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Ammariehs mommy

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Ammariehs mommy

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday May 16

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  1. Haven't been on in a while. But I'm 21 months out from surgery. I've lost 190 pounds so far. And heres the big news I'm 10 weeks pregnant!! This is my first bio child. I have 2 adopted girls. I'm so excited! This surgery saved my life and gave me life!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daisee68


      Congrats on both! Great work and so exciting!!!

    3. finediva


      Awesome! !!!!

    4. jane13


      that's a #1 NSV for you! what a blessing!

  2. Ammariehs mommy

    Question about weight loss

    Thanks everyone! I have been trying to walk more. I just have really bad knees and they hurry so bad. I used to take ibuprofen but obviously I can't take that anymore. I'm so ready for the summer. I know I will be able to get out of the house more. This winter has sure sucked! Lbs. I talked to my nut and she doesnt want me on shakes anymore. She wants me on all foods. Which is really hard I get full so easy. Its hard to get all my protein in. I know I'm down inches because I can't fit anything anymore. Lol but thanks again everyone. And I definitely feel you esskay77 on the only one not losing. I have been feeling that way to. Everyone that had surgery around the same time as me is down 55+ pounds. We can do this! We will start moving again. Once we can get outside and move around more. I feel like I have cabin fever lbvs. I also stalled. I had a stall at 24 pounds for over two weeks.
  3. I know that everyone loses at their own pace but I seem to be losing really slow. I had surgery on January 13th 2014 and I am only down 48 pounds. I'm 11 weeks out so 2 months and 3weeks. I haven't lost anything for the last 3 weeks. I switched up my foods today to to see if that helps. I'm not drinking any shakes right now. I tried to go back to shakes but they make me gag now. I started at a how weight of 484 sw was 422 and now I am 375. It just seems slow to me. I started off with 5 pounds a week then I slowed to nothing. Uggh I just thought I would lose more by now since I was a higher weight. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?
  4. 10 weeks out and I'm down 48 pounds so far. I seem to be stuck in a stall. Haven't lost anything in 3 weeks. Hopefully I start to lose again soon.

  5. Weighed in on Tuesday and I am now down to 388!! Down 34pounds in 6weeks!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheryl2586
    3. Carlotta1


      Yahoo....congrats .. Keep going.

    4. Ammariehs mommy

      Ammariehs mommy

      Thanks everyone! I am down a total of 88pounds since I started this journey!

  6. Ammariehs mommy

    January Surgeries

    OMG how awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you on your first milestone of many!!!!! Thank you!!
  7. Ammariehs mommy

    January Surgeries

    Well it's been three weeks since my surgery and I can now say that I am so glad I did this! I'm eating soft foods and I am down 24lbs! I actually hit one of my first goals yesterday I am now officially under 400! I weigh 398!! I haven't been under 400 in over 10 years! I'm so excited to watch as we all lose and evolve into our new selves! Congrats everyone!!
  8. Three weeks out tomorrow and I have hit my biggest goal yet! I am under 400!!i am officially 398!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Teachamy


      You rock!

      way to go!

    3. Carlotta1


      Attawa to go. U must feel so happy about that.

    4. Ammariehs mommy

      Ammariehs mommy

      Thanks everyone! I'm pretty excited myself!,:)

  9. Weighed myself this morning and I am down 17 pounds! Today it has been two weeks since surgery.. I think I am on a roll!!

    1. enjoyinglife


      congrats! Keep up the good work.

    2. Carlotta1


      Congrats..doesn't it feel good.

    3. Ammariehs mommy

      Ammariehs mommy

      Thank you! And yes it feels great!

  10. First post op weigh in ten days out and I am down 13pounds! Idk if it's right on track but I am happy!

  11. Ammariehs mommy

    January Surgeries

    Hello all! I'm back! Surgery was January 13th. I had a few complications in the hospital. I had some internal bleeding the day after surgery. I was passing it through my bowels. They took me off the blood thinners and it slowly stopped. I also had a cat scan to see where it was coming from. But they didn't see anything. I was nauseous the first three days after the surgery. But I haven't had none since. My nerve in my back was pinched during surgery. So I was having back and leg pain in the hospital. I stayed from Monday to Friday. They didn't let me drink anything until Thursday night. I had a half of Popsicle and I was done. Since I have been home I have been on liquids. I haven't had any problems with in take. I did an issue with me leg and foot on Sunday night. They filled me so full of fluids almost ten pounds to be exact that it all settled in my left leg and foot. It felt like it was on fire. I went to the er and had to get some liquid codeine. It's been getting better every day. The day of surgery I was 422. That Thursday I weighed in the hospital to see how much fluids was in me I was 430. Today was my first weigh in and I an 408. So I am down 13pounds since surgery. Ten days ago. If I was counting from the hospital it would be 22! I'm feeling really good about my decision to have the bypass surgery. I love being full after 1/4cup or anything. Lol it takes me an hour to drink one shake! I can't wait to see where I am in a month! Thanks for listening! I hope everyone else is doing as good as I am!!
  12. 6 days post op and I'm feeling pretty good. Only pain I am having is from my back and leg. My nerve is pinched and it's killing me. No pain from my surgery at all!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. *Misty*Raine*


      Hope you are taking the time to heal! So happy for you to be on the losers bench... Cant wait for it to be me! :)


    3. life_after_gastric_bypass


      ccongrats you are finally on the loser side!

    4. Ammariehs mommy

      Ammariehs mommy

      Thanks everyone! I'm healing well. First weigh in today and I am down 13pounds in ten days! My babies are still gone I sent them off for two weeks. It's driving me nuts not being able to see them but I'm picking them up hopefully Tuesday!

  13. Ammariehs mommy

    January Surgeries

    Well my time is almost here! Monday is my big day. I have been on a two week diet and it has been the hardest two weeks of my life! I had a few slips here and there but I stuck with it. I am down 15 pounds so far! Tomorrow I start clear liquids. Then nothing after midnight. Surgery is at 1:30 in the afternoon. I can't wait to be on the looser bench. Congrats to everyone this month!
  14. Ammariehs mommy

    Any January 2014 Surgeries?

    My surgery is Monday the 13th. I'm nervous because I have cheated here and there on my pre op diet. No judgement please! It's been hard having to feed my kids and not eat. I haven't went over bored just little stuff here and there. I was just wondering if anyone else cheated on their diet? I'm doing liquids only tomorrow and Sunday. That way I can clean my system out. I'm trying to keep myself busy and not think about it. Is anyone else nervous?
  15. Got the all clears from pre op testing and Monday is the day! 2more days!

    1. Sweets Harmony

      Sweets Harmony

      I know I told you on facebook but I'm so proud of you! I know that we've only known each other a little while but we are traveling down this path together! You inspire me! I'm not giving up! I will have a date on the 20th! Nine more days to lose all I can, so we can do this together. I'm praying for you girly!

    2. Ammariehs mommy

      Ammariehs mommy

      Thank you Sweets! You are right we are in this together! A lot of people around us don't really understand what we go through. They can only imagine. You keep on doing what you need to and you will get your date next! I'm rooting and praying for you! I can't wait to hear your good news! I never thought I would ever get here. But look at me now only one day and a wake up!

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