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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Mid West in Please tell me what you eat?   
    Here's a sample:
    Breakfast: 1 hardboiled egg and a couple strawberries/or a 1/3 cup oatmeal with Protein drink mixed in (which ends up making it more like 1/2 cup in volume)/or a Protein shake
    Snack: 1/3 cup low fat cottage cheese/or rest of Protein Shake from Breakfast
    Lunch: 1/3 cup tuna salad with 4-5 whole grain crackers, or leftover from dinner the night before but still only about 1/3 to 1/2 cup
    Snack: 2oz low fat cheese/ or 1/4 cup nuts and a little dried fruit like apricots or raisins/or the rest of lunch if I couldn't finish it like when I get takeaway
    Dinner: 3oz meat and a little veggies like 1-2Tb worth.
    Snack: a glass of low fat milk, or some roasted sunflower/pumpkin seeds if I need something crunchy
    This usually puts me between 800-1000 calories, 50-80 carbs, and 70-80 Protein. I eat every couple hours and in between I drink 16-24oz of Water.
  2. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to vicki s in August Surgery List complete   
    I Am overweight today!! YAY!!!!!!! my BMI hit 29.95 today so i am no longer obese!! whoopie!!....
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    bloreorbust reacted to RPatt19720 in Hit my goal   
    So happy that I hit my goal weight of 250 pounds this week. I am down to 243. For a frame of reference I was 560 pounds, down to 427 DOS. Surgery was on October 3, 2012. I was in a 68" pant and a 7xl shirt. Wore a size 16eee shoe. Now I am In a 40" waist, XL shirts, and 13 shoe. Big difference in clothing choice as well. Just thought I would share with everyone. Happy holidays to all.
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    bloreorbust reacted to rach1134 in The Slow Losers Thread   
    5 weeks. That must've been driving you nuts! Congrats on breaking that bad boy!
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    bloreorbust reacted to LindsJ83 in The Slow Losers Thread   
    It must be the day to get the scale moving again! Today I officially broke free from the 300's and was 299.8 !!!!!!!! In the words of Dane Cook, skiddle dee dee!!!! That's right, I said skiddle dee dee!!!!
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from LessofKat in The Slow Losers Thread   
    I finally made it out of the 330s!!! It was a 5 week stall. Yesterday, 331. Today, 329! I hope this is the end of stalls for a few weeks. I really really do.
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from LessofKat in The Slow Losers Thread   
    I finally made it out of the 330s!!! It was a 5 week stall. Yesterday, 331. Today, 329! I hope this is the end of stalls for a few weeks. I really really do.
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    bloreorbust reacted to elli'smommy in What ya eating tonight?   
    I made a chicken pad Thai using spaghetti squash for noodles! It was awesome!
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    bloreorbust reacted to krystalherrington in The Slow Losers Thread   
    I'm cheering. I lost 1 lb in 10 days. I'll take 1 lb every 10 days. That would be 20 lbs by summer. Yeah I can see my goal!
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from kparadisek in August Post Ops   
    Head hunger, head hunger, head hunger. And my brain tells me that hunger can only be sated with cheese. Apparently my brain is not with the program. This tummy doesn't have hunger anymore, not like it used to.
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    bloreorbust reacted to music1618 in Confessions Of A Chocoholic   
    I am 18 months post op and can eat anything I want. I am at goal weight and have only dumped once. I would say I am a chocolate nut as well!
    I eat chocolate when I want to. There are times it gets out of control and I eat a little more than I should. This is usually around the time of the month for me. I usually crave sweets during that lovely time.
    I do believe that it is all in how you look at things. I don't consider it cheating. Everything in moderation is normal. I believe if we continue to see it as "cheating" we set ourselves up to fail. We have spent so many years telling ourselves what we must "give up" or "deny" food. It is ingrained in us that we should feel guilty about having a piece of birthday cake on our birthday.
    With all that said it can be a slippery slope. You must keep yourself in check and make sure you are eating the "guilty" food in moderation. I was several months post op when I went a little crazy and ate a lot of sweets. It started a spiral of guilty feelings and depressive thoughts. These boards help pull me back to reality. The reality was that I needed to figure out why had I started down that path. I discovered that I ate the sweets mainly when I was driving at work and stopped at a gas station. I would then buy sweets and eat them throughout the day. I counter acted this by logging foods and making sure I had Snacks in my truck with me. I also found food that would satisfy my sweet tooth that was low in calories, and had other nutritional benefits.
    Finally I would have a little conversation with myself to figure out why I wanted the food. If you deny yourself the food for the rest of your life then you will either go nuts and eat too much or you become obsessed about what you CAN NOT have.
    We all paid money to have this surgery, but I mainly paid this money to gain my life back. Make sure you keep yourself in check which since you are posting asking questions means you are. Make sure you don't let anyone make you feel like you are doing everything wrong. Make sure you are following your doctors orders. Finally make sure you stay true to yourself, and remember we are human and not perfect little robots.
    Congrats on your new life!
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Lovelycurves in August Surgery List complete   
    I hear you, mzshay. I've been stalled for a month, too. If I think about it too hard I start freaking out and thinking what I need to try to get out of it or whatever. Maybe it's normal at this stage. Whatever it is I'm sick of it messing with my head. Going to try to eat as balanced as I can, enjoy some veggies, some fruit, drink a Protein Shake if I can't get it all in, and stop stressing. This is so not easy.
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    bloreorbust reacted to Dorian in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    My 21 year old daughter bought herself a new outfit for a bachelorette party the other day. I thought it was cute so tried it on for the heck of it. It fit!!! Size 14 jeans, and a cute little short brown leather like jacket. When she came downstairs she couldn't believe it. Both of my girls said I looked great!
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from terry1118 in Gall Bladder   
    Aaah drugs. Enjoy :-).
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    bloreorbust reacted to terry1118 in Gall Bladder   
    Just got home from the hospital. Gallbladder's gone. They also found a hernia so I got a bonus hernia repair. Pain was bad but much better now - gotta love narcotics. Super tired - goodnight! :-)
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    bloreorbust reacted to missysue in August Surgery List complete   
    I hit onederland today!! 63.4 lbs down since surgery August 14th:)
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    bloreorbust reacted to kinsse in August Surgery List complete   
    Ok I got to announce this!! I am at my lowest point that I've been in over 17yrs.!! I'm 257# ,HW 321 SW 314 @ 8-6-13
    Happy happy happy!!!!
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    bloreorbust reacted to Chelle in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I had a fantastic NSV.
    I have a 15 year old son, and he is at the age where it is just a huge ordeal to hug his mom. Anyway, the other day I "made" him hug me, and he stood back and said that he has never been able to put his arms around me and hug me that close. He said.....your smaller than me now mom!
    So happy!!!!
  19. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to DLCoggin in Stalls!   
    Second guessing yourself or the process is the enemy. There is no schedule for stalls and no way to accurately predict how long they will last. But...as long as you are following the protocol and in the absence of a medical problem, there is absolutely no doubt that you will continue to lose weight. No doubt. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight. Sometimes quickly. Sometimes more slowly. And sometimes not at all for a period of time. All perfectly normal. But sooner or later, you will lose weight. Science and the universe cannot be denied. Recognize that. Embrace the reality. Remind yourself, every day. Your goal is physical change but your challenge is mental discipline.
    Persistence, along with absolute belief, can never be defeated.
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    bloreorbust reacted to beckyford in August Surgery List complete   
    Forgot to add that my size 10 wedding ring no longer fits...so...got a new size 8.5...yay!!!

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    bloreorbust reacted to rach1134 in The Slow Losers Thread   
    Today I have met my Water goal and then some. Im very interested to see if dramatically increased water will help me lose more over this coming week. Today I'm 6 weeks 2 days out from surgery and im finally feeling my clothes being slightly loose (15.5 lbs lost). Until now I've filled out my pre- surgery clothes with no sign of baggyness.
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    bloreorbust reacted to BKR in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Wow. I went shopping black Friday and bought myself a pair of those boots that go to the knees and a pair of tights. My husband loved them. Now all I need is to get up enough confidence to wear them out of the house...lol. It's so weird to go shopping now when I don't have to wear everything that is a 3-4xl. But it was fun!
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    bloreorbust reacted to terry1118 in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    Also, I found out at my six month post-op visit the other day that my bmi is now 28. When I started it was 47. :-)
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Scorpion11 in I Smell Since Surgery   
    I have the exact opposite since surgery. I have very little to no smell. It's equally weird.
    Do you think possibly the smell is amplified due to surgery? I've always had trouble with strong smells, but there are some things I just can't stand smelling at all sometimes since surgery. Protein powder smell, seafood smell, any food at all after I've just eaten.
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    bloreorbust reacted to 5.0junkie in Pissed Off Husband   
    Did you even have his support when you had the first surgery? If so, there is obviously a deeply rooted problem and he just doesn't know how to express his feelings or concerns. Men are pretty good at hiding that stuff and when it does come out it often comes out as anger first. If you didn't have his support in the beginning, well then, its time to focus on you, lose the weight, strut your sexy ass in front of him and show him what he'll be missing for not being supportive!!!

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