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Everything posted by salsa1877
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
So I finally found a way to pay for bypass in Mexico. Surgery is set for May 27!!! Insurance is just being ridiculous and by the time they get around to approving it we will be back in WA or OR and not have a way to use it. So my brother was able to get a loan from his soon to be FIL that will allow me to pay for the surgery over a long period of time with essentially no interest. Now I just need the government to not shut down so that I can get my passport. If they pass the budget tonight or tomorrow then we will send in the expedited request on Saturday and should have it by the end of the month. If they do shut down then I will have to wait for them to reopen and go into the passport agency two weeks before leaving and get one. So as of right now I should be on the right track quicly. I have lost 5 pounds in the last month so that means I am headed in the right direction. I'm just sick of not knowing when I can and cannot eat. It changes daily!!! Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Sorry I haven't checked in sooner. Nothing really to report and I am really busy when I have class and working! I had three 15 page papers, two 5 page papers, and then the discussion questions and response throughout the week. Between work, writing papers and the gym I have almost no time at all! Still don't have a clue when or if surgery is going to happen. They did give me a weak muscle relaxer to take about an hour before dinner and that seems to allow my stomach to relax enough to eat then. I pretty much stay on liquids during the day and then get to eat real food at night. We are hoping to hear back from the insruacne this week. I'm just really depressed about the whole situation which is another reason that I don't check in. No point in bringing everyone down! I'll check back later. Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Well...when life throws you lemons...make a double shot absolut vodka lemonade out of it. Before I get ANY lectures about transfer addiction, I haven't had a single drop of alcohol in almost a year...but today put me over the edge. So I came home and told Lee that I was going to drink my supper tonight. He asked me how that was different from any other night thinking he was funny. I wasn't amused!!! Now I think it is kind of funny...though I think anything is funny right now. So I still haven't heard anything from insurance. I was really hoping some miracle would happen, but I just keep waiting. Well considering that it has taken me a while to type this I think I should probably go. I'll check in when I can feel my tongue! Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Sorry I haven't checked in. I have been in bed most of the time. I go to work, come home do some school work and then go to bed. When I am sleeping I am not hungry and not in discomfort. I can't say that I am in pain (though sometimes I am) but just discomfort if I eat or drink. The other day was pretty bad. I know I should just go on liquids and stay there but I am hungry...This isn't like real restriction where you can eat and get full for a long time. This is you eat, throw it up and are still hungry. Occasionally I can eat and it stays down. Just really wonky. I had to write a paper this weekend about my educational philosophy which should have been incredibly easy...it wasn't. One...I have a hard time concentrating because of food issues, and second, I have all but abandoned my philosophies at school so I was just frustrated the entire time I was trying to write. Not a good experience. However I did put in my resignation on Friday so that made me feel a little better in one way. We may still be homeless next year, but at least I won't be compromising my morals!! Well I am exhausted and going to bed! Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I asked the same question about why I had to wait if it was a guarantee, but the insurance will not pay without a prior authorization. Period. It seems a little criminal that we pay such high insurance premiums just so they can lord over our lives. Just doesn't seem fair that some bureaucratic system decides who does and does not get treatment and that THEY get to decide when you are in enough discomfort to make it worth providing the cure. Stupid. Well I am going to get off the computer for a while. I had some homework to do tonight and I have decided that I am just too progressive when it comes to education. Ugh...give up my philosophies or answer all the response questions with, "While I appreciate your argument, I would have to disagree with ..." ??? I try to find something to agree with, but I just have a hard time. -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
As you may have seen on facebook, the doctor did finally call. I have an 85% obstruction and partial erosion of the band. They are billing it as gastric obstruction and ulceration of the stomach because essentially that is what an ulcer is...a hole in the stomach. They are not mentioning the band and he will remove that for free. As for the 85% obstruction... he said that depending on where they pushed on the stomach and back muscles during the endoscopy changed the level of obstruction. Apparently the tilted me every which way when I was on the table and pushed and prodded as well. When in a somewhat sitting position (not sure how the did that) is when I had the 85% obstruction. In a standing position I had a little less obstruction. So he is suggesting that I eat standing up as it will allow more food to go through with less problems. As for right now...I'm just supposed to eat what I can that doesn't hurt. He said that nothing is going to make it any worse...or any better. They are pushing the insurance hard as they know that I will be leaving Texas in June and want to make sure that I am as healed as possible before leaving his care. My original band doctor is being ridiculous. His receptionist called and wanted to know if I could come to their office and have the Dr. do the endoscopy as they did not believe the pictures (I would be his first erosion). I politely declined. I guess he is offering to redo my band at no cost if will come up there and go through his battery of tests... Let's look at the issues here...1. I don't have the time to take off work to fly up to WA to have that done. 2. The band has caused enough issues...Thanks, but no thanks on another one! 3. Not only do we have pictures of an eroded band, I had silicon in one of my biopsies meaning that unless this doctor poked a hole into my stomach to snag a part of the band to "prove a point" then my band had to have come through the side wall. It is not a total erosion, meaning that my band is not sitting in the middle of my stomach with just the scar tissue holding the stomach together, but it is migrating. So I just don't think the band and I are a good fit anymore. It works for most people, but obviously my body is not really very receptive to it! So now I wait...keeping my fingers crossed and very much looking forward to 6-8 weeks of liquids after surgery. Yum...pureed tuna fish again!! At least this time I kind of know what to expect. I will not be buying 19 cases of protein drinks!!! On another good note...My check arrived!!!! Whooooo Hoooo!!! We are paying off Lee's car and then sticking the rest in savings. I was going to save the check in case I needed to go to Mexico and have the sleeve, but that just isn't an option any more. So we are really hoping that we can save it and put it direction into a retirement fund once we find out about my job situation. Until then...I just keep plodding along. Okay...my eyes are drooping...Need to go to sleep! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I'm taking quotes for a back alley surgeon that will take this damn thing out NOW! Wednesdays are date night so Lee and I make sure that we save enough money out of our budget to go out once a week and do something without work or my doctorate program interferences. So last night we went to Dave and Busters (which is like Chuck E Cheese for adults!) and I ordered some grilled shrimp, veggies and potatoes. Seemed to be going down fine until about an hour later when I thought I was going to have to turn the stools and people in the game room of the builiding into hurdles on a track...I was running like there was no tomorrow because it was all coming back up (sorry...TMI). Then this morning...yogurt up and out. I'm ready for anyone with some surgical skills to put in an offer I can't refuse! I suppose that since I have been dealing with a lot of this for months now that I can deal with it for one more month. Sigh...It's just that now I know there is something wrong and that it can be fixed and that it is just not me being a screw up...I am ready to get my life back. This has been beyond frustrating. Well papers are not going to grade themselves. Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Still no word!. I really wish that the nurse hadn't said ANYTHING. In fact, I just wish that she had called and said, hey we would like you to come in to discuss the results with the doctor. The only thing I know is that it is NOT cancer, but that when the final biopsy report came in (I guess there was one sample that was taken that was not returned with the first batch) that there was "foreign material". I am ASSUMING that means that it was the band and that there is a full erosion. They are sending my original doctor images as he says that there can be nothing wrong. Okay...obviously not being able to keep down food in the morning suggests that something is wrong. Oh well...guess I can't really worry about anything. She said I was not dying and that insurance would be immoral if they didn't cover so I guess really there is nothing to worry about. I'll let you know when I stop waiting for answers...believe me...I'm as curious as you! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
So no official word from the doctor yet, but the nurse called me today and said "you are not dying, but it doesn't look good". She said the doctor would be calling in between surgeries today and that I need to answer no matter what. I guess that is both good and bad news. Good news is that she said there is no way that insurance will deny this claim and when i said the my original doctor isn't convinced that anything is wrong, she said "well we have the pictures to prove them completely wrong." However she wasn't able to tell me the extent of the problem due to HIPPA laws. I will update you as I get information!@ -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
The gluten free sandwich was delicious going down...and then coming back up. Along with the shepherd's pie for dinner and the protein shake yesterday. Today my anti-gravity band sent yogurt, protein shake, and refried beans up as well! Fun, fun, times. Add that to the preliminary NO from the insurance and it makes for a GREAT day! Dr is sending in the full report...we were just hoping to get a quick yes. So know it is just more of a waiting game. -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
What has caused the scar tissue on the inside is that on the outside of the band I had too much scar tissue. When they put the band it, they want a small amount of scar tissue to form on the outside to keep the band in place. However, mine has formed WAY TOO MUCH scar tissue. This is why even unfilled I had so much restriction. Well the problem is that with all the throwing up due to wonky restriction I started forming scar tissue on the INSIDE. From there it is just kept getting worse; the scar tissue would get irritated and form more scar tissue. Now let's just hope the insurance isn't stupid! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Karla, I'm glad your endoscopy turned out well. I wish I had been awake!! However he knew he needed to take biopsies so that's probably why I was out! I got a phone call today and I do not have an erosion. However he described my stomach opening as filled with scar tissue cobwebs. So now we wait... On a good note Lee got signed up to be a substitute and has jobs lined up for next week already!!! Finally!!! -
Problems converting from band to sleeve?
salsa1877 replied to Mares's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Turns out that since I posted this that I have found out that I did indeed have MAJOR issues with my band. I went in for a fill when the found out that my band had slipped. They removed the fill and my symptoms got worse. Completely unfilled I was dealing with vomiting daily even when eating yogurt!. I finally found a doctor who is going to try and get a revision covered by my insurance. Two days ago I had an endoscopy and we found out that I have major gastric outlet obstruction and the sleeve is really no longer an option. This doctor is convinced that because of all of the damage to the stomach where the band has been inserted that my only option is bypass. He said the stomach is in such poor shape that even removal of the band would do me no good. So we have now submitted for insurance approval and hope to have the revision in the next month or so. While I am not looking forward to another surgery I am relieved to know that the last few years of throwing up and gaining weight were not totally my fault! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
She did send the mail priority but they don't track it. It was one of those flat rate priority boxes. On a good note however, the check may not be in there afterall! I called the retirement place and they said that because of the bad storms that a lot of things were delayed and the check may not have been mailed to me yet. I'm actually hoping that's the case. She now knows to open every piece of mail that comes in and if it is my check she is to send it UPS. That way it is tracked!! Karla - I think I have a few things that I could send you. I have some articles that we have been reading that seem to actually be along those lines. I'll look at them tonight -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I will be having the bypass most likely. He is pretty confident that he can get it covered by insurance and right now it is going to be difficult to come up with the money needed to get the sleeve in Mexico. He is really arguing against the sleeve because of the way the stomach is cut. For bypass the stomach is cut right above where the band is placed as opposed to the sleeve which cuts off the side of the stomach. Therefore if I went with the sleeve I am still going to end up with the scar tissue partially obstructing my stomach and may still deal with the throwing up issue. As for the money issue I'm kind of panicking this morning. After I left RPA I cashed out my retirement because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get a job or not. Well the check was supposed to come within the last couple of weeks and I have been having a friend check our mail in Oregon and forward it to us when we get a bunch. Well she said she sent a bunch of mail on Tuesday of last week and we have yet to get it. In there was Lee's final form for his teaching degree and most likely my check. "The check is in the mail" is quite literally what is going on right now. It should have been delivered last week but NOTHING. I'm really sick to my stomach. I took a 20000$ pay cut and we are barely squeaking by. That check was what was going to get me the surgery and allow us to have some breathing room. As for our living situation, we are going to continue to live in the hotel. We did not bring any of our stuff from Oregon. We left it in storage as it was cheaper than hauling it down here and we really have no intention of staying here. They are laying teachers off right and left here for budgetary reasons so it is highly doubtful that Lee would get a job. We now won't hear about my potential job until April making things rather stressful. Worst case scenario is that if Lee doesn't get a job and I get laid off is that we move to Washington and live with my brother. At least I will have a roof over my head...we would lose everything else but I wouldn't be homeless. Plus rent at the hotel is pretty cheap considering that we have cable, internet, and all of our utilities paid. It was just a fluke that they were drunk and trying to get in the wrong room. We actually haven't had any problems except for that. Well I best get off to work! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I had my endoscopy this morning and it was pretty uneventful. I should find out the results tomorrow, but the nurse said that the doctor is probably going to diagnosis it as gastric outlet obstruction because I did have massive scar tissue. However he is going to go back over the video again to make sure that there is not an erosion. They will then submit the paperwork as soon as possible and try to get the surgery scheduled! Just wanted to give you an update. Wednesday's are date night so I'm going to go spend the rest of the evening with my hubby! Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Hugs...I hope you feel better! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Karla, Looks like we are going to be the scope twins. Mine is on Wednesday and not any too soon. I know that I am more diligent about everything now, but I just feel yucky almost all the time. He asked me if I suffered from heartburn and I didn't think that I was until he described to me what it could feel like. Now I realize that I have had it since I have been banded. It really isn't burning...more just like a discomfort in my chest almost always. He told me to take an antacid and see if it went away...what do you know...it did. At this point I just want to know what is wrong and what we can do about it. I just want the band out. It is BEYOND fickle right now. The other day I was eating yogurt and threw it all up. Tonight Lee made steak and potato and I ate more than he did. WTF...I'm completely unfilled but I still can't eat an orange. I'm just frustrated! Well I will talk to you later. Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Good morning, Ugh...I am exhausted. I haven't been sleeping at night again. Not sure why. I got a call from the bariatric doctor yesterday. I have to go in for an EGD on Monday. The blood work they did on Tuesday didn't come back very good. My white blood cells are higher than they should be and based on that and my symptoms, he is worried that my band has not only slipped but that it has eroded as well. If it has eroded then my insurance will cover for certain and I could be in surgery within the week. I asked why they wouldn't have been able to see that on the fluoroscopy. He said that the fluro can't always show what is going on with the lining of the stomach and is rarely used to find erosion. OY! So I have the appointment scheduled for Wednesday and hopefully we will see what is going on for certain. I asked if I should go back on liquids and he said no. Despite what many say an eroision is actually not an emergency. Yes the band needs to come out if there is an erosion but usually the scar tissue that has built up on the outside of the stomach and the fact that the band is embedded in the stomach is enough to prevent the stomach acid from escaping and causing issues. So I will keep you up-to-date! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Yes...they pay pretty crappy. I took a 20000$ pay cut to come here. The Texas weather has been nuts. We are supposed to get freezing rain, sleet and 3-5 inches of snow tonight. I'm really hoping the weatherman is RIGHT! Well the doctor today was pretty convinced he could get my revision to bypass covered by insurance. He doesn't a different type of RNY that doesn't lead to as much malabsorption (it's a new technique in the last 3 years). He spent a long time talking about the complications with the band. I was shocked at how much he said that I realized I had. I won't go into it here because if people aren't having issues than I'm not going to bring up negatives. Just one piece of advice...if you PB...makes sure you brush your teeth. A recent article in a dentistry journal is showing that bandsters have a HIGH rate of tooth decay (along the same lines as bulemia). Never thought about that at all!! I think that if he can get it, I am going to go through with the bypass. It has the most research, history, and longevity studies. In three years I don't want to be hearing about problems with the sleeve and end up with a revision again. However if insurance doesn't cover it I will end up with a revision to a sleeve just because it is cheaper. Well I need to go to bed in case I actually do have to go †o work tomorrow. -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
My hubby did get selected to become a substitute, but he won't have orientation until next week and then won't be able to start subbing until the following week. I guess I shouldn't complain...it is money! As for next year...I'm not sure if I will teach or not. There are potentially two charter schools opening and my real hope is that I am able to get the online program up and running so that I can sit at home, on the beach, or any where with an internet connection and just teach the kiddos from there. Michael will pay me per school, so the more charter schools that are open the more moolah I make! I don't really care where we end up as long as Lee has a job at it is WARM. This Texas frigid weather is killing me. We are supposed to get more snow tonight so it could be interesting if we miss school again. (Fingers crossed!!!) -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I know what you mean about defending! My doctoral program is going to take about 3.5 years to complete and after writing a 200 page dissertation the last thing I want to do is to not pass my oral defense! We have to choose our own mentor and committee so I am going to be picking and choosing wisely. I would rather have someone that is really hard on me througout the entire process than have to redo three years worth of research! I'm sure you will do great. As for the DD and the dog...this is why I don't have children...or pets! I'm not a big fan of living things! Karri -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I'm here...I have just be incredibly ill. My fever hit just below 104 but thankfully we were out of school the entire time so I didn't have to use any sick days. Now I'm just exhausted. I have an appointment with the revision doctor today. If this doesn't work out I was going to go to Mexico, but that just isn't in the budget right now. I have the money, but since I don't know what is going to happen with my employment next year, I can't spend what is left in our bank account on a surgery! Lee STILL has not found a job. We are going on 14 months of him not having a job and it is killing me. He has an interview this morning to substitute so that will help some. It isn't much...70$ a day, but I guess that is better than nothing. He just refuses to get a job unless it is in education now. I understand that he just got his degree and that he wants to be a teacher, but if there are no jobs open right now, we can't afford for him to sit at home and wait until September. As for me, I am just waiting for the Oregon Department of Education to make a ruling to know if I have a job next year in Oregon. We were supposed to know from ODE by February but now the ruling has been pushed back until March. If I knew I had a job next year, I would go ahead with the surgery, but I don't since I don't know, I can't really spend 7000$!! Food has been ok except that my portions are too big. I am REALLY hungry now that I have been completely unfilled. I'm doing my best but I don't do well with hunger. Well I should probably throw together some sort of lesson for today. UGH! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Yay!!! No school tomorrow either. While I don't know why...I'm not going to argue it! The roads aren't that bad, but it really isn't supposed to get above 18˚. I have been in bed all day and I'm not sure that I will be getting out tomorrow either. This cold is kicking me hard! I'm skyping with a former student tonight so that we can go through my online education system that I am creating for the charter schools. I need a student perspective. I just hope I have a voice to even talk to her with. Lee is making me some chicken noodle soup. Even though the new doc wants me to eat real foods to see what my band is going to do, I seem to be handling hearty food. They must have really irritated my stomach when they were filling and unfilling the band because real food is causing me some issues. Okay...just wanted to check in. I'm going to close my eyes again and drift into a cold medicine induced coma! -
Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!
salsa1877 replied to IndioGirl55's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
We are in Texas. Lee moved down here with me over Christmas Break. I flew to Oregon at the beginning of break and then we drove back. Currently we are living in the Budget Suites because we didn't bring any of our furniture. As of right now we don't know what we are doing next year. It depends on whether or not some job opportunities come open in the Portland or Salem area. I'm pretty certain the Salem one will come to fruition I'm just not sure if it will be for the 2011 or 2012 school year. If neither one of those opportunities comes available, Lee will get a job down here and I am going to take the year off. Though between the creation of my online education system and going to school it won't be much of a year off. Though right now I'm doing all three so it will seem a bit like a break! This will be my last year in the traditional education system. It just doesn't work for me anymore. I can't deal with teachers stuck in a model that was outdated in the 1940s. I'm reading a book right now for my current events class that was written in 1938 and he is discussing the EXACT same issues that we have right now. So nope, I haven't changed my view about my fight to change education...and I am UNAPOLOGETIC about it. I still feel like crap but fortunately 14 degree weather outside allowed us one more snow/ice day so that I can hopefully start feeling a little more like human.