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Posts posted by Dbanks

  1. Well... I have an update for you... I decided to weigh in this morning because we will be away tomorrow morning and i like to try and have the same set up every time I weigh in... I wish I could share some good news with you, but unfortunately not... I literally did not lose one ounce! Nothing! Exact same weight as last week... As the last 3 months! I'm SO depressed. All I could do was literally cry. I don't get it. I've tried everything. Upping Protein, lowering fat, lowering carbs, all liquids, upping exercise, UPPING CALORIES, and not tracking at all... I'm going to call my surgeons office and ask if they'll run labs... I have hypothyroidism and am worried that my thyroid pill isn't getting absorbed so my thyroid has slowed down a ton. I'm just over it. It's such hard work for zero reward... Dearest Wannabeawifey, I agree with Baconville & iamsoworthit we are all hitting stalls and our bodies have figured out what we have done.The human body is a self correcting mechanism it will sort itself out. Your doing everything right just stay on target and it will pass :) . go away enjoy your time and don't freak out about this. I've personally have been stalled for 3 weeks but still I still feel amazing. Ive been fat for so long a short stall like this is but a small bump on the road in this very long and amazing journey look in the mirror and see the awesome beautiful person who is blossoming Cheers RJ

    Wow, did I need to hear this today!

    Always the encourager. :)????

  2. Just are my first Oreo or cookie since last April.

    Made it through Xmas with no Cookies but just had to have 1 Oreo! Yummiest.. How is everyone doing? I'm down from my high test weight 343 to 218 size 32 to 16 I'm feeling great blood pressure is down. sleep apnea is gone. Back and knees feel better. More energy to do things. Even got a new job that I start next month. Life is good...

  3. Hey my fellow Junies we made it through Turkey day. I did it with out any deserts ... Personal goal for me because I am the type if I have one bite I would have more and more.... Plus I'm Dow another 1.6lbs over the last two days.

    I've been encouraged by all of your post keep up the good work!!

  4. how many carbs do you shoot for each day? And what's better for Protein I read soy isolate is easier to digest but I see lots of people saying whey??? Please help!!!

    Between 60 to 80 Protein I try to stay closer to 80

    and 50% or less of carbs

    So if my protein is 80 for the day my carbs will be around 35.

    Hope this helps. :)

    HW 343 SW 326 CW 245 GW 177 (98lbs gone) woohoo

  5. I love having our group! To hear your struggles and to Celebrate with you when you reach your next goal. I am so cheering and praying for each one if you as we reach our goals and set new ones. Also the freedom we are finding as we shed those pounds and take back quality if life!

    We are awesome! :)

    HW 343 SW 326 CW 245 GW 177 (98lbs gone) woohoo

  6. Ok Im trying to find a place to pick back up... I.don't get sick from any foods' date=' which sucks because the reason I chose rny was to have restrictions... I have weighed the same for about two months now... I find myself drinking soda, taking sips here and there... I can't even remember what the clear liquid diet consist of because that's where I feel I need to start at again... somebody help Surgery date: April 23, 2013 SW: 298.8 Today's weight: 238.6 GOAL WEIGHT: 160[/quote']

    I don't get sick but I self talk all the time ow bad that stuff is. Make a appointment with your but ASAP and get back on track! You can do it !

    HW 343 SW 326 CW 245 GW 177 (98lbs gone) woohoo

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