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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by dreamsawaken

  1. Me either... they (the nut and the nurse director of the program) told us to focus on liquids and protein... some fiber/fruit, as the vitamins I am taking will cover all the RDA needs of the stuff not in those foods. I always have some thing with protein, and will try to add anywhere from 1/3 to a full scoop of PP if I need to boost the grams, as I can tolerate it taste/texture wise. I am finding ways around that though... :-) I thought of pureeing pizza toppings.... watching football, and would be better with pizza and wings. Pureed chix, not the same....BUT wondering if I can at least duplicate the flavors.... within the fat/etc guidelines... lol
  2. Me either... they (the nut and the nurse director of the program) told us to focus on liquids and protein... some fiber/fruit, as the vitamins I am taking will cover all the RDA needs of the stuff not in those foods. I always have some thing with protein, and will try to add anywhere from 1/3 to a full scoop of PP if I need to boost the grams, as I can tolerate it taste/texture wise. I am finding ways around that though... :-) I thought of pureeing pizza toppings.... watching football, and would be better with pizza and wings. Pureed chix, not the same....BUT wondering if I can at least duplicate the flavors.... within the fat/etc guidelines... lol
  3. Hi. I got lucky and my surgeon/NUT had me on pureed 2 days after surgery. The 1st in the hospital was oatmeal, and then some formed pureed chicken, peas and mashed taters for lunch. taters were good, mixed em in with the chicken, left the peas alone. I have been eating oatmeal for fiber (helps to regulate the output, lol) -- with some Prot Pwdr mixed in, yogurt, pureed soups (with extra PP mixed in), shakes (but not too many luckily), refried beans with melted cheese, scrambled eggs with melted cheese, and very mushy/pureed chicken, egg and salmon salad. I also pureed some LF Turkey chili... Have also had 'fun' making 'super puddings'... Sugar free pudding with Prot pwdr, milk and and add in if I can think of one. Best one yet-- jello SF choc fudge pudding, unjury choc splendor powder ---chocolatey goodness....and then swirl in a Tbsp of peanut butter when I eat it for an extra 7-8 g of protein. I am not hungry, getting in about 60-70g a day... more like watching the clock and eating on cue. I get the mouth hunger though....haven't been tempted - tempted enough to cheat, but this AM I was thinking "I really would love something crunchy...." and "I want bread"... funny, a friend of mine had this 7 yrs ago...told me she had the mouth hunger/craving for crunchy....shoved a whole handful of doritos in her mounth, chewed it up, then spit them out, just to relieve it. LMAO. I am not there....yet. On another note, I found a company that makes comfort food type stuff, lo fat, lo sugar... out of dried ingredients, so when it arrives, it is in powder form. you add hot or cold water, and they 'say' that it smells and tastes like the 'real food'....even tho it looks like pudding. I ordered a few things, so will let you know.... I ordered the higher protein 'entrees'....like mac& cheese, fiesta tacos, bbq with cornbread. I am both scared and excited to see how these are. LOL. Company is "Pure-a". I have my 2 week check up with surgeon tomorrow .... and 2 more weeks left on pureeds. I think I can make it. :-) HW (Jan 2013) 231 SW (9/23/2013) 222 CW (10/6) 211 I am 5'1". :-) so far, so good.
  4. Hi. I got lucky and my surgeon/NUT had me on pureed 2 days after surgery. The 1st in the hospital was oatmeal, and then some formed pureed chicken, peas and mashed taters for lunch. taters were good, mixed em in with the chicken, left the peas alone. I have been eating oatmeal for fiber (helps to regulate the output, lol) -- with some Prot Pwdr mixed in, yogurt, pureed soups (with extra PP mixed in), shakes (but not too many luckily), refried beans with melted cheese, scrambled eggs with melted cheese, and very mushy/pureed chicken, egg and salmon salad. I also pureed some LF Turkey chili... Have also had 'fun' making 'super puddings'... Sugar free pudding with Prot pwdr, milk and and add in if I can think of one. Best one yet-- jello SF choc fudge pudding, unjury choc splendor powder ---chocolatey goodness....and then swirl in a Tbsp of peanut butter when I eat it for an extra 7-8 g of protein. I am not hungry, getting in about 60-70g a day... more like watching the clock and eating on cue. I get the mouth hunger though....haven't been tempted - tempted enough to cheat, but this AM I was thinking "I really would love something crunchy...." and "I want bread"... funny, a friend of mine had this 7 yrs ago...told me she had the mouth hunger/craving for crunchy....shoved a whole handful of doritos in her mounth, chewed it up, then spit them out, just to relieve it. LMAO. I am not there....yet. On another note, I found a company that makes comfort food type stuff, lo fat, lo sugar... out of dried ingredients, so when it arrives, it is in powder form. you add hot or cold water, and they 'say' that it smells and tastes like the 'real food'....even tho it looks like pudding. I ordered a few things, so will let you know.... I ordered the higher protein 'entrees'....like mac& cheese, fiesta tacos, bbq with cornbread. I am both scared and excited to see how these are. LOL. Company is "Pure-a". I have my 2 week check up with surgeon tomorrow .... and 2 more weeks left on pureeds. I think I can make it. :-) HW (Jan 2013) 231 SW (9/23/2013) 222 CW (10/6) 211 I am 5'1". :-) so far, so good.
  5. Yup...that was it...the NSG thing. Personally, hate all tubes inserted...freaky. Just never thought of a med alert bracelet as a "may need".
  6. I guess meanining emergency initibation, gastric drains or tubes...any tubes being inserted into esophagus, airway or gastric track that may damage or puncture the pouch. If they know its there (pouch) they are less apt to cause more damage just shoving it in there... If they assumed we have normal plumbing...that may happen?? Explained it on that site. Made sense. I know at my hospital, they even initibate (sp?) everyone using camera guides....was pretty cool (and nerve calming) when he was explaining how they do it.
  7. dreamsawaken

    Is this possible?

    Dorian ...that makes sense!!! All i heard was people had so much trouble getting enough liquid in, or gettin enough food in. That has not been the case at all for me....and my surgeon had me on pureed 2 days post op. Could have polished off the whole bowl of oatmeal (normal portion)....but didnt. I too wondered if they actually made a pouch or made it bigger than usual. But stuck to what they laid out for portions. Had no concept of full feeling yet..... Until today. After 1/4 c wet tuna salad, i tried to squeeze in a laughing cow lite cheese wedge for taste, xtra 2g prot....got 1/2 that in and then I felt it. Not a good feeling, nor one i want to have regularly. But i guess now at 9 days post op, those nerves are starting to heal....become more sensitive, functional. I get wanting the flavors and comfort foods....like pizza..but am not missing them yet. Not enuf to cheat....and being a former "chef" of sorts, i will try to recreate it within the constraints of dietary guidelines before i cheat....deal i made with myself. I love choc/pnut butter... Got that one down pretty easily for now: SF choc fudge pudding, unjury, skim milk to make pudding...swirl in 2T pnut butter before eating. 16g prot for 4 oz svg. Chching!!! Next step is make it into pudding pops or "ice cream"... sometimes you just have to get past the visual or texture.... Already have some ideas for "pizza" when that time comes too.
  8. We have 2 or 3 on our approved list, nothing OTC as in what you can find at drugstore/walmart etc. currently only taking 3 pills per day. Best vitamins ever are NutraMetrix Isotonix Multi (w or w/out iron) & calcium complex. Drinkable!!!! They are isotonic when used/mixed with water properly, approved by AMA, and have like 95%absorption....where as the OTC stuff is about 50 if u are lucky. You mix one capful with 2 oz water, and it makes this isotonic solution that is like taking it IV when you drink it....fully absorbed in 5 min on an empty stomach. Citrus flavor, not bad at all, to me. Added bonus, AM dose (one multi, one calc) is 4 oz liquid. I do another 2 caps of calcium at like 5 or 6pm. Been taking them since before surgery... They also have isotonic anti oxidants u can add, chgs flavors to berries, a b complex, microbiotics, etc. Great stuff. My starter kit was multi, calcium, antioxidant...i think...for about $139, but lasts 90 days. No worrying about timing, etc....except just to take right out of bed in AM. Google nutrametrix isotonix, or go to www.yourvitaminshere.com (i think). Also still taking anti nausea as needed...and a prevacid every day. I started taking a stool softener daily too as part of no constipation regimen. After next week, @ 2 week post op mark, will add iron chews once a day, and B12 shots 1x/mnth...or there is a nasal application or sublingual. Also will be on urso for either 6 weeks or 6 mos..that prevents/reduces chance of gallstones down the road. I hate pills... So nutrametrix was a clear choice for me. As far as protein powders....unjury is my fave, unflavored...and flavors. They also email recipes, etc pretty regularly. So far so good all around. 9 days out, still getting in enough fluids, protein with no issues. First "full" or tight/crampy feeling was today.... Tuna salad, but tried to squeeze in a wedge of laughing cow lite cheese....lol. Just a bit too much. Solved my "no more reeses" issue too...lol.... Sugar free choc pudding, unjury choc splendor, skim milk to make pudding... Then i swirl in 2T pnut butter. Texture way different, but the flavors are there. Walked 45 min today. didnt feel like it, but made myself....and had more spark in me after i did it I preread thru the transition class materials we got in advance..and there were links to medical alert bracelet sites (& cute ones, even one just for wls!!!) ... Never occurred to me i may need one....no NSAIDS, SUGARS or blind tube insertions... Good idea. another one in there for clothes sharing club, etc. will find them and post. This is prob the second best thing i have done for myself....no regrets...only hope and inspiration.
  9. Amanda great to hear you are coming back from your little setback/complication. I don't think some SF pudding will kill you. Giggles, thats cool we have the same date. i too think its so weird how all the diff nuts and drs start us out. I got liquids only for a day, after the GI xray to check for leaks (2nd check he did, 1st one in surgery). broth, tea, etc. weds i started pureed. Everyone else surprised too. Including a few friends that had had rny before. My program (st Agnes hospital bariatric and gi institute in balt,md) is a center of excellence... I think even over johns hopkins. My surgeon is the director of whole program...and program nurse had one in 1995 there, nut has 12 yrs exp... I was in great hands. i didnt have too bad of a fatty liver, so no pre op diet.....i was surprised he didnt even want a gi cleanse, enema prep, etc. worked out ok for me tho. My biggest "complication" in surgery, was he found a rather "large, nasty" hiatal hernia, which he fixed. I had no idea i had it...thought the symptoms were just random GERD, etc. that was a good thing....i got a 2 fer. Just feeling very blessed to have been able to have this, had the courage to choose this change, and be/live in an area with so many excellent options, as well as have the support i did/still have.... From friends, family, work.....my clients even. one came and visited me in hosp...and sent flowers. Blew me away!!! Only problems i have are sleeping at night...not sleeping, but where /how. Im a side sleeper, so sleeping on my back in bed is wearing on me, hurts lower back...but cant do side yet. Hard to get in/out up/down too. So, sticking to.couch. and poop is all funky.....texture. Lol. But had three yesterday. Surgeon wrote me out of work til 10/21...& not fighting it. Gonna use every minute "off" to build a strong foundation and routine for this new way of life. Works gonna have to fit in MY life now, not me fitting life into work demands. just so many new possibilities, good things ahead.... Besides smaller clothes, feeling better. nite all!!
  10. I do. One post op "transition" class, should be about 2-3 hours, about week 4. Covers transitioning to soft, foods, "real" foods, etc, as well as more nutrition education, and tips to keep the habits going in real chaos of real life, exercise ideas, etc. also am supposed to have a post op one on one with nut to check food diaries, vit/min levels and weight loss rate, reconfigure protein goals if needed. My program has 2 support groups per month too.
  11. Mine have been formed, prob too formed...lol. Need to soften them up a bit. One thing is they stink. So do farts/gaseous releases, lol. My friend who is 2 yrs out warned me...didnt want to believe her, but peeeeuuuu, one i had yest was funnnnky. Lol
  12. Mine have been formed, prob too formed...lol. Need to soften them up a bit. One thing is they stink. So do farts/gaseous releases, lol. My friend who is 2 yrs out warned me...didnt want to believe her, but peeeeuuuu, one i had yest was funnnnky. Lol
  13. My update.. 4 full days post op (surgery 9/23): so far so good. Got out weds late afternoon, worst pain and "suffering" day, ready to hurt someone, sick of 3 & 4 am dracula visits, being stuck w/something all day/night, etc. got oral delaudid after 10 am. Drain removed day of discharge..felt weird. Slept from.7 pm to 7 am....still waking up every 3 hrs tho, lol. Sent home with tiny 1 mg delaudid, antinausea script, and prevacid script. Also had the atrixia (blood thinner) injections. No nausea or cramping in the pouch yet, just from gas. Right on pureed diet..from weds in hospital. Oatmeal, refried beans, yogurt, etc. fortified all with prot powder. Getting 36-48 oz liquids in for last 2 days. Popsicles rock!!! Hot tea goes down well too..."smooth move" tea to help as laxative. Did take miralax this AM, and a stool softner....finally pooped!! Maybe tmi, but thats a big deal...lol. Got 68g protein in today, walked around the block.... Lingering pain @ incision sites, esp if i twist the wrong way...and some gassy pains that go away with moving/walking, etc. still tired, but scheduling naps. drinking from pink sippy cup and using a baby spoon to eat. Best thing today was choc banana super pudding... SF choc pudding, 1/2 banana mashed, 2c skim milk, 1 envelope unjury choc protein pwdr, blended, chilled. 8g prot per 4 oz. Yum. Thank you God this is going pretty well.so far!!!! no idea how much i lost yet, not looking til post op appt with surgeon on 10/7. HW 231.(feb 2013)...DoSW 222. GW 140
  14. I got the no on protein shakes counting as clear liquids IF they were made with milk.
  15. So far so good! Moderate pain at suture sites, bruises from heparin shots, tired as all get out...never slept longer than 2 hours in hospital. I got released today. yesterday got 36 oz clear fluids in. Today, oatmeal (about 3 T, with some unsweetened applesauce) hot tea.for breakfast... Pureed chix, mashed taters & molded pureed peas (did not eat those...lol/. With a lil jello in mid afternoon. Water powerade, and bariatric advantage shake for dinner....all pretty much on schedule. No nausea, i farted...peed alot. going to sleep.... Need at last 6.
  16. Good luck sashalk. I get out today!!
  17. Day 2...catheter out, peed on my own. 2 laps around the floor. Cleared for liquids. Drank 20 oz already. feeling ok, but really tired.
  18. In my room , not too much pain..surgery was 2.5hrz.
  19. In _, no4t too much pain..surgery was 2.5hrz.
  20. In room, not too much pain..surgery was 2.5hrz.
  21. Less than 3 hours. Feeling.....everything. :/ at least paper surgery gown is pretty lavender.
  22. Less than 3 hours. Feeling.....everything. :/

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