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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by panda

  1. Maybe not, I was looking on that page and i saw several of the cabins that had rooms with a big bed and a day bed in the same room
  2. Ok, i felt really bad for this, but I forgot to check with my mom about this!! For those who don't remember, my mom and I had surgery on the same day (4-2-07). Her sn is darla. She has a hard time keeping up with all the posts (i do too, but I'm more used to speed reading than she is, hehe). ANYWAY, so I called my mom just now and told her about it, and guess what!! SHE WANTS TO GO TOO!!! I HAVE A FLYING BUDDY! :clap2: She said that it's a long time away, but she most definitely wants to be put on the list! And with both of us wanting to go, we'll make it happen somehow! We're both reallllly excited about it :-D so, if i'm not already on the list, put me on and definitely put mom on too
  3. The weekend of the 16th-19th is the only weekend in May I'd be able to make it....so that works for me! Neice's bday is the 2nd, mother's day the 11th, dad's bday is the 12th, and then DH's bday is the 24th! Busy month for me... and just so it's out there, in case it has to get pushed back even more for some reason, June 6-9th is bad for me...unless you'll let me bring DH....June 7th is our 5 year wedding anniversary :eek:
  4. I'm still trying to figure out if I'll be able to make it or not, but if I can then I probably need to share a room with Laura -- I need quiet to fall asleep too...i'm SUCH a light sleeper....its irritating to be honest. That's probably why i walk around feeling like a zombie all the time! LOL.
  5. Ok, i've been REALLY speed-reading most of the posts since i started posting again....what's the list for? I know there's a list for the bandiversary, i remember one for secret santa, but is there a 3rd as well?
  6. That'd be me...I'm in Jacksonville FL (northeast corner). Where bouts are you again? I'm still trying to figure out money and whatnot, but I think DH is ok with it....we're not used to being apart (seriously...almost every minute not at work is spent together, or at least at the same physical location, so this will be a new one if i get to go...LOL)
  7. AmwLady - 04/02 Maizemommy - 04/02 SFeliz001 - 04/02 CJulzGO - 04/02 Sara Mos - 04/02 Adumont75 - 04/02 Darla - 04/02 (mother to Panda) Panda - 04/02 (daughter to Darla) -81.5 as of 10-19-07 SienaK45 - 04/02 Squale(Pat) - 04/03 Kity - 04/03 Sparkette(donna) -04/03 Jennifer - 04/03 RVingDi - 04/03 TerriDoodle - 04/04 TexasP - 04/04 SkinnySomeday -04/04 Wannabethin - 04/04 ShineOn - 04/04 LJWILGeNHOF - 04/04 OnlyMe - 04/05 BandedMe - 04/05 DaveinToronto - 04/05 Cred - 04/05 AlexR - 04/05 gr8ful gal - 04/05 (also her BDay) HouseHuntress - 04/09 Day3447 - 04/09 Cmarie - 04/09 Gr8 (GINA) - 04/09 Chica Chula(Haydee) - 04/09 MsPruett - 04/09 BigAsLife (Di)- 04/09 Tekymom- 04/09 TeachLady (Judy) - 4/10 Vlander - 4/10 TracyTX - 04/11 ElizaJo - 04/11 Bubbles - 04/11 Bwaydiva - 04/11 KCQ -04/11 MaltoMeel-04/11 TinyBelle - 04/12 StaceyLynn - 04/12 Lucy22884 - 04/12 Horns10 - 04/12 Ihomeschool4 (Christy) - 04/12 Ross (husband to Christy) - 04/12 Tater Bug - 04/13 MS_Jen - 04/13 ChicaChula (Haydee) - 04/13 Collector - 04/13 WarpedPegasus- 04/14 ShirleyBee- 04/14 ARD - 04/16 PsWashburn (Phil) - 04/16 DynamoMini (Michelle) - 04/16 Margi - 04/16 Jennifur - 04/16 Lunasa - 04/16 SchexyMomma - 04/16 Laura23 - 04/16 -52 lbs GONE FOR GOOD JanieBug - 04/17 LapDancer - 04/17 Keluliana - 04/17 Tigeriffic - 04/17 Angie - 04/18 pinkybar (ellen) - 04/18 Jullee71 - 04/18 FloridaGirl - 04/19 AREELlady - 04/19 Michelle731- 04/19 Katschai - 04/20 NWJenny - 04/20 Sherri - 04/23 GonnaBeFree(Tammy) - 04/24 Galati25- 04/24 Actg1rl- 04/25 Adorable(Denise) - 04/26 TracyinKS -04/26 -57 LauraleeD - 04/26 Brennens - 04/26 BeckyNtN - 04/26 JDarnwest - 04/26 Flax - 04/26 Kathy - 04/27 NBJen - 04/27 Jenn- 04/27 Rachel675 - 4/28 Wolfmaydn- 4/30 Drekagirl1976- 4/30 AnnieMac- 4/30 Mary (MEW) - 05/23 MICHELLE (MDRI) - 05/29 Kat817 - 4/17/06
  8. Hey guys, I hate to do this, but I can only "Maybe" on this. I'd like to come, but it all depends on how much it's going to be (I can figure it up as far as getting there from here in FL), but I won't be able to give a definite answer until we know about how much it'll be :-(
  9. Congrats Tracy!!! That's awesome! I've only read a little bit of what's going on, but from what I have been able to read, this is awesome!! Just a quick check in for me. Had a dr's appt today....i'm officially 194.5 :-D That's -9 lbs in 3 weeks! :omg: Haven't seen a number like this in about 14-15 years...it feels perty good. Had to break down last night and spent $35 on 2 pairs of pants and 2 shirts....I'm still rattled with guilt over it, LOL ( i have a REALLY hard time buying things for myself....REALLY hard time, you guys have no idea......) But at least now i know i have clothes to wear to work! LOL. My next goal is to step up the exercise intensity (i have 'The Biggest Loser' weight loss DVD - Vol. 1, so I'm gonna clear out my living room and try that). AND also.....*grin*....DH and I are trying for our first baby :-D:whoo: Dr. wants me to wait 3 more weeks...but...i don't see where that'll make a difference...and DH is starting to get pouty about waiting any longer...LOL. So keep us in prayer... Hope everyone is having a great day! ttyl, Panda
  10. Hey, I'm ALLLLL ABOUT THAT!! I know I don't post much, but I'd love to come! I need a vacation anyway And I've never been to the DC area. Heck, haven't left FL but a handful of times and most of that was to GA, NC, SC, lol. Hopefully it wouldn't cost too much cuz we're very much strapped for cash, but that'd be awesome! ((can i bring DH?)) :-)
  11. You know what's really been bugging me, and I know it shouldn't be?? When people want to compliment me and say "How you doing Skinny?" or one girl at work calls me "Betty Boop" now....i know they mean well, I know they're complimenting me....but for some reason, I don't like it....it makes me uncomfortable. I guess it's because I don't see myself as matching those titles and I don't feel they should call me that. I've still got a long way to go, ya know? Have any of you experienced that? Being bugged about people calling you Skinny or Slim or Tiny? I don't know, I guess I'm traditional in that sense, if you want to compliment someone, just do it "Hey, you are doing really well, you're looking great"....ya know? Whether good or bad, don't 'name' me. I have a name, lol.
  12. YES!!! It feels A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!
  13. thanks guys (or gals!). I'm still in shock...it hasn't quite hit me yet....LOL. But it has made me more determined than EVER. I looked at gym today that some people who used to go to our church work at (they moved to a church closer to their home). It's a NICE place.....$50 activation and $35 a month if you pay monthly. Not bad at all. And it's close to my job, so I'm going to see if they ahve showers and if so, I think i'll join soon (not yet, broke as all get out LOL). Anyway, I pray that everyone else is doing ok. Hopefully work will be slowing down here shortly and I can get on here more. Our busy season seems to keep getting longer and longer! By the way, my mom is in onederland too :Banane30: She's doing just as well as I am. I'll post updated pix as soon as I can...my computer has issues right now, so any online stuff is limited LOL. Hope you're all doing well. TTYL
  14. Name your 3 all-time favorite movies: Facing the Giants, Robin Hood: Prince of Theives, 13 Ghosts (movie DH and I saw on our first date) If you could pick a new career right now, what would it be? Housewife / Stay-at-home Mom (no kids yet, but soon!!). Or Premier Jewlery Consultant (workin on this one now) How old were you when you fell in love for the 1st time? 15, but he was a loser and treated me bad. 19 when I met DH and was swept off my feet :Banane30: If you could pick your “last meal” what would it be? Hrmm...hard one now days to think about....if it was quite literally my last meal, it would consist of nothing but sweets (choco cake, key lime pie, lemon merange pie, more chocolate....anything sweet). What’s the greatest thing about the town you live in? Uhmm...the Jaguars football team? I dunno. I'd say that my family is here and this is where I got banded Though St. Augustine rawks my sawks - all kinds of shopping, food, fun, beaches....very nice. Not to mention the ghost tours!! Where were you born? Here -- Jacksonville, FL Have you ever read a book (or attended a lecture, took a class, etc.) that changed your life in some way? What was it? Yes, a seminar about the lap-band (seriously). And the Bible - it has answers to all life's questions. What is your favorite charity? Why? Hospice - they took great care of my Granny and my cousin Donna when they were at the end of their lives. I have a hospice license plate on my car. Name your 3 all-time favorite books: Bible (i need to read it more than i do though) Veronica Can't think of a 3rd right now...LOL What do you do when you are bored? Surveys online Seriously I do! lol, But I also get online and play games like "Diner Dash" that you can play on sites like yahoo and aol... Do you have any vices? Hrmm...used to be food....not so much anymore. I guess procrastinating....I'm the procrastination queen, always have been....I still need to go pickup my crown, but I can do that later.... LOL Name one thing you’d like to do before you die. Have a family of my own (as in, experience a baby -or 3 or 4 hehe - growing inside me, holding my own child, watching them grow...) Is the glass half-empty or half-full? MOST DEFINITELY full, not even half-full :-D What is your bedtime? whenever i start feeling like i'm gonna pass out...usually between 9 and 10 on worknights... What is your idea of the perfect vacation? Cabin in the woods on a mountain side in late october - half the time with just the colored leaves, then the 2nd half of my time there i'd like to see/play in snow! (remember, i live in fl, never see that stuff!)Though, I'd also LOVE to visit Ireland and Italy. Ever have a dream that you were “with” a movie star? Who was it? Actually, several time, but I don't remember who they were! I think one was Juaquin Pheonix, and another Leo DeCaprio If you knew your advice would be taken, what would you say to a high school graduate? If you're not saved already, get saved. No better advice than to make sure you know Jesus as your Savior. Once you know Him, any problem you face can be overcome. Also, stay away from credit cards - they are wolves in sheeps' clothing. Remember and follow the Golden Rule. Think before you speak, especially when you're angry. NEVER let the sun set on your problems with your spouse. Plenty more, but I'll stop there
  15. I know i don't post often (you girls have WAY too much free time hehe, j/k), BUT I had to post this................................ As of this morning, using the scale in the back bathroom at work.............. I'M IN ONE-DERLAND!!! 198 as of this morning!!! :whoo: I haven't seen numbers below 200 since 6th grade....roughly 14 years ago!! It hasn't totally hit yet....but when it does, i'm going to bawl...i know it...LOL. I just can't believe it.........it finally ahppened. And I have had ABSOLUTELY NO URGES FOR 'BAD' FOODS! Something about being under 200 just really makes it click - I DON'T WANT JUNK! :clap2: Anyway, i'm at work, can't stay long, but hopefully soon I'll be able to take more part in the chatting on here -- I have been trying to keep up as far as reading them though!! And it's starting to feel good here in FL too ...we're in the 70's today, and tomorrow we're sposed to start out in the 50's!!!! ((i LOVE this time of year)). So, I'm going to go splurge tonight and buy a new sweater/jacket....the ones from last year swallow me!! :-D Take care everyone!!
  16. Well, almost as if posting caused something to move -- Since my last post, (now, this is going by the scale in the back bathroom at work - which isn't ENTIRELY reliable, but close within a 2 lb range)...... so, as i was saying...according to that scale.................................as of this morning.............***drum roll please*** --- I'm 198!!!! I'm in ONEDERLAND! :clap2::faint::Banane30::whoo: I haven't seen anything under 200 since 6th grade -- that's roughly 13.5 years!! If nothing else, I can be assured i'm down 4 lbs because I used that same scale last Friday and it said 204.... AND I know it's correct within a 1.5 lb range (compared directly after seeing my doc a few appointments ago). SO....DH and I had decided to go ahead with our plan of starting a family anyway even though surgeon wanted me to wait till 190. For 1) I have PCOS, so I'm relatively sure it'll take some time to happen anyway, 2) I'm well past the original goal he gave me for it, 3) I just feel God's telling me now's the time, and 4) I didn't get pregnant right after surgery like a LOT of his patients do. I think I've done my part. I pray all your pregnancies are going well and I hope I can truly join this thread (as a mommie-to-be) really soon! TAKE CARE!!!
  17. Hey guys, I don't have long cuz i'm at work, BUT. I'm irritated. My surgeon said at my first appointment that he doesn't want his patients to get pregnant until they've lost at least 50 lbs ( i had asked him specifically how long i had to wait). So, 2 apointments ago, I tell him we're ready to start trying (I was down 69 lbs at that point!!). He says "you need to have a weight goal. I want to see you at 190 before you get pregnant". I was mad, hurt, upset, you name it. IRRITATED!!! My hubby was mad too (wanted to give Dr. C a piece of his mind - but he wasn't with me..lol). So, last appointment, I was down 3 more, which put me at 203.5 - Down 72.5 lbs. I'VE HIT A PLATEAU!!!!! Right when I'm being told to be at 190 before trying for a baby (something I've ALREADY put off for 4.5 years), I hit a stinkin plateau...I've been REALLY trying to get back into the game (as Dr. C puts it) this last week and a half and NOTHING. scale is NOT MOVING. :faint: SO.....hubby, mom, EVERYONE i've talked to about this is saying "he doesn't know anything -- it's your body -- you've done what he asked you to do inthe beginning, do what you want", but there's a part of me that's saying "no, i have to listen to the doc". I don't know what to do. I have my next appt on the 19th (week and a half away) and the scale isn't moving...anyone have any ideas of how to get that sucker to drop again??:help::help::help::help::help::help: THANKS!!!
  18. This is truly SO exciting for me that I can hardly stand it!! Before pic is self explainatory...... The after's were taken JUST LAST NIGHT :-D I can't believe I can FINALLY post something here!! :-D Highest weight pic.bmp
  19. Hey guys, When I started this journey, I had a small list of MAJOR goals (not weight goals) that I wanted to reach. Well, as of 9-7-07, I reached a big one, and I have a pic to prove it!!! It was taken at Rock The Universe at Universal Studios. We took our youth group. The front row:: Jeremy, Tiffany, ME!!!! (i look terrified, but I was having a BLAST!!), and my wonderful hubby Robert :-D I LOVE roller coasters and hand't been able to fit in YEARS...so this was a HUGE accomplishment for me :confused:
  20. new pix guys! I took these last night (I was VERYYYYY tired) just for the board! They are self explainatory. I will do another post right after this and i'll explain that one there :-D :clap2:
  21. See, I told everyone before hand at my job. They were all SUPER supportive and kept asking me "are you approved yet? when's your date?" it's been awesome. But i do understand some people's reason's for wanting to keep it secret. Me on the other hand.....i'm a walking public service announcement for the band :-D I RELISH getting to tell people about it and showing off my before/after pics (i keepa little pic album in my purse at all times). anyway, hope you all are doing well :-D Told you all I was going to try to get more active on here again. It's just REALLY hard with my computer being down....i have to sneak in time at work or (like now) use mom's computer at her house :confused: talk toyou all later :-D OH!! I'm down to 203.5!! Only 4 more pounds and I'm in ONEDERLAND!!! :whoo: And i'm hoping ot have updated pix SOOOON!
  22. Hey everyone. I know it's been forever since I posted, but unfortunately, some of you have too much free time!!! I just can't keep up with all the posts. I'm going to try to keep up again from this point, but I make NO promises!! LOL :biggrin1: Anyway, I pray everyone else is doing well! There's no way i can catch up on 300+ PAGES of posts. But as far as my progress...well...it's stalled. I've hit a plateau :help::help::help: I'm down about 70 lbs since January when I first saw Dr. Cywes, but only about 35 of that is post banding. Either way, i'm happy with that loss, but obviously want to keep moving towards goal. I've been really bad with my carbs which is the reason I've stalled. I've been struggling with them ever since we took the kids to youth camp back in JUNE. That really messed me up. Starting right now I'm jumping back on the bandwagon, so I need prayers (since keeping up with the board is kinda iffy! lol). I have my next appt on Friday. I'm also having a hard time getting into an exercise routine. It's busy season at work so I have to get up extra early, so by the time I get home, i'm WIPED OUT:faint:. I have a recumbant bike now, and I love it, but my tailbone starts hurting when I use it :-( Maybe I don't have it set up right, who knows.... Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say hello, let you all know I'm doing well besides hitting this plateau. I'll hopefully have updated pix to share soon Take care everyone.
  23. Ok, well, I had my Dr.'s appointment on monday. I asked him a few questions and this is what he told me in a nutshell: 1.) They don't automatically unfill you at first. He said "if you're eating high quality foods and taking your Vitamins, you should be fine..." he went on to say that if a woman gets very naseous (sp?) they'll unfill so that she can get in more liquids. But basically he said they take a "wait and see" approach as far as unfills go. 2.) I don't have to wait a certain amount of time <img>(YAY!!!!!). All he said was that I really need to be sure to be getting my Multivitamin AND folic acid (added folic acid), or to definitely take prenatals. 3.) About prenatals, we all know those things are HORESEPILLS! I asked about that and he said to look for a chewable kind (or liquid), OR to keep taking a multivitamin plus extra folic acid. --I found a chewable prenatal! It's called Precare and is by prescription only-- I'm still looking for chewable or liquid folic acid though..so if any of you know where to get some, please let me know :-) This is just my dr's office and as we all know, each dr is different. But, I was thrilled to hear what he said :-) DH is ready, but i keep tellin him we need to wait till i've been on vitamins/extra folic acid for a while...so who knows...sometime soon maybe Good luck to you all
  24. Just a minute to reply, but wanted to say that I have a dr's appointment today and I was planning on asking him about pregnancy, how much longer they say I absolutely HAVE to wait, that kind of thing. We were thinking of starting to TTC in April '08, for a Jan/Feb '09 baby (if all goes well.....those dates are based on a dream that I feel God gave me....long story, i know i sound like a loon, but trust me...LOL). And I got to thinking the other day...April is only 8 months away!!! I say "only" because I am determined to be a stay-at-home mom...BUT hubby doesn't make enough yet to cover all our bills :- Anyway, when i get home from my appointment I'll let you guys know any useful info my doc gives me :-) just wanted to come in and say HI! :-D
  25. panda

    Anyone from or around Gainesville FL?

    Well, sorta from the area. I live in Jacksonville. Was banded on 4-2-07 (mom had surgery the same day, same doc). I have an appointment today to find out how much I'm down total right now. The last month was tough...i ate WAYYYYYYYY too many carbs...but as long as i haven't gained, i'll be happy :-D Are you banded yet?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
