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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by desertmom

  1. Hi So I some days feel the same...about the hunger. And then some days I decide to just eat 3 meals and I know it is not hunger in the stomach but in the head.This is a very hard thing for me to accept. Now,I have started eating a little less Proteins and I added some healthy carbs like a little sweetpotato,some lettuce and salad veggies,some mixed grilled veggies even a little bir of feta cheese to liven up the taste some times. Then,other days,the majority of days mind you,I will eat mostly proteins,just to keep the weight going down.I am between 800 and a 1000 cals a day and I started walking 30 minutes a day on the days I cant do other exercises. You need to cut yourself a little slack.Be hyper vigilant not to go over board or eat refined carbs....to often.Once a week have a treat if you like and then gwt back on plan. For the past 10 days I have had the constant fear that I have already failed at this like I've always done with weightloss....but in my heart I know I will lose it because I am not giving up.I can only eat a little and even if I eat anything I want (food...at meal times only 3 per day) my cals will still be low and I will still lose weight.I have been in contact with a lot of slow losers lately and they are the people that eat carbs...but only 3 meals per day no snacking and they did get and are getting to goal as well...maybe slower but hey I was fat for 20 years a few extra months will not kill me. Ok,this is about you not me. Relax,be nice to yourself and get a hold on what is going on in the head as far as food is concerned.Eat tasty small meals,healthy,dont snack and you will lose weighht and be ok. xxo
  2. I must say I feel the same.But Im 45 and have been up and down 100 pounds a few times. Nothing we can do about it.The slower we lose the better.(might not make the lindest bit of difference though) Exercise,exercise,exercise and maybe we'll be able to live with ourselves skin and all. Anyway,I will have to overcome my fear and go for plastics eventually.
  3. desertmom

    Eating To Much (2)

    for some reason I still cannot reply on the comments. I usually feel "mentally uncomfortable" when I am full.Sounds crazy but full is in my head before it is in my stomach.But not when I am eating for comfort.I feel that maybe I eat faster then and the speed of my mouth outruns the speed of the head if that makes sense. However I almost got a second helping tonight but then the pain struck and I felt aweful. Wont be doing that any time soon again. xxo
  4. Hot actually worked gr8 for me...I actually drank stuff really hot,anything else use to hurt. xxo
  5. desertmom


    O and 63 in such a short time is good,it really is.Remember the body does need time to ajust after big losses. And I am still wearing my same clothes and not a single person has commented about my weit yet...which means they dont notice it yet. Now in the next 20 pounds it will become visible for sure and the size should go down. xxo
  6. desertmom


    I can relate to this. BUT I know I do not only eat Proteins.I eat a little of the food my family eats which is veggies,Protein and something like a tiny piece of sweet potato.Every now and then I have a bite of noodles.Some days I have a slice of toast.My calories are still super low and I cannot understand why did I lose wieght so much faster when I did a 1600 calories normal eating plan.I did exercise a lot more then though. I have come to understand that I have to learn to eat normal in the first year of this journey....the moment I diet I will fall off it again.Falling off means cheating is involved and I am done with all that. Every time I start exercising for a few days my weight really just stops going down.So,the muscle must weigh enough to do that for a little while though. Dont worry,my coach tells me every day...slow and steady is real and permanent.Do what is normal for this far out with your sleeve and you will lose weight. So,slow and steady is good not bad.Frustrating but not bad.Just keep on chugging away at the Water and the exercise. Good luck to all of you!
  7. desertmom


    Ok,but how much have you lost? xxo
  8. desertmom


    so for the past week I have been exercising seriously.With that goes the weight that gets stuck even though you expect to lose load just by sweating..lol I am learning to make peace with the slow weight loss.I srill second guess myself all the time about food but I guess I am doing fine when all is said and done. Now I just have to keep it up,eating good proteins and fresh veggies. xxo
  9. desertmom

    5 Lb Loss, 2 Weeks In A Row!

    Hi gr8 going.When was your surgery?
  10. desertmom

    To Those A Year Out Or More

    But it would ne interesting to see how much more the volume is at a year out. xxo
  11. Crazy thing for me is if the scale would just have gone down 200g every 2 days I would have been happy....but it doesnt.It is when I get on the scale and it is not moving when my anxieties of the stresss at the moment in my life gets the better of me and I feel so out of control. When people have had only food as there default or addiction it is one thing but some of us have had several of those and not reverting back to the others is even harder,because unlike eating,which we cant do anymore....the other ones I still can. I have been smoking for the past few days even though I know it is super bad for my sleeve and now he catch 22 is,when I stop I want to eat even worse than before. Crazy the stupid things we do to ourselves when we dont use externals,good things as coping skills. Aviiva,gr8 idea to help people thats sleeved.You know what the difficulties are and every sleever needs some sort of therapy I believe.
  12. desertmom

    Just Dont Get It

    when I am "good" and eat mostly proteins and little bit of carbs but snack my food during the day to get my calories my weight stalls but when I eat 3 carb rich meals per day,dont count cals or anything for that matter my weight starts coming off much faster...until I get paranoid and think I shouldnt eat carbs and change what I do......and then I stall. Normal,very little amounts with protein shakes just seems to work better. Weight 111.5kg's today The sleeve rocks even though it completely confuses me. xxo
  13. Hi Hang in there it gets better.I got some serious bad news and heard that we are moving countries at about 6 weeks and the emosional side of not being able to eat away my stress was a nightmare.Did some emosional eating...a hand full of popcorn,a few crisps,had a few glasses of very very diluted wine in the 2 weeks after that but found that didnt help. It is now week 9 and everything feels so much better.The problems didnt go away but somehow the stress and anxiety did.I have come to accept that 1. If I want to I can snack all day and out eat the sleeve 2. It is my choice,which was the hardest thing to accept. Also I have found that I can eat slightly more now (more kinds of food) than at 6 weeks and that helps. Tis surgery is hard.I often envy people that say they dont feel hungry and dont think about food eanymore.Or they forget to eat and dont make the calories per day...hehehe....I have to have a brake on all the time as I would snack way to much if I allow it. Just be kind to yourself at this point,dont be to tough about the eating and weight loss,dont create expectations that makes the emosional issues more. And do let us know when it gets better.I whine in my blog and at seems to help as well. xxo
  14. Hi After my surgery,for about 6 weeks,I was very very anxious.As I don suffer from depression or anxiety it must be something physiological.It drove me insane feeling so bad and worried an not coping....and then it just disappeared. Hang in there,it will get better. xxo
  15. desertmom


    from tomorrow I am eating only food that come with a label to tell me the exact calories in it.That way I wll be sure that I dont overshoot on calories.100 ml milk only.No string cheese. In all my life I have never felt as powerless as right now.I have always been abl to lose weight at a faster rate than now and no matter wha I do....it is just super slow.Up the cals down the cals,exercise, no exercise,more protein less protein....nothing helps. I am feeling very frustrated about it and it is not even like a diet I can fall off of....lol
  16. desertmom

    Need Help/advice From Old Sleevers - I Failed :(

    Hi You know,maybe instead of feeling different than others let me suggest something different. I have a tall beautiful skinny friend living with us at the moment and she is teaching me that skinny people have to look at what they eat and not eat to much or to often all the time.So,maybe,seeing as you only have 40 pounds to lose you are now a normal person needing to lose some pounds.Not a morbidly obese person trying to lose weight. It seems to be a lifelong struggle for most women and as my friend says,it is not only me that spends a lot of time thinking about food,most of them spend a big chunk of time each day thinking about what to eat and then eating it. Maybe you should see yourself as a normal healthy almost skinny girl,battling the bulge like everyone. As for the skin.I already look like I am going to smack myself unconcious if I move my arm to fast..lol.I have no plan for that plastics is the only thing that helps. Good luck and tackle that weight again as if it is the first time in your life you have to. xxo
  17. desertmom


    My weight is 112.8kg
  18. desertmom


    At the moment I have to just sit down.We played squash for and hour and 15 minutes as hard as we could.From this day forward this excuse that I am tired,dont have energy,have pain has got to stop.A friend that never ever use to beat me now whips my behind.When I have played a hard game my toes are usually sore( bumping against the front of the shoe when I break suddenly..lol) and I havent had a sore toe since surgery...so exercise,here I come. Tomorrow morning I am starting pilates classes,Monday night I've got a game lined up,Tuesday I will just do walk away the pounds,and so on and so forth.I will also start doing some light weight training as my arms are so flabby they seem to be getting bigger!Exercise might not help for the skin but it does make them thinner. I keep wondering why I am so resistent against the exercise after the surgery.I always use to joke I am the fittest fat person on earth and yet since surgery I just dont feel like exercising.
  19. desertmom


    http://www.fitday.com/fitness/FoodLog.html I decided to put my food log in my blog and on my signature to help keep me accountable.I could do less calories by reducing milk,cheese and carbs in general.Why can I eat so much?
  20. desertmom

    Stomach Ache

    I am not sure what is going on with me but I am getting slightly concerned.Since yesterday morning I've been having the craziest stomach ache.No idea what is causing it.I also have this pain high in my back behind my stomach.My tummy is rumbling like crazy the whole time and I am just generally feeling weird. This should really go away now....
  21. desertmom

    Upping My Calories

    So my friend and myself are in a stall.She is back on liquids and I am eating more often and more from today!So for this day,no calorie counting. Tomorrow I will start with 1000 calories every day and maybe it will help. Xxo
  22. desertmom


    Our house guests are leaving in the morning,jippeeeee! It is super difficult for me to eat out at present.I have to eat sooo slow when I do proteins like chicken breast or beef fillet everyone is finished long before I've had 2oz of meat. Also,I got fed up tonite and ordered a chicken wrap,its cut in 5,and I ate one.Of course, its 23:30 and I rally feel like eating....bu I wont. So,I have 2 eating out appointments over the weekend and one movie (biggest challenge ever not to try caramel popcorn... Hehe).Thank goodness going out will be with a future sleever and a RNY 2 years out friend...we can share,eat little and not feel strange about it. Ok,nou for some more water.It is really hot now,over 100 most days and I am not getting all the water I need.will step that and the protein shakes up from tomorrow.
  23. desertmom

    What Is Different?

    Often I see posts on what happens when people take "one bite to many"....well,that has never happened to me.I can actually eat quite a lot.Usually I try not to but we've been entertaining a lot lately.Tonight after dinner I had something else to eat and for the first time I had a single hick up that I was wondering am I now full,is this it?that feeling of slight tightness in my chest and a hick-up? It is so crazy to hear people say they cannot make 800 calories when I have to stop myself all the time or I would usually average about 1000 whr I eat what I really want to. Then the thing of cutting carbs.I dont do more than 60 carbs on a high day but for me that is high in carbs for weight loss.When I low carbed before I had to stricktly stay under 20 for it to really work. When I do low carb I feel a little on the depressed side.The feel good factor just disappears from my life and I start craving crisps and chocolate badly. I am really worried that I will fail with this sleeve.I am not really dieting as I have this stange reaction of having no expectations so I will not be so disappointed.I suppose in a way after the struggle with the band it is normal to feel this but I will have to pull myself toward myself and start getting with the program and exercise and eat only the right food. I will do this.
  24. desertmom

    Painfully Slow

    first,the hotel stay was great.Buffets are just difficult now as of course I wanted to eat and in fact I had half a flat bread toastedwhich I wouldnt usually do. Anyway,it is what it is...we travel a lot and I have to get use to it. On the 5th I was 249 pounds.I find the weight loss painfully slow.I can not understand that I lose this slow.Whenever I diet I lose a lot faster and this is like a super strict mostly low carb diet,WHY IS THE WEIGHT LOSS SO SLOW? it drives me nuts.Having said that,I am not really exercising at all....maybe that really will make a difference. xxo
  25. desertmom

    Salads When?

    I must confess that I am seven weeks out and have had salad.Maybe because I have had the band for many years( and I know I really chew things very very well) I've had no problem whatsoever. Having said that I only eat a spoonfull of a green salad...not a lot.I also eat snap peas,green Beans,cabbage,carrots cucumber...but again,very very little at a time.I've just missed it too much and at least one meal a day will have something like that.I recon if you can at stuff like brussel sprouts and broccoli,which I do too,why not salad? just chew,chew,chew. xxo

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