolve on your tongue..). That's what my mom got for us...
  19. Suddenly, I apparently have nerves. Not only do I have nerves, but they're shaking! LOL. Seriously, I've had my first few "panic" attacks - that feeling of "oh my gosh...what on earth am i doing?" and "is this really happening?....for so long it was a distant dream....am I REALLY going to be banded by this time tomorrow?!?!?" TOMORROW! :faint: Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED beyond words...but...i'm just now starting to have those weird moments of, "i'm really doing this....wow...oh my gosh...." LOL...up until now...i've just been floating through, like it's nothing...LOL. Suddenly, it's really hitting home...LOL. Hopefully, I won't get all nervous-sick tomorrow...I"m hoping i'll just be excited and happy - no nervousness at all!! To all the rest of you joining Bandlandia tomorrow, I'll keep you in my prayers. To the rest of you, as long as I do get to go home tomorrow, I will post...if not, then it will be Tuesday as soon as they realease me. ((75% of my dr's patients get to go home same day...and since I"m going in at 8:30, I'm REALLY praying for a release same day...))) Take it easy everyone!! -Panda-
  20. Ok guys, took me a while, but here's some before pix, I hope this comes out right...took forever!! lol. Guess we'll see here in a minute!
  21. The ones specifically labled "Low Carb" are ok though. Slim fast has a version that's "Low Carb" ((not Optima - that one's different - look for the words "Low Carb")). Also, Adkin's "Advantage" brand (that's what I drink). They have between 4 and 6 g of carbs per can (depending on flavor). And there are other brands out there too, but I find the Advantage brand and I like it, so I'm sticking with it until (or if) i get sick of it. Just wanted to let you know about those...They're probably cheaper than the special ones you have to buy online...My advantage ones cost about $6 for a pack of 4 at Wal-Mart.
  22. I agree with smatyas (& others) that spanking is more times than not needed, especially in the early years. I was spanked as a child (granted, only a few times - after the first few, i would do what my parents asked/not act out because I knew, "if I do/do not do ___________ I'm gonna get a spanking"). I honestly think it helped me. Now, when I turned 12, spanking didn't work anymore, and my dad realized it. (I hadn't needed one in a few years until that point). THEN AND ONLY THEN was I ready to "be reasoned with" so to speak and get put on "restriction". Before that, even though I was a very smart child, "reasoning" wouldn't have worked, I wasn't old enough to comprehend certain things. Spanking is different from beating...there is a VERY THICK line between the two. Hand or belt, not in the face, no closed fists. Just a few times will do it. --- Case in point:: My hubby and I have some friends of ours who didn't believe in spanking (or at least the father didn't). Their 2 year old ruled the house. I mean R-U-L-E-D that house. If she was told to go in her room or that she was in time out as punishment, she'd keep coming out (locking your children up isn't any better than spanking so they couldn't lock her in), and she constantly would say "NO!!" and cross her arms...or even "I WILL NOT BECAUSE I SAID NO!" (or vise versa, depending on the situation) Guys, a 2 to 3 year old said this to her parents. We dreaded spending time with that child when we would visit. NOW fast forward a couple years -- Mommy decided to start spanking. The child is a dream now to be around. She behaves and listens to her mom. So I 100% say that our big problem in America is that somewhere along the line, we started using "time outs" -- look at our crime rates....HELLO. The government should have no say so in how i parent unless I'm abusing my children -- and spanking is not abuse. *****steps off soapbox now***** :nervous Hope I didn't offend anyone, but it's a touchy subject with me - government has too much control in how i choose to parent as it is (no children yet, but soon).
  23. I'm scheduled at Memorial (8:30 am). And my mom is right before me at 7:15 :-D The preop is nothing to worry about. You go in and he gives you your pre-op diet (I'd already been eating that for a while and didn't realize it...but it helped me lose 27 lbs since January -- well 21 as of my pre-op appt, but now it's 27 :clap2: ) He also showed us pictures of different patient's livers (to explain/show/emphasize how important the pre-op diet is). He showed us a "perfect patient", then a patient who had done perfectly except 1 high carb meal about 3-4 days before surgery (it's a MAJOR difference), and someone who actually gained weight (it was gross how her liver looked...yucky!). He goes over a few other things and then asks if you have any questions. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. As far as pre-op diet - Surgery is on Monday for me, and I don't have to start clear liquids until Saturday night. But you need to follow the rules he gives...he's not asking too much from us compared to other doctors, but it works! Anyway, this is SO awesome having someone else who's one of his patients! I'm planning on going to the support meeting next thursday night (1st and 3rd thursday nights of each month starting at 7pm at the office). Have you been to one yet? I never was able to make it before surgery, so I'll still be freshly banded when I go...lol. Anyway, you'll do great...just follow what he says! Take care, -Panda-
  24. Hey guys, have any of you heard of "Unjury"? I hadn't until I got my pre-op/post-op diet from Dr. Cywes. I went to their website, and I'm really wanting to get some...if I order today, do you think it will be here by the time I'm on full liquids (should be by the 6th of April -- next friday). I'm going to make a whole new post about this in the food section of the site...just curious if any of you had already tried it???? It comes in several flavors (Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry Sorbet, Unflavored and even Chicken Broth!). They sell samples so I was going to get some of those to try.... hrmmm..i think i'll call GNC to see if they carry it! Then i won't have to pay shipping! :-D I'll let you guys know...
  25. Jax? YES!!!!! I'm in jax! Who's your surgeon? (as you can see in my posts) my surgeon is Dr. Cywes. I'm scheduled for April 2nd (next monday....5 more days!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh! starting to get the jitters...lol) -Panda-

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
