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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by WildGrits

  1. WildGrits

    Scale...type and brand to buy?

    OMG that is so funny. I love at the end when she says, "That's Obese". "No @#$%^& @#$% I'm obese. That's why I'm here." I curse her out every time.
  2. WildGrits

    decisions, decisions

    I guess it depends. A year from now which would you have rather done?
  3. WildGrits

    Scale...type and brand to buy?

    Ok, I know I'm gonna be the odd one out but I love my Wii Fit. It is the most accurate scale I have ever had. Of course if you don't have a Wii it would be pointless. But if you do, it has some cute exercises and it remebers all your info. One down size is that the lady is a little mean.
  4. WildGrits

    Does anyone know about bill collection?

    There are repuptable credit helpers out there. But they don't come to you. They can only work with revolving credit not Cars or House payments. Back in '06 we were swimming in debt. We called and made an appointment with a company approved by my union and we were debt free in less than five years. We could have never done it without them. But we were behind in our payments. I was great to have to phone stop ringing finally.
  5. WildGrits

    Can someone help my 16 yo with a job?

    She is not alone. It is very hard for kids under 18 to get jobs these days. My daughter, 18 in November, has never had any luck. She interviews very well until they hear she is not 18, she looks older. Somke Dunkin Donuts do hire as do most grocery stores for baggers. My daughter did get a call back from Party City.
  6. UGH!!! I still have 9 pounds to get off to get cleared by the Nut. That's three pounds a week for the next three weeks. Sadly even after I get clearance There is a back list of threee months till surgeries. I have no chance of keeping this weight off once I get it off so I'll be dieting again for January. OMG I hate dieting. I wish I had a chef.

  7. I am getting my CPAP machine tomorrow. Insurnce pays for half the rental for three months so I will be paying out of pocket $61 a month. I'm not really thrilled about that. I will give it two months and see if I feel any results.

  8. I had my second sleep over at the Sleep Center last night. I cannot believe how good I felt when I woke up after a night of having the CPAP machine all night. I actually had energy and felt refreshed. This is so rare for me. I still have to get this damn 15 lbs off. I am afraid I'm gonna need to resort to Medifast to do so. I so hate the thought of using it but I am having no luck without it.

  9. WildGrits

    Tummy hates rice

    Lol. I guess ir depends on what ur use to eating. If your not use to eating grains it can be a trial. Make it in small amounts. With a 1:2 ratio with Water, a quarter if a cup us just ten mins in the microwave. I usually use it instead of rice in a stirfry. If its still a no go then check out the side of a bag of egg noodles. They have more Protein than rice also.
  10. WildGrits

    Cold all the time?

    My daughter just started a very strict diet due to a food intolerance. About four days in she also was complaining about being cold. Come to find out she was totally missing any good fat in her diet. We ended up making sure we added olive or coconut oil every day. It seems to be a little better.
  11. WildGrits

    The Good and the Bad

    I think you are doing great!!!! It's good that you were able to come to terms with other issues that you are having and know that you do need help with them. In all fairness to the surgeon, he is just that, a surgeon. They don't deal with the psychological issues of the patients. Luckily we are set up with a multi-disciplinary group for this surgery. Don't be afraid to go back to any of them and pick their brains about any issues you are having. A few years back I lost a very good amount on Medi-fast. I can tell you from experience that rapid weight loss does mess with your head. When those fat cells let loose all those toxins along with the Water, LOOK OUT. Don't lose sight of the fact that you have been very successful with your weight loss. That's not an easy task. Now that you have conqured the physical you can put more into healing the spirit. Good luck but it seems to me that you are doing great.
  12. Got my clear from the Psych today. Very happy. Now if I could just get this 15 pounds off that is required of me.e

  13. Now mind u I'm still pre-op. But in the past I would use the pumpkin with cinnamon and sugar substitute. I would start with just a quarter cup once a day. It takes a few days but had success with it.
  14. WildGrits

    Tummy hates rice

    I second quinoa. It is so easy to make and a good source of protein.
  15. How bout something a little more natural. Libbys pure pumpkin is a great source of Fiber with minimal calories. A serving is half a cup with 5grams of fiber and 2grams if Protein for 40calories. It also has niacin and is a good source of Vitamins. Not to be mistaken for canned pie filling.
  16. I had my Psych eval yesterday. Real nice Dr. As stated above it was about what were my expectations of the surgery, did I understand the risks, did I have eating disorders, support systems, and all that. I didn't do that huge questionaire but I have in the past for employment. To be honest, that sleep study is a royal pain in the butt. Just keep telling yourself it's only one night. It will be easier if you dont take a nap that day and do stuff to really tire yourself out that day. They stick wires all over your head and arms and legs, but mostly your head. It looks like they ripped open an old gaming console and glued it all over you. Then they put a nasal cannula on you.
  17. WildGrits

    Diet coke & pre op diet

    OMG I can feel your pain. I quit smoking years ago. I quit going out drinking too. But quiting diet soda is the hardest thing ever. I can go two weeks max and then I almost am itching for it. Too bad it isn't as good without the bubbles. Cause if you could stir the bubbles out of a caffiene free diet soda you would have it made. But *GAG* that's a terrible idea.
  18. WildGrits

    No pre-op liquid diet?

    After I ask the Dr if I would have to do two weeks of liquid, he ask me how much did I think I could lose pre-surgery? I said 15lbs? He said ok lets do that. And one day just clear fluids. I'm going to Disney World in October so I wanted to lose at least 15 just to give be a bit more energy.
  19. Here in Albany our local public tranportation has something called the STAR Program. It's a really small *Accessible* bus that picks you up at your home with an advance notification. So like you can't call them like a taxi but you can reserve them up to 14 days before you need them. And it is under $3 each way. I don't know exactly where you live but if you look up "Para-transit service" for your area you might find a service at a very resonable price.
  20. Saw the Psych today and had my upper GI. Both went very well. Dr. Fine is a very nice Psych and I think I might continue to see him after surgery to help me with my love affair with food.

  21. WildGrits

    Newbie here. Upstate NY

    Congrats on getting your surgery date. You must be excited. Chiming in from Upstate NY here also.
  22. WildGrits

    What Protein Shakes Do You Use?

    I haven't seen my Nut yet so maybe this will be cover, but................ I have seen no one mention Medifast. I have about two weeks left of my supply from my last failed diet. Is it useable or is there something wrong with it? I figured I could use it up during the liquid phase.
  23. I have been lurking for a few months now. It took over two months since the seminar to get my first appointment with Dr Trivedi at St Peter's Hospital in Albany. I'm glad I was able to call all the other specialists and get my other appoinments lined up within the following weeks (Psych, nutrition, and cardio). I am very excited about this but apprehensive at the same time. I know folks who have been very successful with different surgeries but I also know people who were not. I know one Lap-band users who has not lost anything and another Roux-en-Y who passed four months after surgery. I hope to learn lots from the many folks on here and to be successful along with them. Fingers crossed, Melissa A.K.A. WildGrits
  24. Can anyone tell me what I can expect at the appointment with the nutritionist?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
