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  1. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Dbanks in Friday Weigh-In!   
    Hw: 406
    Sw: 376 (8-26-13)
    Cw: 331
    Hoping to be in the 200s by the new year.
  2. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to PittGuy in Friday Weigh-In!   
    238.... Down 100 pounds since I started my two week preop diet in July!!!! DOING THE HAPPY FAT MAN DANCE TODAY!!!! Down 6 for the week.
  3. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from kasper in negativity   
    I hear you, Mz Shay. WLS community folks I've always thought to be some of the kindest and caring. However, lately I have seen some real self righteous and rude stuff said. Sometimes I wonder if they are actually trolls. But you know what I do when I see a pattern of someone posting like that? I report them to the admin. They can take their attitude somewhere else!
  4. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to terry1118 in negativity   
    The printed word can sometimes be misunderstood because, unlike when we talk in person, you can't hear the 'tone' of the words. You can't tell if someone is being funny, sarcastic, angry, or happy. Some people don't have the vocabulary to say what they really mean and use words or phrases that mean something else entirely, completely unintentionally. We have to be understanding and overlook these types of things that may be purely innocent.
    Some people 'tell it like it is', or think they do. What it really is, is an opinion. Opinions are just that - opinions. It's what a person thinks and it isn't always (maybe even RARELY) based on fact. Opinions are just one person's perception of a thing. Sometimes the person who 'tells it like it is' can make you see something in a way you didn't consider before. It can be a good thing.
    And then there are 'trolls'. These are people who like to stir up trouble by deliberately making comments that offend or anger others. Then they sit back and watch the sparks fly. One board that I belonged to was almost destroyed by 'trolls' making offensive comments in a 'hit and run' fashion. The best defense against 'trolls' is to ignore them. They want a reaction - don't give them one.
    A lot of people here genuinely want to help by sharing their experiences, offering encouragement, and celebrating successes (their own and yours). At times we seek advice and sometimes sympathy from others who have already gone through things that we find bewildering. It's comforting to know things will improve and get tips to cope with our problems.
    What all of the above have in common is that they are all comments made by people we have never met and likely never will. Whether positive or negative, you are the one who chooses what to read and when/if to respond. Just ignore what you don't like and enjoy the rest. You don't need to abandon the whole board. There is WAY more positive here than negative! :-)
  5. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from vicki s in August Post Ops   
    Has anyone else had trouble sleeping since surgery? I can rarely sleep through the night now, and also tend to have trouble getting to sleep as well. It's starting to make me really tired during the week. I have sleep apnea and have rarely had trouble sleeping since I started using a CPAP. Anyone else have sleep changes since surgery?
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from vicki s in August Post Ops   
    sugar free yogurt raisins?! ::drools::
  7. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to beckyford in August Post Ops   
    I was 251.2 this morning!!! High weight was 322 and day of surgery 303...appointment tomorrow!!! Feeling awesome!!! Fitting in my size 18 jeans and taking some tshirts out of my 15 year old sons closet! Lovin it!!
  8. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to Sparklette in Friday Weigh-In!   
    I was 319 when I got off of work this morning. I am so close to 200s I can almost taste it.
  9. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to kinsse in August Post Ops   
    That's great!! I'm 4lbs away from it.
    And about the candy it does sounds good. But I stay away!! I got me some s.f. Yougurt covered raisins. Yummy!!
  10. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to kloveburd in August Post Ops   
    Down 50 pounds as of today! Yay!!!!!!
  11. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to ECUJenn in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    1. Have been dating a wonderful guy for about a month now. Absolutely insane to me! 2. We went on a roadtrip to Washington DC this past weekend because some of his friends were running the marine corps marathon. I was able to walk around the city without complaint. AND it has reaffirmed that my ultimate goal is to run a marathon. The surgery has not made me happier. My decision that I was worth it has made me happier!
    HW 344, DOS 320, Surgery Date 2/20/13, CW 229 Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  12. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to bb00024 in Everything tastes metallic?   
    I am not sure how accurate this information is but I was having the same issue and anther person on this forum told me I was experiencing something called Ketosis. This is when your body is burning 100% fat to fuel your body during this time. Apparently it is really a good thing because you are losing weight/fat.
    I pre-cursor this information with the advice to always talk to your nutritionist, but this is what I was told. It only latest 2/3-days for me and tomorrow, 10/28th I will be 6-weeks post-op.
    Hope it helps.
  13. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to beckyford in What ya eating tonight?   
    I made a sugar free strawberry Jello cake tonite. Used a sugar free cake mix and instead of eggs and oil used a can of diet 7up. Baked it and when done poked hiles and poured strawberry sugar free jello. Gonna top with lite cool whip. Delicious and I don't feel guilty for having a piece!!
  14. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from oldoneyoungagain in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I have a work sweatshirt that I picked up thinking it would be a goal I can fit into in a couple months (I got it last week). I tried it today to see how far I have to go and it fit! The waist was a little tight because I am losing much faster on my upper body than lower body, but I can totally wear it. It's an XL, and I was an XXXL two months ago.
  15. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to kinsse in August Post Ops   
    Sounds like most of u guys are like me n struggle with eight fluids n Protein. I to found that core power taste good.
    I'm 6# from being down 50!!! ,I lost 3# last week!! I'm excited the stall is over with for now that is.
    Hw320 sw314 cw,270!!!
  16. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to kloveburd in August Post Ops   
    I'm almost down 50 pounds guys!
    Ahhhhh! It's so crazy to believe a little over 2 months ago I was over 300lbs and now I'm in the 250s.
    Everything is much easier to do lol
  17. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to mzshay35 in August Post Ops   
    I walked 3 miles today finally my energy coming on back I drank 8oz Protein Shake I'm so proud of myself
    Mz Shay
  18. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Carolyn64 in Hope   
    Wearing my bathing suit, looking in the mirror in the gym locker room, I realized today just how much my body has changed. Seventy pounds gone.
    I absolutely never used to have any hope of losing weight. I was so resigned to living this way the rest of my life that I stopped trying. When I'd get upset, I'd just feed myself until I didn't care anymore.
    But today, watching myself shrink befote my eyes, I have hope for the first time in many years that I will be successful. And it is just so exciting to see where life will take me from here.
    I just had to share this. It sounds strange, but I feel like I'm healing, finally. I know you'll know what I mean.
  19. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Carolyn64 in Hope   
    Wearing my bathing suit, looking in the mirror in the gym locker room, I realized today just how much my body has changed. Seventy pounds gone.
    I absolutely never used to have any hope of losing weight. I was so resigned to living this way the rest of my life that I stopped trying. When I'd get upset, I'd just feed myself until I didn't care anymore.
    But today, watching myself shrink befote my eyes, I have hope for the first time in many years that I will be successful. And it is just so exciting to see where life will take me from here.
    I just had to share this. It sounds strange, but I feel like I'm healing, finally. I know you'll know what I mean.
  20. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Carolyn64 in Hope   
    Wearing my bathing suit, looking in the mirror in the gym locker room, I realized today just how much my body has changed. Seventy pounds gone.
    I absolutely never used to have any hope of losing weight. I was so resigned to living this way the rest of my life that I stopped trying. When I'd get upset, I'd just feed myself until I didn't care anymore.
    But today, watching myself shrink befote my eyes, I have hope for the first time in many years that I will be successful. And it is just so exciting to see where life will take me from here.
    I just had to share this. It sounds strange, but I feel like I'm healing, finally. I know you'll know what I mean.
  21. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Carolyn64 in Hope   
    Wearing my bathing suit, looking in the mirror in the gym locker room, I realized today just how much my body has changed. Seventy pounds gone.
    I absolutely never used to have any hope of losing weight. I was so resigned to living this way the rest of my life that I stopped trying. When I'd get upset, I'd just feed myself until I didn't care anymore.
    But today, watching myself shrink befote my eyes, I have hope for the first time in many years that I will be successful. And it is just so exciting to see where life will take me from here.
    I just had to share this. It sounds strange, but I feel like I'm healing, finally. I know you'll know what I mean.
  22. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Carolyn64 in Hope   
    Wearing my bathing suit, looking in the mirror in the gym locker room, I realized today just how much my body has changed. Seventy pounds gone.
    I absolutely never used to have any hope of losing weight. I was so resigned to living this way the rest of my life that I stopped trying. When I'd get upset, I'd just feed myself until I didn't care anymore.
    But today, watching myself shrink befote my eyes, I have hope for the first time in many years that I will be successful. And it is just so exciting to see where life will take me from here.
    I just had to share this. It sounds strange, but I feel like I'm healing, finally. I know you'll know what I mean.
  23. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to amcdowell779 in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I shopped at a store in the mall called Vanity. I haven't been able to shop at a regular store in years and not only that but I wasn't in the largest size in that store. I'm fitting into "regular" clothes. I came home and weighed myself for the first time in like a month and I am down 20 lbs since the last weigh in and a grand total of 100 lbs today!!! Can't believe it! I'm so excited.
  24. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from staceyd in What ya eating tonight?   
    Seasoned a bnls/sknls chicken breast with salt/pepper/granulated garlic. Browned both sides in pan with olive oil. Then added a few cloves whole garlic, juice of a half lemon followed by slices of that same half lemon, and half cup chicken broth. Cover and cook 7mins. Then removed the chicken, thickened the sauce with a little flour/water mix, added pepper, served sauce over chicken. It was enough to feed the hubs and me.
  25. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from vicki s in Daily calorie intake   
    I'm usually between 750-850. My goal is to keep it under 850, but I've had a couple 1000 cal days. My nut recommends 600-800, but I figure making my Protein numbers trumps that.

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