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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from STLoser in How much money do you save on food?   
    Personally, not much if any. I have to buy a lot more Vitamins than I did before surgery. Also, I eat small portions of everything so I try to do as much organic/grass fed as possible which raises the cost. I could eat a lot cheaper if I was doing more tuna or egg salads, and meatloaf/meatballs.
  2. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from logicwand in Anyone take EmergenC?   
    I would not buy Protein Shakes stuff until after surgery. Have some samples ready for when you first get home so you have nutrition, but don't buy large quantities. My tastes have changed a lot.
    Also, as soon as they let you, walk as much as you can. It will be slow and not far, but try every few hours or so.
    I'll tell you I was terrified right up until the moment the anesthesiologist knocked me out. Then when I woke up, I was so relieved it was over that I didn't care what was going on.
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Autumn Riley Arnold in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I jogged for the very first time on the treadmill today. Jogging/running again is my number 1 dream, top of all of my WLS related goals. I seriously have dreams at night about being able to do this. I had to fight hard to hold back the tears, even now it is still pulling my strings.
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Autumn Riley Arnold in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I have recently rededicated myself to working out every day. It is incredible how good my body feels even in the first few days! I'm lazy and would usually always have an excuse for not exercising, but let me tell you from the first day I dedicated myself to doing it I want to do it more and more. I love the confidence it gives me in how I move my body, and the sense of accomplishment I feel knowing I started the day ahead in my goals by putting that time to exercise in. Combined with following my recommended diet, I feel absolutely empowered in a way I have not felt before. For all those struggling, do your best to commit yourself to moving more and you will 100% be rewarded for your effort.
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from donnamaria65 in I cant stop having sex   
    I can't seem to want sex much. Maybe that's in comparison though. I expected surgery to make me want it more, but I still can't match the everyday/several times a day desires of the hubs. Maybe once I lose more and start exercising more. I'm still just 4 months out and going through the various aches and pains of a changing body shape.
  6. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from donnamaria65 in I cant stop having sex   
    I can't seem to want sex much. Maybe that's in comparison though. I expected surgery to make me want it more, but I still can't match the everyday/several times a day desires of the hubs. Maybe once I lose more and start exercising more. I'm still just 4 months out and going through the various aches and pains of a changing body shape.
  7. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from leanora27801 in The Slow Losers Thread   
    I'm sure you have lost weight, but you are still all pumped up with Fluid from the hospital. Relax, and be assured that you will soon start dropping more than you can imagine.
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Ginger Snaps in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    My husband told me today that when he was hugging me this morning that he finally realized how small I had become.
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from anneeo in What's the story behind your profile name?   
    Blore is the short name used for Bangalore (India), which I've been planning to move to for the past 3 years. Almost there. 2 more months!
    My hooker name, Sitka 47th. Must be where I "work". And perhaps I'm popular with Alaskans. /wink
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Ginger Snaps in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    My husband told me today that when he was hugging me this morning that he finally realized how small I had become.
  11. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in New addictions?   
    Put me down for shopping, too. Thankfully it is something am an conscious of, so I can pull myself back when needed. And this will be weird, but I have a thing for trying out different chairs in different places. It makes me giddy to realize I fit into any spot comfortably now.
  12. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from SwanRose in My 600lb life   
    Sometimes when I go for my post op visits I can't help but giggle thinking most of these people have seen me passed out naked lol. Then again, they've also seen my internal organs...
  13. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from BeagleLover in My 600lb life   
    I watch as well and like to see this journey from the perspectives of others. Penny was sad. You could tell there were moments where she knew the choices she was making were wrong, but she loves food too much to stop. She is someone who really needs to work with a therapist and talk with other WLS patients to gain perspective. I think she really is so in love with food that she doesn't care that it is separating her from real life and most importantly her child. I wonder if she ever thinks, "Do I want this bowl of fried wontons, or do I want to live?" I know I think that, and had to think that way to want this bad enough. When you get to a certain point, it really legit is a matter of losing weight and making better choices, or dying. Do I want this bag of cheeseburgers, or do I want to live to see my kid graduate? I wish I could sit down with her in person and tell her this. I really really do.
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    bloreorbust got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in New addictions?   
    Put me down for shopping, too. Thankfully it is something am an conscious of, so I can pull myself back when needed. And this will be weird, but I have a thing for trying out different chairs in different places. It makes me giddy to realize I fit into any spot comfortably now.
  15. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in New addictions?   
    Put me down for shopping, too. Thankfully it is something am an conscious of, so I can pull myself back when needed. And this will be weird, but I have a thing for trying out different chairs in different places. It makes me giddy to realize I fit into any spot comfortably now.
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    bloreorbust reacted to mzshay35 in August 2013 surgeries   
    Hw 520 sw 417 i think cw 290 finally out them 3s Surgery 8/28
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    bloreorbust reacted to frankt04 in I Am So Angry When People Think Surgery Is The Easy Option!   
    8yrs ago i as 350lbs happy healthy and out preformed guys 1/2 my weight at my physically demanding job. Then 1 day i was up on a ladder and lost feeling in my legs, i spent 2yrs a prisoner to my home. Back surgeons refused to work on me until I lost 100 pounds, naturally being immobile I only gained weight ballooning to 450lbs unemployed & depressed! Fast forward again another 6 months and I have my surgery 8/24/09 @ 425lbs. Now im 215lbs for 4yrs and holding. Well 3yrs ago this B@#*$ says to me "oh you took the easy way out" so I said to her "yeah kinda like your father who took the easy way out and got a liver transplant" that didn't go over too well... lol
  18. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to kinsse in August 2013 surgeries   
    Here is 98lbs gone!#!

  19. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from I will what I want in Don't hate on fluffy people   
    I have to say that I think our layers of fluff often cover up more than just our physical attributes. People who are narcissitic or self centered sometimes reveal their true colors after surgery. All those mean things other people said to them start coming out of their own mouths because they now have the confidence to speak them.
    Just try to be the other sort. The sort that remembers all those bad feelings, and has compassion on others because of them. The sort that's just happy they are finally getting to where they want to be in life.
  20. Like
    bloreorbust reacted to mzshay35 in August 2013 surgeries   
    We are almost same in number im losing slow but im losing hw512 sw410&cw302 cant get out 300s but i haven't been exercising much which im back on track now
  21. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in New addictions?   
    Put me down for shopping, too. Thankfully it is something am an conscious of, so I can pull myself back when needed. And this will be weird, but I have a thing for trying out different chairs in different places. It makes me giddy to realize I fit into any spot comfortably now.
  22. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Mississippi Girl in New addictions?   
    Put me down for shopping, too. Thankfully it is something am an conscious of, so I can pull myself back when needed. And this will be weird, but I have a thing for trying out different chairs in different places. It makes me giddy to realize I fit into any spot comfortably now.
  23. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from starr313 in Breakfast   
    This week it is Fage 2% greek yogurt and Wild Harvest blueberry vanilla granola. Last week alternated chocolate Protein Shake with cottage cheese. Fridays I do bacon, egg, and half a piece of toast with jam as a treat.
    Hope you get some good ideas. oatmeal with some Protein shake mixed in is a good choice too.
  24. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from momlambert in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I recover SO MUCH FASTER from any physical work I have to do. I moved and cleaned all weekend, and I am only tired. Had I tried that 100lbs ago, I would be out for days. It's been like this for a while now, but it still amazes me every time.
  25. Like
    bloreorbust got a reaction from Mikee57 in Calcium Citrate: What do you use?   
    So I've been using the chewy bites up until now, but need to switch over to something less costly. What is everyone else using for their Calcium? What brand, and where do you get it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
