Needing support ? CROSS posted
I don't know what is going on went to the surgeon last Friday and I weighed 179. THEN I went out to dinner two nights in a row, but nothing horrid, I did share dessert. BUT TODAY, I had 3 bites of cookie dough, 2 cookies, and an Almond JOy, GRAZED like fool, raw veggies and dip, a 1/4th of a chicken breast. SO you get it right, MY TUMMY IS KILLING me right now.
SO The killer is I weigh 185! WTH??? Is this truly possible. I haven't had gains like this, Althought I felt the 179 was artificial cause I was 181 at home, BUT crap 185 this is ridiculous. I felt like I was hungry all day today after I did my 5 k, but heck no do I pick the good stuff.
Dec 7th
237/ I GUESS 185/165