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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    auntiebev726 got a reaction from roundfuzzy in Dr. Wegner Memphis   
    I went to my weigh in today & I lost 5 lbs!! Also, she said that I only have one more weigh in. I thought it was 4 total to have a starting point, then 3 monthly visits.
    On a negative note, my H.Pylori test was positive.
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    auntiebev726 got a reaction from roundfuzzy in Dr. Wegner Memphis   
    Today I went to nutrition class #1 & also had my appt with the dietician. I met with my ins advocate & we have everything checked off the list! I have my appts with psyche & cardio coming up. Now just waiting for time to pass..3 more weigh ins & class #2. I hope time goes by fast
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    auntiebev726 reacted to CindyMESC in Approved! Now HELP! :-)   
    Hi there! I was just approved today. It looks like an early October surgery. I am so excited I can't stand it!!!
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    auntiebev726 reacted to ponchik in Dr. Wegner Memphis   
    Agree, I called to ask of they have all the papers they needed... At least I felt like I have some sort of control
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    auntiebev726 got a reaction from deehopes in Dr. Wegner Memphis   
    Ill probably wait til I have all my list checked off that my advocate gave me as I'm sure that's the answer I'd get from the ins co.... That they won't do anything until the list is complete
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    auntiebev726 got a reaction from deehopes in Dr. Wegner Memphis   
    I'm going to Dr Wegner. I'm hoping to have my surgery in October. Everything I've heard about him is good. I love in Olive Branch, MS.
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    auntiebev726 reacted to deaddemmama in What ya eating tonight?   
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    auntiebev726 reacted to copmom in Drain Tubes?   
    I had a drain tube and came home with it had it from a Thursday the day I came home till The following Monday (5) days you have to drain it
    And record how much is in the JP Drain
    It is very uncomfortable can't take a deep breath
    Couldn't lay on my left side because of discomfort Once the surgeon took the two
    Stitches out he started pulling the tube out
    Ouch it was 3feet long it was like a clown doing
    A scarf trick
    But once it was out instantly I had relief I could
    Breath and the left side wasn't as sore
    I had my revision surgery 1-22-2013
  9. Like
    auntiebev726 reacted to countrygirl in 3 doc sign off for ins. to pay   
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    auntiebev726 reacted to iamworthit in Clean closet   
    I cleaned ny closet today and got rid of three and a half bags of clothes. While in the process found pants, jeans and dresses going down to 14. Should be smooth sailing until fall! I fit in 18 petite now and xl tops. Hoping to not have to buy a lot before 12s come around. Oh and found 4 blazers from talbots in size 16 petite that fit now. Now I wont have to worry about going back to work in 2 weeks. Yay!!
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    auntiebev726 reacted to SoccerMomma73 in Clear Liquid Pre-Op Diet Suggestions   
    Most Protein drinks aren't clear liquid...GNC has Isopure but in my opinion it tastes like battery acid with a side of skunk spray. I made homemade chicken broth. When I thought I was starving I'd sip warm broth. Made it almost feel like real food. Almost!
    HW 312, pre-op (RNY) 255, current weight 204.6
  12. Like
    auntiebev726 got a reaction from PittGuy in Top Twenty Things   
    I was on the Vertical Sleeve forum until I went to the surgeon & he recommended gastric bypass instead. Someone on there had started a thread of the top ten things they were looking forward to doing after losing their weight. I thought I'd share my list here: (but I have 20)
    1. Ride a bike without the tires digging into the dirt 4 inches.
    2. Use the stairs at work instead of the elevator
    3. Sit in a booth at a restaurant instead of insisting on a table.
    4. Feel like my husband is really proud of me
    5. Rekindle love life with husband
    6. Scuba dive
    7. Parasail
    8. turn diabetes around
    9. give up CPAP
    10. turn high blood pressure around
    11. watching all my grandchildren grow up
    12. look good at the pool without wearing cover ups
    13. not drive around and around the parking lot looking for the closest spot
    14. learn to dance (even though I've been told I have no rhythm!)
    15. wear high heels again without feeling like I'm front heavy
    16. surf
    17. be able to wear my class ring on my ring finger instead of my pinky
    18. Not have to ask for the seatbelt extender on an airplane.
    19. Do a cartwheel
    20. Not feel like I've been passed up for a promotion because of my appearance
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    auntiebev726 reacted to Jeepchick42 in Top Twenty Things   
    Number 6!! I plan on getting certified next year after I lose my weight. I've always wanted to do this. It's going to be my reward to myself.
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    auntiebev726 reacted to ElleG in Top Twenty Things   
    RNY can give u all those things, but most importantly it will make u proud of yourself!!! Don't leave the most important person out... YOU!
  15. Like
    auntiebev726 got a reaction from lovingme4me in Submitted to insurance company today   
    Lovingme4me, my surgeon is Dr. Wegner in the same practice as Dr. Weaver! I live in Olive Branch, MS but I work in Memphis. Small world ain't it? I just went for my initial visit this past Wednesday.
  16. Like
    auntiebev726 reacted to countrygirl in Why why me?   
    LET NO MAN TAKE YOU DOWN, GO PURCHASE A NEW BOYFRIEND NAMED B.O.B (battery operated boyfriend) .

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