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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by desertmom

  1. desertmom

    I Hate Stalls! :{

    Yes,everytime a boy posts on here that they have lost like 100 pounds in 3 months I have to stop myself from telling them its not because of what they did but because of who they are...lol The sad fact is this.When we girls drop our calories even more,cut all our carbs and exercise hard(i mean running hard 3 times a week,doing hard weights 3 times a week and some other cardio as well) we do lose weight faster.I have tested this but can only keep this up for about a week at a time before I get too exhausted and up my cals again and do less intense exercise.But after my last 6 week stall that made me stubborn,rebellious and sulk for the whole 6 weeks I have decided it is easier to just do what is needed to drop some weight ie.eat even less and exercise even more. It still feels very unfair to me!
  2. desertmom

    Middle East

    Hi,yes the pain management thing.Dr Al Taie does give morphine (made me dry heave for hours,I hated it so had it only once) Then they gave me an IV paracetamol that They run in over 20 minutes but I found when I fiddled with the iv ( Im a Registered nurse..lol) and made it run in over 4 hours every time they changed it,it helped.Tramadol helps for bone pains,when they do orthopeadic surgery they often use it. Who is the dr that you've seen?I know all of them and there are some good dr's out there.I also know people from 4 different surgeons that's had some great results.
  3. hi I will go and see my physician some time soon but in the mean time maybe someone had this issue as well. Since the surgery I have been bruising like mad.Every now and then (Its happened about 4 times now) out of the blue my whole trunk area and upper legs will be covered in petechiae (purpura).Fine little red spots that looks like little point bleeds.After about a week it starts going away.I must say it feels to me that a few days before this happens I do seem to be very tired but with the amount of exercise and running Im doing now the fatigue might just be from the exercise,how will I know anyway? I had B12 shots until 5 months out (along with vit D shots) Now I am taking a sublingual B12 (just because I havent been to the dr again for the shot) Have anyone had this and is it B12 deficiency that causes this? Thanks for any helpful info. I hate Going to the dr and try to see him only every 3 months or so when my cortizone prescription is due.
  4. desertmom


    I have a cup of coffee 4 ou of 7 day and. Flat sugarfree red bul when I am doing a longer run. Do I have to have it?No,sometimes I feel like tea for days on end.I drink about 3 warm drinks a day. It is all about balance.If it wasnt for the fact that milk has lots of carbs I would never worry about it.
  5. desertmom

    Getting Desperate!

    Just sit tight.If you are doing the right things the stall will break.I upped my exercise a whole lot and at 7 weeks the stall finally broke and I dropped 5 pounds. Patience,your body is trying to reach a homeostasis it is happy with...then you will lose again.I thought it would never happen but it does start moving again.
  6. desertmom

    I Hate Stalls! :{

    Hi I know what you are feeling...I also hate stalls. You just have to somehow wait for it to pass...or do a whole lot more exerise....lol
  7. desertmom

    Wine Country Tour

    Honestly,at 6 weeks out I had a sip or 2 of wine.It made me horribly drunk and gave me terrible reflux.For me it was way to early. At 3.5 months out I had a teeny tiny little bit of red wine again...again it made me horribly drunk (like an instant hangover,headache and all) At 6.5 months I can now drink a decent glass of good wine and be fine. At least you can taste and eat tasty morsels of food and enjoy that!
  8. desertmom


    of course the old me was just lurking around the corner just to pop out its head when I least expected it...lol My friend came home tonight,after the housekeeper had made everybody else meal,cottage pie with a sweetpotato twist (and I had made my fish) and said she was opening a bottle of my favourite red wine...and of course I wanted a glass.So she ha one glass and I ended up having 2 and some of their dinner not my fish. At this poin I have realized how hard I have actually been on myself over the past 6 months.I dont eat carbs (well,no carbs thats not in green veggies or salad veggies) I dont eat sweets or chocolates,ever.I dont eat crisps or ice cream.I really stick to my plan 99% of the time.Sometimes I eat too much fish or too much chicken (not at once but I will snack on it as well) I am actually good as gold with the eating plan except for once a month when I go to the movies and have some caramel popcorn (shared with someone)O,and I do have a snack of chilly bite beef jerky (very salty) at least 4 days a week. I exercise all the time now.I am really very good and 99 pounds in 6.5 months is npt too shabby at all. But every time I stall,and this last time I just started losing very very slowly,I am convinced that I am doing something wrong and will fail. My choice is to put tonight behind me.I enjoyed my wine and my food and I will really try not to weigh for the next two days at least. And tomorrow night we will do maybe a 5km run and be back on track for the next 5 pounds loss. I am stoked to work super hard to lose the 35 pounds I still have to lose.
  9. desertmom

    Middle East

    Hi,40 000 is a very good price.It does vary from 38000 (after discount...lol) to 70000 (American hosp) Good luck.
  10. desertmom

    Sleeve Vs Lap Band

    Statistically in 5 years you rill not have your band any more. The failure rate for the band is very high.I was on the lapband forum for the first few years and boy a lot of us are on this sleeve forum now..lol The band is a bad idea for so many reasons.We all did it because is wasnt as invasive,it could be turned around and we were scared of doing anything else.Go and look at the pictures of what the band is suppose to to again.It just basically creates 2 parts in your stomach.The food does go down into your stomach and you are still hungry.Then the reflux and heartburn is a huge issue.The port issues is constant,the to tight or not tight enough is a constant issue.The ongoing payment for fills and unfills pile up.The money to have the band removed and then do something else. And all this is if you dont have any complications.If you do,like I did,your life can become a nightmare. Adding to all of that the feeling of failure that you will have to overcome somewhere in the future...well,bad idea. The sleeve gives you the restriction the band promises but cant deliver.It gives you the control you desire so badly.It changes your life forever. One thing,and this is not personal.With high BMI patients e band have an even bigger failure rate. I have become less verbal about the band in the past few years but I really feel that the dr's that still do the band feel no ethical or moral obligation or empathy for their patients.THEY KNOW AT IT WILL FAIL. Go and look at the newest studies on failure rates. Dont do this to yourself.You are just setting yourself up for a loooong battle that isnt necessary at all. O,and yes.Most people seems to be happy with there bands,until the inevitable happens.Even the most outspoken band lovers have to eventually admit it doesnt work then. Good luck and do reconsider carefully.
  11. desertmom


    today I weighed 198 pounds for the first time in many years. It seems I really did need an attitude change...lol The food is still mostly proteins.No obsessive behavior there...a few carbs makes no difference but boy do more exercise make a huge difference. We now run up to 6 km 3 nights a week.It is still 95 degrees some nights and it takes a lot of mental strenght to go out there.But I want to lose weight. Tuesdays and Saturdays we play roun robin squash for more than 2 hours. Sundays and Tuesdays I have reformer pilates class.On Monday,Wednesday and Friday we run. I also try to do some circuit training in the gym twice a week.Should step this up a Little to build more muscle but its a work in progress. I am very,very,very,very achy all over.My right leg (in front from the thigh right down to my lower leg) aches all the time and sleeping without pain killers is DIFFICULT.But I want to be thin. We went to a Ill Divo concert last night and this morning my friend told me that I looked very pretty last night.She says people looked at me.This really freaked me out as I am tall and my hearts desire has always been to just blend in with thw crowd.Now I feel even taller for some reason and I know one notices taller people just because we stand out.All this means I have to start dealing with my fear of man or my life might be a little difficult in future. I will post pics of before and after tomorrow if I switch on my mac.Ipad does not upload onto this website and I cannot figure out how to upload with my Iphone. So,I've now lost 99 pounds.To celebrate we are going for a run tonight.Also to see how far we can run without stopping so that we can start with a more structured running program
  12. desertmom

    Is Your Stomach Smaller In The Am?

    Mine absolutely tighter in the morning.Always.Wish it was in the evening as that is when I want to not be able to eat.
  13. desertmom

    My Teenage Daughter Is Jealous

    Hi I have asked my girls to help me.Meaning I need a companion to keep me on track with the exercise.Now one helps me with the toning and one runs with me. But the two of you need to talk about little changes she can make...herself,to help her.All her own choices,no diet just little little changes and a bit of exercise.My housemate have lost 30 pounds since my surgery making little changes and exercising.Her choice,not wanting to stay overweight whil I get thin.Tell her how you feel though. O yes,and turf her old clothes,dont wear it. Good luck.
  14. Hi,crazy the way we lose post sleeve!At first I would lose about 5 pounds then stall 10 days.Then later lose 4 pounds stall 14 days.At 5 months I just stalled for weeks.I think 6.Then I lost 3 pounds and stalled again. This can really mess with ones mind if the scale is important to you.Sticking it to the weight loss fairy would just be to start weighing once every two weeks...lol
  15. desertmom

    Bleeding Gums

    Hi My gums also bled and it felt like the skin on the inside of my mouth was peeling.Pharmasist said I needed vit B Co. Now it is fine again.
  16. desertmom

    I Just Chickened Out

    Hi When my friend had her sleeve 2 years ago I was to scared to do it.I went to a therapist and started exercising like crazy while on a 1500 cal healthy diet.The first 65 pound I lost at the same rate than my friend that had her surgery (I lost 3.5 pounds every single week) And then I lost it....like always. I am struggling to lose at the moment but often I think of how different my life could have been now already if I did it then....she's had plastics and looks like a teenager again....lol Dont just not do the surgery.Start doing something now,anything to lose the weight...time slips away from us so fast!
  17. desertmom

    Attitude Change!

    Earlier I posted this post about being sick of the sleeve and desperate and doing the duodenal switch...blablabla...yada,yada,yada........ Then I went back to the gym to play a game of squash.We played hard and fast and my goodness it felt soooo good. This all made me decide that I will lose more weight.Even if I have to learn to run a hundred km at a time.I will do whatever I can to lose the last 38 pounds. My friend is a personal trainer and I will start train with him next week.I need to start doing some serious muscle building. My goodness,why would I not lose weight if I really work hard?Why do I feel that its not fair that my weight loss have stopped?Who said life was fair? No more chip on my shoulder about this.Yes,I might have terrible days where the scale might affect my mind but I will think positively about losing weight and getting to goal. Tomorrow morning before we go out with friends I will do some exercise and in the afternoon I will either go and swim in the sea or I will go walk while it is still 97 degrees!(swim sounds like fun!)
  18. desertmom

    Calories Burned Vs Calories Eaten

    Since I have decided to take a week off I had a blast.Not overeating but just relaxing a little. Of course toda I relaxed too much and bamm,ate half a container of caramel popcorn in the movies....which of course brings my cals for the day to about 1700....ooops! Now if the theory of calories in calories out was scientifically correct then this should not be a problem at all.See we played in a squash tournament this morning with a bunch of young girls and boy did I burn a load of calories.According to my bodybugg I am far over 3000 cals for the day but to be on the modest side lets say it is 3000. Which means I still have a huge deficit for this day......but alas,as experience have taught me this will not matter tomorrow when I weigh. Ok,here is my prediction.I will be heavier at least 1to2 pounds heqvier tomorrow and this will not jus disappear again the next day. anyhoo,I will start fresh this week and see if I can drop at least a few pounds this week.It must be doable.This 4 pounds for the month thingy is not going to do it for me for much longer so desperate times call for desperate measures...will just have to figure out what that might be...lol
  19. desertmom

    Calories Burned Vs Calories Eaten

    Hi Cherrybombknits (big name..lol) Well,I use to love my bodybugg.When I went on the "learning to eat normal" with the shrink it worked fantastically.I would eat between 1500-1700 cals per day and burn 3500 and the weight loss corresponded exactly with the deficit.I weighed 279 when I started,lost 70 and fell off plan.(now I am dead stuck at almost the same weight for the third time in my life...seems crazy!) Ayhoo,since the sleeve the bugg is a bit useless as nothing works the way its suppose to.I exercise loads and burn about 3000 cals a day,eat between 700 and 1000 a day and have been stuck for 8 weeks (have lost the odd pound here and there,no significant weight loss) I still wear the bugg but its not the help it use to be before....shoot at this point Short of converting to the duodenal switch I have no idea what might help.
  20. Hi Ashleyxx, Did you have to make dramatic changes to break the stall at 6 months and how long did it last? Sorry for the highjack!
  21. desertmom

    Calories Burned Vs Calories Eaten

    Hi PdxMan,my logical mind knows that you are right.My "have only lost 4 pounds this month while having a calorie deficit of at least 1200-1500 per day" mind,still goes nuts.I think having being stuck just above 200 pounds for quite some time now (also its right here I always get stuck at) is driving me slightly dotty! O,and that part of the old self rightious me that still believes that if you stall you must be cheating,is not helping my sanity at the moment. However,I only allow myself 30 minutes per day on the boards and time to think about food and weight loss at the moment to help regulate is madness. The fear that my weight loss have stopped and that I will fail at this is really intense sometimes,thus the boundary of 30 minutes. The rest of the day when I just plod along I am quite happy. This has made me sooo much more sympathetic to people that say they are in a long stall.I always just felt they must be doing something wrong,are not tracking,eating too many carbs,yada yada....I dont think that anymore. O,and people at the pilates class asked again how much weig have I lost since I've started there and when I tell them only 2,5kg's they say impossible,my shape has changed a lot...even your face looks very different now!So I suppose it is a matter of the body getting back the homeostasis it always needs before the weight loss might show more.
  22. I am thinking of all you new sleevers.I actually sat and watched cooking programs day and night for 2 weeks (with head phones no less) thinking that I had ruined my own life but resigned to my fate (seeing as I had done it to myself..lol) And then all of a sudden I started feel like living again... Just relax a lot,rest,dont think about much at all,sip,sip sip...be nice to yourselves and know it will get better,even if it feels impossible now! xxo
  23. desertmom

    Can The Sleeve Shrink?

    O my goodness,my sleeve has shrunk! After 2 day on liquids an no real weight change I decided screw this,I need food...lol So today I had low fat cheddar (1oz) for lunch and then I had some edamame (eating them out of the pods) too many of them but hey,they chew down to nothing! For dinner I put 2 oz of chicken and 2 tablespoons of spinach on my plate.Now after 1oz of chicken and about half of the spinach I am stuffed.....not really satisfied but full. The question of the moment is,do I walk away from the rest or do I wait for a while and finish it?of course I know I should leave it.This is exactly why I lost weight so fast while on holiday.I would have a glass of wine and a teensy tiny bit of food and feel happy and satisfied.I didnt try to "make proteins" and worry so much about this. However,my hair fell out loads.Now,the new strategy will be 1 protein shake with 120 cals and 25g of protein.For the rest of it I am just not going to worry about it anymore.I will go back to teeny tiny portions of great quality protein and some veggies and some wine every now and then....I will have a good meal again. Anyhoo,my resolve will most prob just last until my obsessive compulsive nature takes over and start obsessing about the fact that I am not at goal yet! I average 2800 calories burn per day.I exercise,I eat right and my weight should stay right here then C'est la vie! I am doing everything I can to get to goal and it will happen!
  24. desertmom

    Week Off

    So i have realized that I am obsessive about weighing and measuring and proteins and carbs and my poor family is on a diet and have been since I have started the crazy measuring and weighing of everything in July. I now have given myself a week off.And just now my 11 year old and myself will be going to the beach and we will have hamburgers on the beach for dinner tonight. And we will be going out a few times this weekend and I will eat whatever,but not too much. This is the only way I am going to find this satisfaction level that I had with what I was eating for the first 4,5 months.This also prevents me from nibbling and constantly looking for something nice,which I still dont know what exactly that is. So,I will be relaxing a little until Sunday which is monday here and then I am going to start low carb and ruthless exercise program to gt rid of this last 38 pounds.
  25. desertmom

    March Roll Call!

    Hi,I must say the sleep thing is an issue.I have upped my cals today and my carbs and fibre.Will see if this helps. Anyway,it is what it is.Cannot stall forever Im sure! xxo

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