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TX Patty

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by TX Patty

  1. I had daily regrets at first. Still cry when something I've eaten won't stay down. I'm 9 weeks post op and see no end in sight. I'm with you girl.
  2. So do I! Ice cold! It seems like it takes all day to drink the bare minimum.
  3. TX Patty

    Former fatty having fun

    Cute boots! WTG!
  4. TX Patty

    My 4th Week Post Op

    I would take the suggestions and present them to your doc or nut. Everyone is so different. I'm 8 weeks post op and still don't tolerate many solids. I went to the ER last week to get a couple of bags of fluids because I was severely dehydrated. My doc suggested Ensure Clear to get Protein and Vitamins in, it also gives me a boost of energy. Good luck to you!
  5. TX Patty

    Smoking and Gastric Bypass

    Please be careful. Everyone is different. You could have a hard time with anesthesia, so many things could go wrong.
  6. TX Patty

    Smoking and Gastric Bypass

    I just couldn't breathe. When I was in the hospital they would have me blow into this thing and I couldn't even get the ball to the halfway mark. I also had a blood transfusion though I don't know if it was related. I had to stay for 4 days and was still sent home with oxygen. Just bad all around.
  7. TX Patty

    Losing SO slow

    My theory is that your body needs to recoup. You lose a bunch, it takes a break, then it starts again. You are only able to eat like an 1/8 of what you used to eat. Relax and enjoy the ride.
  8. TX Patty

    Smoking and Gastric Bypass

    I'm a smoker too. I came home on oxygen and was on it for a couple of weeks. I stopped about a week before but it wasn't long enough.
  9. TX Patty

    Beef patties

    Oh, it's middle eastern. I've never had middle eastern food.
  10. TX Patty


    If you do a search of this forum, either alcohol or wine, and you'll find a pretty long thread of people's experiences. Most said to wait about three months but to definitely be careful and try it at home first. Some got really hammered on one glass.
  11. TX Patty

    Beef patties

    I've always known burgers to be beef patties. Don't know what you're talking about then.
  12. TX Patty


    So something like ramen noodles would be ok?
  13. TX Patty

    Blueberry Muffin - Minimal Dumping

    You had Cheetos and muffins?! So there is hope that one day I will get to nibble on my old guilty pleasures? I haven't been able to eat hard things without it hurting so much! I bought Doritos today for the kids and considered having a nibble but the thought of the pain kept me away.
  14. TX Patty

    hello everyone

    We've experienced the same weight loss. Yay! But I'm not really eating. Monday I was finally able to tolerate solids but not every day. Today is a bad day with awful nausea but I'm hopeful this won't last since it's been getting better. I've been afraid to try bananas but maybe tomorrow if I kick the nausea. I was also thinking of trying Cheerios with milk just to have something in the morning. Congratulations!
  15. TX Patty

    Wardrobe Issues!

    I'm in the same boat, I'm am quickly wiping out my closet.
  16. TX Patty

    Wardrobe Issues!

    Check local churches, many have free clothing closets.
  17. My once dangerously high blood sugar levels are now normal. My diabetes doc told me this saved my life.
  18. TX Patty

    Diet soda....

    That idea about drinking it a little flat sounds like a good one so long as you have self control and not go back to a habit. I haven't had a coke since before my surgery but sometimes it sounds good.
  19. TX Patty

    Pizza egg roll

    So I made these and while they tasted good, the crunchy wrap hurt my pouch a bit. It's hard to chew it enough to get it as soft as you need.
  20. TX Patty

    Pizza egg roll

    Has anyone tried to make this? I saw the recipe on Facebook. It looks easy to eat but I don't know for sure. You buy egg roll wraps, fill them with pizza goodies and bake them. We can have this right? The wraps are really thin.
  21. TX Patty

    Very filling yogurt

    These are great ideas! Thank you! I've only just been able to hold down solids on Monday and I need ideas since I'm starting from scratch.
  22. TX Patty

    Pizza egg roll

    These only have less than 4g of carbs and they have protein. I think ill try these. I can make a bunch and freeze since I can maybe eat only one. I'll post the recipe after I've made them if they're good.
  23. TX Patty

    August Post Ops

    Going on six weeks and I'm still not holding down solids. It's so depressing. I want to eat! :'(
  24. TX Patty

    August Post Ops

    Every once in a while I forget that I can't guzzle like I used to but I don't feel any pain. I stop immediately because I don't want to be naughty.
  25. TX Patty


    Same with grapes, I have to avoid the skin.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
