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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by bloreorbust

  1. bloreorbust

    The Slow Losers Thread

    If you're able to run marathons, is weight honestly holding you back anymore? Maybe at this point, with all the exercise and training you must do, body fat percentage could be a better goal than a specific weight number. That said, my dietician preaches on portion size ans protein. 1/3C meal size forever, with increased frequency depending upon physical activity, and 80+ grams of protein a day and half that in carbohydrates. And I must say, when I am able to keep myself to this plan, I lose. Mind you, I'm 6 months out and the entire time have averaged a 2-3lb a week weight loss even in the very early days. I wish sometimes I could be a fast loser and be at the 100lb mark by now, but my body disagrees. For me, fitness goals are going to be a much bigger part of weight loss than the actual weight loss. Just the way it is.
  2. bloreorbust

    What ya eating tonight?

    Spicy chicken teriyaki, brown rice, edamame.
  3. Me and my pouch are hitting the open skies! It's our first trip together, and includes 4 10hr flights (2 there and 2 back). I'm 6 months out, so not completely new, but the thought of having such limited options for food/water for such a long period of time make me nervous. Does anyone who has travelled post-op either domestically or internationally have some advice they would be willing to share? -How did you manage getting enough Water in while flying? (those cups they give you are tiny!) -Did/were you able to bring Protein bars or beef Jerky or anything like that? -Did you need a letter from your surgeon/doctor for anything? Also, I'm going to be in India for 3 weeks and am thinking about how to manage my dietary guidelines and get all my protein in. If anyone has been through a similar experience, I would appreciate it so much if you would share what you know.
  4. bloreorbust

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I can sit cross-legged on the floor now. And I keep on doing double takes in the mirror noticing how much smaller I am looking.
  5. bloreorbust

    Having chest pains.

    Definitely see your doc. Also, could be anxiety/panic attacks. I had so much anxiety, you can see in my charts in my appointments that the closer I got to surgery the higher my blood pressure went. And I did not have high bp before.
  6. bloreorbust

    5 months out, nauseous for over a week

    1. Are you taking prilosec still or similar? Nausea can be too much acid in the stomach 2. You could ask your dr for an anti-nausea med, they will help. 3. Yes to liquids. When things get funky, go back to basics for a couple days. But any longer than that and you should be on the phone with your surgeon.
  7. bloreorbust

    August Post Ops

    I seem to be going through a phase of both increased hunger and increased restriction. Not sure what to make of that yet, but goodness I hope it isn't the start of a stricture.
  8. bloreorbust

    Eating Right While Traveling Internationally

    Thanks B and parisshel! My husband made it through with an empty water bottle without issue last time, so I guess I will give that a try. Heck maybe 2 bottles. Living dangerously! Lol. With a cpap machine as well. I may just ask for a pat down for good measure.
  9. bloreorbust

    Eating Right While Traveling Internationally

    I used to sit and watch tv while I chop because standing over the counter would hurt my back. Now I can stand and chop and cook to my heart's content without hurting. Yay NSVs! All of my friends are going to get so much fatter now from all the food I make for them lol.
  10. bloreorbust

    Eating Right While Traveling Internationally

    Thank you so much for replying! I wasn't sure if I could bring food on or not. That helps a lot. I eat and make Indian food quite a bit, but post surgery not so much. It is very carbcentric! Even so, actually eating and cooking to my needs in India is going to be a totally new experience. I will totally share what I learn and tips!
  11. bloreorbust

    What ya eating tonight?

    Meatball curry and roasted chickpeas.
  12. I make many of my own condiments so I can control the sugar and ingredients, they are as follows: -bbq sauce -ketchup -hot sauce -flavored mayo (sriracha, onion), -all kinds of mustard -salads I love best dressed in olive oil and balsamic, or homemade blue cheese -hummus -guacamole
  13. bloreorbust

    What ya eating tonight?

    General tso's tofu from Whole Foods. Probably not the best as I'm sure the sauce has sugar, but every once in a while SO good.
  14. bloreorbust

    What does your day look like

    At 5 months out, this is where I'm at: -Up at 4:45, 24oz of Water and Vitamins while I am on my way to the gym and working out. -Breakfast at 7:30, Protein shake, or egg and bacon/chicken sausage and a piece of toast. -Another 16oz water, followed by a cup of coffee, followed by another 16oz water. -If I had a Protein Shake for breakfast, I usually need a snack by 10am. String cheese or a piece of fruit. -If I had snack, another 16oz water before lunch. -Lunch by 12, 3oz deli sliced turkey and a string cheese, or leftovers from dinner the night before. -16oz water -Snack around 2:30-3, greek yogurt -16oz water -Dinner starts at 5 or so and I split it into two eating sessions. First, I eat my veggies, steamed or roasted (asparagus, broccoli most often). Then about an hour later I eat my protein, 3oz grilled chicken breast or grilled hamgurger patty, or sometimes breakfast for dinner of egg/chicken sausage scramble. Steak once every week or two. -8oz water, and 8oz milk
  15. I'm really curious what others are experiencing so far in their journey for this weight group. Anyone care to share? For me, even though I am nearing 100lbs lost, there is still a long way to go and I have a hard time imagining ever being at goal. I started out at my highest being 406, and my goal is to get to 175. I find I stall every 10lbs or so. Anyone else?
  16. bloreorbust

    Feeling like a failure

    Maybe we're both failures? My weight was high and still is, but for time period we are at almost the exact same amount of weight loss. We just have to keep on going. Follow our doctor's guidelines, and exercise. The tool we have now won't just stop working on its own, so we decide when we will pick it up and use it and put it down again. Keep on going. You're not done yet.
  17. bloreorbust

    The Easy Way Out

    My husband once said something to the effect that this was an easier route for me. I blew up at him with the following... 1) I have to count every calorie, every gram of Protein, carbohydrates and fat in my diet. Then at the end of the day I have to make sure I got the right amounts so I can stay healthy. 2) I have to take 10 different Vitamins a day at different times and constantly worry about combinations and absorbing them. 3) If I mess up #2 or #3 I risk serious health issues, some of which are permanent. 4) If I eat one bite, one sip, too many my stomach hurts like hell. 5) If I don't constantly keep aware of how well I am chewing my food I risk not chewing well enough before I swallow and throwing it all back up repeatedly and not being able to eat the rest of the day which messes up #2 and #3. 6) Sometimes I'm pissed for no reason other than that I cannot eat, or have to constantly think about what/how I am eating. 7) I live in constant worry that I won't make it to where I want to be and that this whole process will be for nothing. I spent an entire year just preparing for the surgery! This isn't about just getting better abs, or a nicer butt for me; it's my life, my mortality. This is not one bit easy. It only looks easy right now because YOU (you being those who haven't gone through it, my husband namely) aren't the one following all the rules and at risk of serious consequences if you don't. It also looks easy because weight comes off faster when there's 200lbs of it to lose. He hasn't said anything similar since, but I saw the look in his eyes and he "got it". It's not easy, just different. That said, I can't say their perspective is all that different than what mine used to be. I didn't really know or understand exactly how much work I was going to have to do to lose weight and get fit before I found myself in the thick of it. I thought it was easy for them, people who had never been obese or had to lose a significant amount of weight. Really, it's not easy for anyone, no matter which route is taken. It's a lot of work to get the body you want.
  18. bloreorbust

    August Post Ops

    It is super freaky to all of a sudden be losing a lot of hair. I freaked out about it a lot more than I thought I would. Mine started at 2 months and has slowed down at 4-5 months. Hopefully it starts filling in soon. My hair was fine but I had A LOT of it before surgery. Had to cut it to my chin so it didn't look so bad. Side note: Has anyone started to feel hungry yet? I started working out last Monday, and I think what I feel is hunger but not sure. It's different than before and I'm struggling trying to figure out if it is head hunger or I really need to eat.
  19. bloreorbust

    When does it stop

    I started weaning myself off pain meds after day 10. But I had my husband still help me quite a bit those first 2 weeks, even at a moderate level the first 6. I was worried doing too much might lead to a hernia. And I have to say the first 7 weeks for me I had a lot of good days and bad. I'd feel fine for part of the day, then feel like I was hit by a truck. Hang in there and take the help and rest while you can get it.
  20. Personally, not much if any. I have to buy a lot more vitamins than I did before surgery. Also, I eat small portions of everything so I try to do as much organic/grass fed as possible which raises the cost. I could eat a lot cheaper if I was doing more tuna or egg salads, and meatloaf/meatballs.
  21. bloreorbust

    What ya eating tonight?

    Leftover chicken cordon bleu, and a little whole wheat pasta with olive oil and garlic.
  22. bloreorbust

    Don't compliment me

    Step 1: Put down the poptarts. Step 2: Pick up a protein shake. Step 3: Head to the gym. Step 4: WORK THEM CHICKEN LEGS, CHUBBY! IT'S GO TIME!
  23. bloreorbust

    Is it right for me?

    Well, if you're thinking your weight isn't high enough to consider it, I can tell you there are smaller folks that go for it. With the other health concerns you're beginning to have, and your weight, yes this surgery could help you. Now "right" I think is relative to your expectations and what you want to get out of the surgery if you have it. Personally, I'm 28 and much larger than you, and I saw the writing on the wall for my future and it wasn't good. I also was really struggling to do the physical things I liked and even basic stuff I needed. So I decided surgery was what would give me the tools I needed to get my life back and enjoy more of it. You have to decide what you want, and what you think the best way to get there is. Read as much as you can about surgery options and try visiting a surgery seminar at a hospital in your area.
  24. bloreorbust

    What ya eating tonight?

    Chicken cordon bleu without the breading.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
