I have been vegetarian for 10 years and vegan for 3. It is soooo easy to be both! Also much healthier and better for the environment. Vegans can eat anything that did not come from an animal or processed without using animal products. Tofu scramble is awesome by the way. Also annabanana vegans can eat all the fruit they want AS LONG as it does not have ADDED sugar, the natural sugars in fruit are fine. Also skinny bitch is awesome and some recommendations for other books are THE COMPASSIONATE COOK, VIVE LE VEGAN, VEGAN WITH A VENGEANCE, VEGAN CUPCAKES TAKE OVER THE WORLD, HOW IT ALL VEGAN, and finally ANYTHING BY COOKBOOK AUTHOR CHRISTINA PIRELLO!!!!! She rocks! Also google her and read her amazing story! If you want any great recipes hit me up and I will mos def email you some great easy recipes!!!