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Everything posted by salsa1877

  1. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    My not so good food day was today. I am so unbelievably exhausted and you can tell. We had a retirement breakfast this morning and someone brought me a plate since I was in working with students. I said I was just going to throw it away, but I then realized that all of my food was sitting on my kitchen counter and that I was not going to have time to go home and get it considering that my "duty free" prep period was filled with duties and meetings. *sigh* So my option was to not eat or to pick at the food that they had on the plate. Well I should have just not ate. There were not doughnuts but I am sure the calorie are not pretty. So I will make amends through 3 marathon exercise sessions. I am taking tomorrow and friday off (my last 2 personal days). So while everyone is going to be working I am going on a 15 mile hike. That will burn ALMOST 2000 calories because of the elevation change. Tonight I will go to the gym and work out for several hours to make up for my idiocy today. I have been maintaining my 4 pounds lost but I need AT LEAST 1 more and in reality I want WAY more than that. I would like to lose at LEAST 3 more.
  2. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Snack foods are the devil!!!! And if you are only eating snack foods then you are going to feel like you have no restriction at all. When I was too tight I could eat crackers all day long and not have any problems but the moment I went to eat anything substantial I was running to the bathroom. My new plan is to stay away from the protein bars until I get to my goal weight. Right now they are as bad for me as a candy bar. I will still have a snack...but my snack is just a very small meal. A burrito that is half the size (made with LF wraps 90 cal, 1/8 cup ground chicken, 1/8 cup FF refried beans, and some pico de gallo) So basically my snacks are just ultra small meals. They keep me fuller longer and away from all the addicting, food triggering fillers that are found in most snacks. Tonight we went to dinner with DH's head boss and so I sent the menu to Janet to help me pick out what I should eat. I did very well I think. Probably ate more than I should have but at least the food was healthy. I went with the halibut which was the fish of the day and a salad. Then everyone had dessert except me. I just picked the fresh (not drowning in sugar) strawberries off of DH's cheesecake. I didn't have one single bite of the cheesecake. Well I want to get a few more things done for school before I go to sleep. Chat tomorrow.
  3. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Seriosly hate my job!
  4. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Candice you rode just over 10 miles per hour or 16 km/hour. Yes...the calories do seem high considering that I was pedling a little slower than that last night but was only burning 400 calories per hour and that was with some pretty decent resistance. But the more weight that you have on you, the more calories you burn so it might be correct. This is why I bought the body bugg...I don't believe any of the websites...too skeptical and not enough science for me (says the chemist!)
  5. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I feel better now. Yeah the lady that is the total B at work got transferred to the middle school next year and she is beyond angry. They are all trying to figure out why she got bumped for someone that has a chemistry/physics endorsement. Well...I am not going to be there next year and the admin knows it so they had to staff appropriately. They DON'T know that I am not going to be there so they can't figure out WHY they would need another chem/phys person at the high school. However they are just all worked up because I am going to get 2 paychecks. Seriously...the don't get that I would be WORKING TWO JOBS. Whatever...I am a lot calmer now and I didn't soothe it by eating. I soothed it by Wii boxing followed by 3 hours on the bicycle. 1095 calories of pure relaxation. I feel much better and without guilt!! I have to go to bed now though. It has been a LONG freaking day.
  6. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Seriously I don't think I have EVER been this pissed in my life. I almost quit my job today. Just threw my hands up, flipped them off and walked the F out. But I figured that wasn't fair to my students. It was teachers that did it to me today.
  7. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Not choc but I was starving all day and I am in the foulest mood of my life right now. So I am going to eat dinner and then go to the gym for HOURS. Not necessarily to burn calories but I have to blow off some steam. I would go run but it has been thundering, lightning and marble sized hail so I don't think that is a good idea. I want to finish my book and start another one so I am going to go ride the bike for 4-5 hours. That burns about 1200-1500 calories AND gets off my frustation. Basically I am going to bike until I can't keep my eyelids open.
  8. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm down 4 pounds this morning. I was hoping for a bit more, but considering that I should START today I am okay with it. Today is going to be a tough food day. TOM starts, I have been up since 3AM and therefore exhausted and I am craving chocolate like there is no tomorrow. Not to mention that I have been hungry, hungry, hungry the last couple of days. I will NOT succumb.
  9. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I did a 7 mile run today. If the scale stays the same then I have lost my 5 pounds. But I won't count it until it says it again tomorrow. My arm is raw right now. The run chaffed me so bad. I am going to beg the doctor to do my arms when I get the girls reduced. I can deal with what they look like, but the skin hangs so much that they get rubbed raw when I run unless I have long sleeves on. Well it is kind of hot to run in long sleeves when it is 70 degrees outside. Gott run. I have a few things that I need to get done. Check in later.
  10. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm down 3 pounds!
  11. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    4 hour workout(burned 1200 cal) Food today...1750 calories. Need to take a shower...I stink.
  12. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I will also be going to the gym tonight. If I stay at home and try to read I just end up here or on facebook. I really want to finish the Twilight series so I am going to go and bike while I read. It is MY time and I get exercise at the same time. My last 2 days at the gym have been pretty extensive so my legs need a bit of a break! I figure 4 hours or so of biking will be good. My legs are moving but I don't even notice it because I get so engrossed in the book. I think it is going to be my new form of relaxation!
  13. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Weigh in this morning was 159...lost a pound...gained a pound DAMN TOM!
  14. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I lost over an entire shoe size. I used to be a 10 in dress shoes...now I am about an 8.5.
  15. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I'm hungry! I am at my limit for calories though. If I eat it means I Wii and I don't want to exercise any more today. 2.5 hours is plenty for me.
  16. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    As for lunch...today it wasn't students. It was retarded teachers. I will be SO glad to not deal with these idiots next year.
  17. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Can any one tell me what something called lunch means?? From stories that I have read and television shows that I have watched it appears that it occurs sometime around 12 noon. It looks like it would be a fun thing to partake in, but I don't think that I have had the chance. I believe that my schedule and contract say that I am entitled to a 35 minute "duty free" lunch. Could someone please tell me what this MEANS????? I am confused. Too much legalese for me! GRRRR...I AM HUNGRY!
  18. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So I was down 1 pound this morning!!!!! Thank goodness because those numbers kind of freak me out. yep...no more excuses. I have a party that I am going to this Saturday...but I wont be eating there. My clothes are not fitting, the scale is horrific and I just don't feel good. All of those things are way more powerful than any food. Do I still want to eat???? yes...but I CAN eat good foods. Yesterday I was at about 1400 caloires (I can't go as low as 900 and still function) and accoridng to my body bugg I burned 2700 calories. So today I have to run to the store right after work and stop by the house and pick up shoes and then I will be back at the gym for 2-3 hours. The plan is to run for 5 miles, do weights and then bike for the rest of the time while reading. That is my relaxation time. But I figure that even if biking doesn't burn as many calories as running it does burn more than sitting on my couch and reading. Then I go home and put in 2-3 hours of curriculum development, fall asleep, and repeat. I don't hardly have time for FB anymore :thumbup: Okay...gotta get back to work.
  19. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    You bet your butt you are NOT going to win. ( Well you will win in losing the weight BUT I will lose more weight than you. ) Bring it on. I LOVE MY MOMMY!!! She knows EXACTLY what I need and when I need it!
  20. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    2 hours at the gym tonight. Tomorrow it will be the same. Tomorrow it will be cardio AND weights. I burned 850 calories today and am already at my goal for the day. I do get tired but I only do each machine for 10 minutes at a time so it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Oh...and at the gym today they made me the first "Member of the Month" so that was really cool. I get my before and after picture with a little bio put up about me at the gym. Plus I get a free month added to the end of my contract. That was some extra motivation today! Food was good today but I think it was because I was so busy I didn't even have a chance to eat. Well I need to eat dinner so I will chat later.
  21. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I am so freaking in. I was at 159 this morning :thumbup:. While I realize that this is 3 days before TOM...this is an unacceptable weight. So...I had already planned on challenging myself anyway but now a group challenge is even better. It is 2-3 hours of gym time every day. My calories will be around 1500 per day. There are no more excuses. School is just going to have to wait. I can't keep putting ME off until school is out. I have done that all year with not such good results. I am starting to not fit into clothing anymore.
  22. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I have not been avoiding for any reason except that I am unbearably busy. However i have great news to share. I just found out that when I go to the charter school that I get a 14000$ raise so I should actually be able to attend some Lucky #7 functions next year. I get double pay checks in July and August so I will be able to pay off my lap-band surgery 1 year early. So excited!!! I can now support my running habit as well. Gotta run...hours of work to do in about 45 minutes.
  23. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Seriously funny story coming up. :w00t: (It is funny NOW...not when it was happening.) I want you to all remember that I teach HIGH SCHOOL.. That is right...14-17 year olds. :tt2: Every year I do a pizza lab with all of my classes. I MAKE the pizza lab fit what it is we are doing. I did it Monday with my Regular chemistry classes and today with my conceptual chemistry kids. It is a bit hectic to cook 25 english muffin pizzas in 3 toaster ovens, but the kids are USUALLY really good and appreciative. So the story begins in 2nd period which is my prep period (for non teachers...this is the class period that you don't teach, but use for grading and preping...and in some cases drooling:bored:). I share my room during this period because there are no other open classrooms. Well this teacher has ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA classroom control.:mad: I have found things duct taped to my walls, broken, and stolen after this period. Anyway...I digress. I am standing at the side of my classroom working my fingers to the bone trying to the lab set up. I see one of his students get up and go the pretzels that I have for my third period students as snacks. I was a little peeved :sneaky: but figured if they were hungry then so be it. Well I am still working on the lab and I see pretzels fly up into the air and I figure they are throwing them and trying to catch them. So i was going to politely go back there an ask them to stop. But when i turn around I see that they are throwing the pretzels up in the air, letting them hit the floor and then seeing which one can stomp it into the ground the fastest.:cursing::cursing::cursing: No... I am not kidding you. These are freshman. I swear I went into an alternate reality. I stomped into the back storage area grabbed the dustpan and broom and went back to my classroom where I slammed it down so hard on their table that I bent the dust pan. I screamed at them to clean it up. They of course said they didn't do it on purpose. I...learning early on that I don't fight with students said I don't care if you did it on purpose or if you were born with an inability to use your hands properly to eat...YOU WILL CLEAN IT UP. Probably not my best choice of words...but I didn't care at the time. I was ready to beat them with the dust pan so I figured an INSULT was better than ASSAULT.:laugh: The entire class was completely silent. It was seriosly the only time that I have heard that class silent. Even the other teacher was dumbfounded...well he is normally just DUMB so it wasn't too far of a stretch. So then as the class period is winding up I see the same two boys over eyeing my pepperoni. Another student saw me looking at them and told them they if it were them..."I would back away and pretend like you had never even been born". Okay...the story continues. (JUST LOST MY FREAKING POST...FORTUNATELY i HAD SAVED IT TO THIS PART. ) back to the story...part deux. The next class is my conceptual kids and they are my rough ones. This class also turned into my LIVING NIGHTMARE.:devil:..that is...being required to teach 2nd FREAKING GRADE:ack2:. It started when they were told to get in the assembly line to make the pizzas. There was the start of a shoving match because "he cut in line for the pineapple." Then of course there were the students who were switching the order in which the pizzas were made. One student who threw another students pizza in the garbage. :mad5: So...2 students were removed from the classroom and I was down to 23 of the WORST (but lovable:wub:) students in the entire sophomore class. The the real fun :out: started next. This is what I heard for the next 10 minutes before I lost my head.:thumbup: 1. He touched my food 2. He took my cookie 3. he touched me 4. He took my pencil 5. She stuck her tongue out at me:tt2: 6. Don't pull my hair 7. Stop touching my shoe 8. Hey that's my pizza :incazzato::crazy::crazy::party::incazzato::argue: So I lost my mind. i told them that I would rather teach a class full of pigs with SWINE flu than them. I then mananged to yell at them for about the next 10 minutes. I have serioulsy never been that angry in my LIFE. But now that I have calmed down and I can see the humor in it. I think my heart rate was around 300 beats per minute. so I thought I would share!!!
  24. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    So I did go and buy some stuff that I could eat and am going to do my best to eat healthy at least 50% of the time. I will be hiking some this weekend as well...so hopefully it will all work out. I bought some quaker popcorn mini cakes, strawberries and apples that are for me. Then I bought snacks for the rest of them. I will probably have a few. If I was just trying to maintain, I wouldn't be as nervous (I don't think), but I really want to lose these last several pounds. Oh well...I guess if I only maintain then it will be Mama's Boot Camp when I get to Indio. My plan is to steer clear of the smores however. Maybe a couple of graham crackers instead...but no smores. That would be a disaster!!!
  25. salsa1877

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    My run was FABULOUS this morning. I did 5 miles in under 55 minutes. I felt so ALIVE. Now...the getting out of bed...ugh...that was difficult but so worth it. The calories were just under 1500 yesterday and those few extra hundred calories did the trick. I won't be on this weekend as we will be camping but this time I won't freeze to death. I brought enough stuff to keep me warm that DH was just laughing this morning when we were packing his car. He said that I could survive an Alaksan winter with what I brought. Better safe then sorry. However, I realized that in my determination to not get cold...I didn't pack any short sleeve shirts. So I am going to run home during my prep and throw some in a bag and bring them with me. Okay...kiddos are almost finished with their quiz so I had best get ready for phase 2!

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