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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by desertmom

  1. Had a revision.Love it! do it! the sleeve is what we thought the band would be!
  2. desertmom

    Defeated After 4 Months?

    54 is great for 4 months out! Now,start waging war with the fat! thats what I now do! ooo
  3. desertmom

    Defeated After 4 Months?

    No no no.You are just going through the same thing a lot of us felt when we were healed! Now is of course the critical decision making time.Do you want to succeed or not?How do I get back on track and stay there?Was all the suffering I've gone through for nothing and if I dont beat this now,then what?What is our options really as you cna revise to another surgery but that is no guarantee for success either. We can all eat a lot of carbs.And if we eat carbs with Protein we can even eat more protein,well I can.When I eat dense protein only,I can only eat a small portion so that should be where you start again. Protein first.What I do when I fall totally off plan,I reset.Which means this for me.For 3 days,I eat protein only.For meals,for Snacks.And I dont limit my meals to 3 but I snack on protein when I want to.By day 3 you dont feel like eating the snacks anymore and then you are ready to incorporate veggies again,and after 3 days of protein only,to me the veggies seems like heaven..lol I doubt your sleeve has stretched already at 4 months out.You've just fallen into bad habits and thank goodness your tummy will still restrict you if you eat your Proteins first. Call it a carb detox.Its tough but you can make up your own rules and your own plan and then you decide to stick to it.Take responsibility for what you eat one meal at a time.You can do this! I often read this thread of "what have you eaten today,sleevers?" and then I wonder what they would say if I would post what I ate that day?Failure!Not true.We are human and sometimes have to learn hard lessons.Now seems to be yours.Mine was at 5 months out. You can get back on track,you dont have to eat what you can eat,just because you can.This can be in your control.I can really relate to how you feel.Took me quite a while before I stopped being mad for even being able to eat all the junk I could until I gave myself a good talking to and decide to beat the flab for once and for all. So,I'll be waiting for your post that says...back on plan and feeling great!
  4. I've lived my life in fear for many years.Fat made so many things just impossible and kept me "safe". Until the day I lost my flying pills at a small airport in Turkey,dumped my bag on the floor and told my family tomfly without me,I cannot do it without my pills. My little 7 year old burst out crying and started shouting at me:"Mom,you always tell us to be brave.You always say being brave is not the absence of fear but doing it in spite of being scared.YOU ARE SUCH A COWARD".Everyone was looking at us. I picked up my bag,told her maybe she should just hold my hand,lets go fly!What else coudl I do?I was being such a coward and my kids saw me for who I really was,not for what I told them life should be like. Now,I live my life,even though I still have fear, in spite of the fear.I am not always brave and some things I might never overcome,but I dont have to know every detail of every feeling I might have,the outcome of every situation before I go into it.I take things day by day and face life little by little. What might be a little thing to someone else is sometimes a huge victory for me.And I Celebrate each one of them. And losing the weight,permanently, is like freedom I have never experienced in my life before. You go girl.Get your sleeve,get yourself healthy and experience true freedom.
  5. desertmom

    Middle East

    Are you not working?hehehe! Im stalling but am down 105.3 now.Still drinking too much milk every day,in the tea.Playing squash twice a week,pilates reformer twice a week and still wobble like a jelly fish! My hair seems to have stopped falling out,or less at least but I cannot see new growth.Am looking with a magnifier and no,there's nothing!What's up with that? I wish i did my surgery with dr.Faruq so I could have gone to his support group.Need more contact with fellow losers..lol Hows the eating going at work? xxo
  6. desertmom

    Fell Off The Wagon!

    O,and I get off track all the time.We go away for weekends and stay in hotels or with friends all the time.I cannot ever not eat carbs when we are away.Still dont eat any sugar though.Would rather eat pizza than sugar as sugar is like a black hole,it triggers eating,mindless never ending eating. But then I reset quickly when I am back. Remember,you are learning what is working for you.Keep searching for your normal.Foods you can enjoy that is good for you.Try again! oo
  7. desertmom

    Fell Off The Wagon!

    When I have to "reset" I do 3 days of Protein only.Nothing else.Chcken,tuna,white fish,salmon and steak.Breakfast Snacks dinner. First day is hard.By the third day I am ok and then I start adding healthy bits and bops of veggies,string cheese ect until I have a good menu going again.
  8. desertmom

    Very Upset Right Now

    You know people are just really ignorant. My best friend,weighs about 250 plus if I have to estemate,told me this weekend while huffing and puffing,(we were doing a slow 2km breast cancer awareness walk) that she wont do surgery as her special needs kid will still need her around for a very long time. I presume she ismjust scared that she might die of the surgery or complications or something as I dont believe at this point she will live much longer than I do without the surgery.People dont understand that this surgery saves lives. My reply is always the same.Seeing as we are mid 40's already,and have been on diets and exercise plans all our lives,when do you realize that you just cannot lose the weight on your own,but it must be lost for you to live a longer healthier life? My housemate reminded me not to be over sensitive about this.Just look in the mirror,she said.Who is thin now? Dont mind her.You just enjoy your new found freedom.
  9. desertmom


    Hi Everyone that posted is spot on with the replies. Just had a quick look at my blog (I knew it would come in handy one day..lol) At 6,5 months I had lost 99 pounds.Now at 7,5 months out I have lost 105 pounds. I am 45, a crazy habitual yoyo dieter in my pre sleeve life,a slave to my scale and I have almost never been able to stick to 800 calories a day,more like 1000 and over some days. My carbs are closer to 50 as I use to much milk for tea every day,my exercise is either insane or only twice a week and on top of that I lose nothing for between 5 to 7 weeks and then boom,down 10 to 14 pounds in 3 or 4 days.I've lost nothing for about 3 weeks now so I'm due for a big drop,I hope! I also tend to be very good and on plan for a week or 2 and then I am convinced I am a failure as the weight is just not moving which causes me to go off plan for a few days to just get away from my own insanity. What I am trying to say is,relax and enjoy the ride.High expectations can so easily set us up for deep disappointment and doubt,which if I look at my weight loss objectively,is quite unnecessary. Stay on plan (those 600 cals per day seems like a dream number to me,wish I could manage that) exercise with some consistency and be happy and satisfied with your success. Revel in all the little victories this journey brings along with the great weight loss. Having said all that,I still wanted to be at goal YESTERDAY!...lol (and I still believe I will be the one whose weight loss never slows down now that I only have 30 odd pounds to lose..mmm...just like I thought that people who didnt lose weight for a few weeks were cheating...lol) ooo
  10. Im truely sorry to hear this.It is just so sad when families break up. I wonder though why he is trying to "show you". Good luck and I will keep you and him in my prayers. xxo
  11. Hi With 5 kids and loving your husband,not overreacting at this point is very important. His new business is as big a life chaning event than what your upcoming surgery is.He went with you for your appointments and that is more than what a whole lot of women can say.He listened to your rants about you feel about yourself...that says a lot too.He has a whole lot of stress to deal with right now,the business and your upcoming surgery. If his late nights are purely work related I would say you have to have some understanding for that too.Us girls want emosional support.Boys "do".They fix things and if you are very insecure at the moment,he might just not have the ability to fix that.Then of course the threat of you becoming pretty,new and dinamic...this scares them too.However the more we nag about things we think they do wrong the more they avoid situations where they have to listen being nagged at...lol. Surely he wont walk out the door just before your surgery but you will have to become a little more self reliant as far as your feelings are concerned. Is he a bad husband and father?Do you maybe rely too heavily upon him for emosional support and to feel secure?And dont we all often say stuff we just dont really mean?Maybe the stress of it all is just getting to him.Maybe the stress of all this is getting to you and the situation might just seem worse than it is. Just sit down and think about this.We cannot fix anyone but ourselves.What can you do to support him,make him want to come home earlier? And dont you think you might need the surgery even more if at some point in the future you will have to take care of yourself and your kids by yourself? It might not be as simplistic as this but then it might just be.I am just saying,think it through very carefully.What can you do to make things better?
  12. hi At 4 months out I posted about my vision that was so much worse than before the surgery.lately my eyes have been red a lot and feels quite dry as well. Quite a few people said that they have found it too but dont know why.My dr said I was getting old and needed glasses..lol Well,while testing for other issues I am having (I've been getting these point bleeds called petechiae on my trunk and my legs,my hands peel all the time,my mouth inside peels all the time) I asked him to test my vit A as well.He didnt want to at first as he says no one really goes low on A. It came back VERY LOW! So,if you think your vision is worse than before the sleeve,test your vit A.It might be low. Now Im going to make him test my vit C as my other issues might stem from low C,simple to fix if you know what it is,very scary if you cant find the answers.
  13. desertmom

    Nauseous Mornings?

    Hi,my dr advised me to drink more in the evening to prevent the nausea in the morning as slight dehydration because we dont drink for a long time while sleeping very often causes nausea first thing in the morning. Better yet,take a few sips of Water when you go to the loo during the night.I actually drink almost 15oz of water during the night now. It works like a charm for me.
  14. desertmom

    Ugh Thrush Again :(

    Hi,I posted on all the forums for the first 3 months after my sleeve about this.It drove me insane.It was in my throat and my mouth and the mycostatin I had didnt help at all.Then it just vanished. Recently I had a mini choclotae bar two nights in a row and realized my tongue had a white coating on the third morning.Sugar causes this for me.I realized I was taking a bit of honey in my tea post op and when it was finished and I switched to sweeteners,the thrush vanished.I have taken no visible sugars for the past 5 months until this past week. So do check out your diet if there isnt any hidden sugar,even milk carbs which is milk sugars can cause this.Also look on google which foods causes candida.You might just have something in your diet that causes it.Take some lacto biffidus like interflora or lactoflora (open the capsule and put it directly onto your tongue) this might also help. Good luck and I hope it goes away quickly.It is aweful to have that funny horrible feeling in your throat the whole time,I know!
  15. Whao,this is a lot of stuff to take in but I am rooting for you.I really wish I could have had the sleeve when I was young.Life is so much easier and more enjoyable when you are thin and healthy. So you go,start solving these issues and go out and have a wonderful exciting life. oox
  16. Hi, CowgirlJane have given you wonderful advice. One thing though if you have an irratic sleep pattern (Ive been sleepless all my life,ADHD) the multi in the evening might make that worse.You'll have to test to se if it does keep you awake for longer. Regulating your sleeping pattern might be key here as well.Do not sleep all day.By this I mean you will have to set your alarm for 8 o'clock one morning and even though you will be tired after not sleeping much,STAY AWAKE ALL DAY! This might not help the first,second or even the third day but eventually you will switch your day and night back to where they belong.This will take a lot of self discipline in the beginning.Go to bed no later than 23:30 with the light off at 12. Do not drink coffee or tea after 14:00 in the day.No stimulants after 14:00.I know all this will be hard because if I make one exception,go to bed one night at 3:00 I want to sleep later the next morning and the whole cycle repeats itself as I like feeling tired and I like being awake at night.You have to get back into a normal routine to have a normal life. More difficult...no eating after 19:00 at night.Nothing.Ok,3 sugarfree popcicles for the evening if you must...lol.This is to get you back into the normal day eating pattern.Make specific meal times and snacktimes for yourself.Like Breakfast no later than 8:30 lunch 13:30 dinner 18:30.You can move all this a little to suite your life once your life is back to normal. One more thing.Write all this down.Work out a schedule for yourself and keep to it for only 7 days to start with.That, with controlled portions, 3oz of solid Protein with a little veggies if you have space (example for dinner) should get you right back on track. Do not eat and drink at the same time.Wait 30 minutes after meals before you drink.Drink your 64oz of Fluid per day.Dehydration also causes nausea and when I am dry,I vomit when I eat. Make these rules for yourself.You decide by yourself to keep to your rules.It is so much easier when we actively choose things for ourselves (hehehe,after we told you what to do..)No really,you are young and this is a huge change without proper guidance,a nightmare. Good luck to your new sleeve life starting today.And remember,no one is perfect with everything all the time.Dont give up though and here is my new motto: "If at first you dont succeed,try,try again" Please let us know how you are doing when you have implemented these new ideas for great health,great weight loss and a lot less stressful life.
  17. Hi,Lets start with you telling us what,how often and how much you are eating and drinking. ooo
  18. desertmom

    Feel Like I Made A Mistake

    Isopure is whey Protein.When people react to dairy they often do to the whey protein as well.Just try one thing at a time so hat you can clearly get a picture of what makes you feel bad.
  19. desertmom

    Feel Like I Made A Mistake

    At 2 weeks out I was dumping like crazy from the Protein shakes.Just get a shake that is non whey and yes,dont rush the food. But dont suffer the nausea.Get some meds.
  20. desertmom

    I Am Not Losing!

    Kyllfalcon,why do you think you have never stalled?I have never ever ever on any diet,and I have lost and gained hundreds ofmpoundsmover a twenty year period,stalled while on diet. I am finding this very interesting and wonder if you are doing something different than the rest of us. Sorry off topic!
  21. Everyday is a new day,one where we can choose to do something new,better than what we did yesterday.And thank the Lord,there is not one perfect person on earth. And thank goodness if we start eating solid Proteins first again,we might not have space for anything else..lol You go girl.Every pound that we lose makes us feel better about ourselves but somehow also gives us new energy to cope with the other issues that we have to deal with. My therapist always use to quote someone,dont know who,by saying to me if we dont deal with our stuff,our stuff will deal with us..all relating to my emosional eating.I use to say over and over I just like food.I like to eat,no emosional involvement,just my love of food.Soooo not true. Good luck and you are so close to being under 200 which in itself gives us a new little jump in our step..lol
  22. desertmom

    Feel Like I Made A Mistake

    Yes,I agree.When you said you couldnt drink Protein shake for some reason and then ypur food is very much milk based I was thinking lactose intolerance.Many of us get it for a month or 2 after surgery. So,back to basics.Nausea meds first.Then clean go get some chunky beef Soup,liquidize it.To make sure put it througgh a strainer.There are some Soups that are quite high in Protein.Fr my mushy phase I ate 2 large cans of soup per day,liquidized and strained and got about 35g of protein from that.I also wressled with some soy protein for a few hours a day but better might be isopure clear,however it is also whey protein and might have the same effect. Cut the dairy completely. First get some nausea meds from the dr or just the pharmacy! Let us know how you are doing.
  23. desertmom

    Feel Like I Made A Mistake

    What are you taking for the nausea?
  24. desertmom

    Trip Report And Pms!

    Our mini holiday went gr8.Fabulous beach,I have a tan for the first time ever.Dont know why but I tanned brown.I am of the pink kind with blond hair and have never tanned.I use a factor 50 and it wasnt even that hot anymore,but Im tanned.The kids say it looks gr8. The hotel was really super,got bumped up to their grand suite.If I knew that in advance I would have packed some food as it has a lounge dining room and kitchen (the rich locals take their housekeepers with to cook) It was a pleasant surprise though and we thoroughly enjoyed the luxury of it.I think it was because we phoned and asked if there was a freezer compartment in the minibar as I had some special dietary needs..lol.Dont know why else we go the grand treatment. The hotel food was soooo boring.Not really in line with the rest of the hotel at all.So I just didnt eat a lot at all.A bite from my friends plate or my kids. Now,unfortunately I came back with serious PMS.I am one of these sleevers that become a bottomless pitt when I have my TOM.It is crazy that I can eat double my usual portions and I can eat way more frequently as well.And I have been very undisciplined for the past 2 days.I even had a small chocolate two nights in a row and found out what caused the candida in my mouth for the first 3 months post surgery.I use to have small amout of honey in my tea once a day then.I couldnt get rid of this white stuff on my toungue and in my throat for 3 months and just as I was losing hope,it went away.But the honey was finished and I decided to start using sweetener. After the first chocolate I did find my tongue had an irritating coating didnt think much of it but had to brush it off this morning.Well,2 hours after I ate the chocolate tonight I felt it again.And it must be aggressive overgrowth to appear that fast. I cannot use sugar.Isnt that amazing?For the rest of my days I will be sugarfree as I absolutely hate the feeling on my tongue.Get obsessed with it it bothers me so much.This must be a blessing from the Lord as I can see it,better altogether to have a reason to be sugarfree than just a choice to be sugarfree...lol Tomorrow I will try to go and play squash.Need the exercise as I have been skipping exercise a lot.Did play yesterday though. My weight is still the same and I have decided to make a mini goal for myself.Ideally I would want to weigh under 180 before our December holiday but I will have to start woking a bit harder for that.A friend that is a personal trainer has been burning to work with me to help me tone.Might take him up on it as I have 7 weeks before the holiday.That might make a significant difference before I go. The heat is gone and everyone is out running in the evening.Might start that up again as well, a bit slower this time as to not lose all my energy with over exercizing again. Well,I still love my sleeve and will eat protein pancakes one meal a day again from tomorrow to help the weight loss again. My hairloss seems to have slowed down a lot as well.I still dont see too much regrowth yet but that will come.Might even go for highlights for the first time since surgery.I was scared one would be able to see my scalp if I made the hair lighter so I just let it grow out since surgery.I also wish I knew what I would look like with short hair as I really feel like cutting it quite short but havent had short hair in 25 years.A bit scared I will look terrible.Older or fatter or just plain uglier. Thats me for now!Will push the water and good clean eating for the next 7 weeks for great results.
  25. desertmom

    Marriage Issues Already!?

    Love SHOULD be supporting each other but very often it is not.People who have that are very lucky.I didnt want to use the word manipulate but lets really think about how often in our lives we do that anyway. What I am really trying to say without being too blunt is this.Change is sometimes very scary.Especilly when it is not our choice and forced upon us by choices and desicions others make.BE NICE about this.It is your choice to change your life.You feel you need it,you are ready for it,gr8.We are usually excited and they dont share that as they dont feel it like we do. It is our jobs to get them to a point that they do.With love and kindness and understanding....womanly ways I would say!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
