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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Sonia65

  1. Doing well here too. Love hearing how people are getting on. My surgery was July 10. I lost 130 and got to goal in 10 months. Now the hard part of staying in this range forever more begins. Lol. For most of the weight loss time I ate around 850 calories. The last month I upped it to 1200. Once at goal I let my fitness pal set calorie goal to maintain this weight and it has me eating 1900. Most days can't quite manage that much so still loosing a little. Protein I set to 80g mimimum every day. Can't worry too heart more July sucess stories.
  2. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    [ATTACH]43241[/ATTACH] Hi all, My hubby just made a before and now picture for me and I thought I would try to share it with you. I have never tried to add photos before so I hope it works.
  3. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Congratulations! I did the same thing. My original goal was 185, I am 5ft 8 so that makes me still in the overweight range. So when I hit that I just kept going. New goal 165 or BMI of 25 is about 6lbs away. Hard to believe I am almost there. Now the hard work truly begins. Lol P.S. My surgery was July not June but you guys are such a great group that I snuck in. I really believe that one of the reasons I have been successful was this group. By reading what you were all going through I was prepared for what was coming up for me. So THANK YOU ALL.:-) and much success as we all move towards maintenance.
  4. Sonia65

    Any Canadians Out There?

    Hi there I was originally book with him but then got a cancelation, was moved up 3 weeks and was operated on by Dr. Artz. I wad told they are both very good. Good luck with everything.
  5. Sonia65

    Any Canadians Out There?

    My first apt.was Nov.2012 and my surgery was July 2013. I also did not think that was too bad. It gave me lots of time to plan and get info. It is a life changing decision. Having said that I will add that for me it was the best thing I could have done and I wish I had done it years ago. . My program is run out of Toronto Western and my surgery was at Toronto Eastern. I am almost at goal having gone from a high weight of 293 to a current weight of 171. Good luck on your journey's.
  6. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Ditto! That's exactly how it feels for me too. Keep wondering when I will get used to it and when I will recognize the person in the mirror.
  7. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Hello everyone, glad to see there a still a few familiar names around. It took me a few months but finally got the new app on my phone. It seems as of everyone is doing well and hitting those milestones both on and of the scale. Congrats everyone. I reached onederland in November and am 1 pound away from 100 lost. It feels really good :-). The nsv's are also lots of fun. Some examples are: going horseback riding and getting on and of by myself shopping in regular stores (although it was really hard at first, I walked out of many stores because I was so intimidated and didn't know where to start! ) much more energy joints that don't hurt first pair of knee high boots much lighter suitcase when going on holiday buying a really cute sun dress off a vendor on the beach That's about it for now. Keep up the good work.
  8. Sonia65

    Surgery Dates for July

    I eat quite a bit of ricotta, Greek yogurt and cheese. Plus I have a Protein shake for Breakfast which gets me off to a good start. I will also throw a half scoop of Protein powder into a yogurt or coffee if I am short for the day(but trying not to do that too often). Plus I sometimes eat half a Quest bar for my Snacks. HW:293 B4 liquid diet: 284 SW:272 CW: 219
  9. Sonia65

    Former fatty having fun

    I just bought my first ever pair of knee high boots yesterday. It felt so good. :-) looking forward to many more clothing firsts. HW:293 B4 liquid diet: 284 SW:272 CW: 219
  10. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Congrats! So what is your total loss? I am still 19 pounds from onederland. Thinking I might be there for Christmas. What a lovely gift that would be. :-). Either way the weight is going in the right direction so I am happy.
  11. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Hope you all don't mind but the July group is so quiet I am Jong your June group :-). Right now I feel like c**p. Stayed out a bit longer than anticipated and had no snacks with me. So when the family grabbed take out from the grocery store before we shopped I thought the yogurt parfait looked like it would work for me. Yogurt, granola, fruit. ... what can go wrong? Well half way thru got nauseous and crampy. So stopped eating. Went online and checked nutrition and it had 300 calories must have tons of sugar. Paying for it now:(. Lesson learned... always carry emergency Quest bars.
  12. Sonia65

    Surgery Dates for July

    Feel like c**p. Stayed out a bit longer than anticipated and had no snacks with me. So when the family grabbed take out from the grocery store before we shopped I thought the yogurt parfait looked like it would work for me. Yogurt, granola, fruit. ... what can go wrong? Well half way thru got nauseous and crampy. So stopped eating. Went online and checked nutrition and it had 300 calories must have tons of sugar. Paying for it now:(. Lesson learned... always carry emergency Quest bars.
  13. Sonia65

    Surgery Dates for July

    In my humble non professional opinion you need to eat more. I eat a minimum of 850 calories a day most days and make sure protein is at least 70 usually 85 or more. I had a stall for about 2 weeks but figure it was just my body adjusting and note it is coming of again. I am down 55 since beginning the pre op diet. Good luck :-)
  14. Sonia65

    Surgery Dates for July

    Doing pretty well. Surgery was July 10. Down 63 in total 53 since end of June. No complications (fingers crossed) and getting into good eating and exercise habits. Glad to hear others area doing well. :-) HW:293 SW:272 CW:231
  15. Sonia65

    Sugar free ice cream?

    Check out eggface in the Web she had recipes for Protein ice cream. That way you can have a treat but stay on your plan and get protein at the same time. I have not tried it yet coz I have to buy an ice cream maker! My new rule of thumb is if it is not high in protein I don't eat it. HW:293 SW:272 CW:231
  16. Sonia65

    Stall @ 230lbs! Help!

    I make sure I get a minimum of 60g of Protein but usually it is between 80 and 100. My calories are around 850 a day. Much of my protein is from food but I usually have 1 shake and half a Quest Protein Bar to keep my numbers up. I am down 45 since surgery on July 10. HW:293 SW:272 CW:263
  17. Hello fellow teachers, Is everyone back at school by now? The first week is over for me, it was a very hectic, busy week as we settled in the new kindies and adjusted to being full day and dealing with lunches and sleepy kiddies etc. :-) Our lunch time is only 50 minutes and by the time I made sure all kids were safe and accounted for with the lunch supervisor, it was much shorter! That coupled by the higher than summer stress level, twice last week I was unable to eat :-(. Thankfully I was able to drink a shake, hopefully as things get more settled I will get better and making myself calm down and eat slowly. So how was everyone else's first week? I hope you are all settling in well and coping with the fun that is September in a school. If anyone has any eating lunch strategies it would be great if you shared. Happy Sunday everyone, Sonia
  18. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Just realised I need to update my signature, cw is now 243:-) HW:293 SW:272 CW:263
  19. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Been back at work (teach kindergarten) for 2 days. Have to say I am so glad I had 6 weeks of summer to recoup. The chaos and craziness that is the first week of school coupled with having to rush lunch while having a meeting and setting up class etc. has me stressed and unable to calm down enough to eat. Thank heaven for protein drinks and the fact that unlike most people I actually like them :-) Oh well things should calm down by the end of the month and the weight is coming off so I have more energy. HW:293 SW:272 CW:263
  20. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    If I feel nauseous the first thing I do is eat something, it usually helps. I find I don't feel hungry so I just eat on schedule. HW:293 SW:272 CW:263
  21. Sonia65

    Any Canadians Out There?

    Hello again :-) Where are all the Canadians? We really should try to get more active on here;-) Well I am 6 weeks post op and doing well. I had no problems since I left the hospital. I actually get scared saying that, just waiting for the smug fairy to hit me with a late stage complication! I Have my first follow up today at Toronto Western with the nurse and dietician. Hope you all have a great day. HW:293 SW:272 CW:263
  22. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    So sorry to hear about the loss of one of your students. Very tragic. Hopefully it is the stress causing your upset and nothing else. HW:293 SW:272 CW:263
  23. Sonia65

    Back to school?

    OMG that's not lunch it's mid morning snack!!!!
  24. Sonia65

    Back to school?

    I have been checking out eggface and Bariatric Foodie they both have great recipes. I also am not great at planning lunch but that will have to change I like the Bento Box idea, may give that a try. It will be the timing of stuff that will be difficult for me. September we go full day kindie and the kids will be eating in our classroom at 11:20-11:50 then going outside. I used to do work in my room till 11:50 then go to the staffroom for 20 minutes for lunch, but now with the kids in the room I won't be able to work so should eat first but 11:20 is soooo early!!! Not quite sure how I will do it yet, guess I will have to play it by ear! So you are in charge of web stuff at your school. I will have to pick your brains. I have class website that someone set up for me and I edit and add stuff etc. but there are a few things I would like to change..... Anyway we are off for a bike ride on this lovely summer morning, enjoy the last few weeks of holidays.
  25. Sonia65

    June Post Ops!

    Hope NOT how, lol HW:293 SW:272 CW:263

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