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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MamboMan

  1. MamboMan

    What Did I Do? Dumping On Fat?

    Like the other poster mentioned,I would be suspicious of the lactose, seeing as your meal was lactose-laden.
  2. MamboMan

    Protein shots....

    I don't profess to know a whole lot about them, however, I do know you should always purchase whey protein (which we CAN absorb) as opposed to primarily collagen protein (which is an incomplete protein which we CANNOT absorb), regardless if you buy a shot, shake, etc. I've read that if you're going to use a protein shot your best bet is "Yes Whey" and NOT the "New Whey" (or any other brand where the first non-Water ingredient is something other than whey protein). I've also read contradictory reports saying you can only absorb around 30 grams of protein at one time. The majority of info I've read says this is true, however, there are others that believe we can absorb more... I'll have to research it more at some point.
  3. MamboMan


    Did she give you a reason why you couldn't have iced coffee? Is she concerned about the caffeine? Ulcers? Calories? Sugar?
  4. MamboMan

    Damn cpap machine!

    No problem! I hope you can find a mask that you can tolerate. Best wishes!
  5. MamboMan

    Damn cpap machine!

    They really should have let you try on different masks and fits! When I had my study, they actually had me try different masks while I was there. I'm a mouth breather, too, but with the positive pressure coming from my nose, my mouth stays closed (most of the time). Does your machine have a Water reservoir with a dial so you can select how much humidity you want? You probably aren't doing anything wrong, it just takes a period of time for some people to adapt to using CPAP. There are many CPAP forums around that have great advice, in case you wanted more info. Seriously though, I would call the company and request a different mask.
  6. MamboMan

    Damn cpap machine!

    Did they try you out with different masks so you could decide which was more comfortable? I couldn't tolerate a full mouth and nose mask, so I've been using a petite (ha! the only petite thing I've ever owned) nasal mask for years. I don't even feel the air going in ... Sometimes I pull the mask away to make sure it is actually working. Do you need a mouth mask because you didn't close your mouth with a nasal mask or nasal pillows? If they didn't try different masks with you give your Dr or respiratory rep a call and tell them you aren't tolerating this one. One other thought, your machine should have a "ramp up" or "warm up" setting that you can select that starts the machine off at a lower pressure and gradually builds, allowing you to fall asleep before the maximum pressure setting is reached. Yep, they usually want your usage data for awhile to make sure you are compliant with the therapy. They look at hours used and they can look at a bunch of other data, if needed, to make sure you are getting the full benefit. Additionally, the machines aren't cheap, so your insurance company wants to make sure you're using something they are providing (or paying a part of for you) you. An added benefit from CPAP use is that it may help you with some weight loss. Research has shown that sleep apnea may be linked with weight gain, high blood pressure, and a laundry list of other health issues. I know it's a hard adjustment, but think of it as another positive step in your new healthy life. Best wishes!
  7. MamboMan


    Congratulations! Bummer about your trip, but there can always be more trips, but just one healthy you! Best wishes.
  8. I was just curious what made everyone choose this sight for their means of information and support? I know there are several other forums/sites out there, so what was it about this site that you liked? I'm pre-op and just waiting for my psych eval to be sent to my surgeon's office. Long story, but I had actually completed all of my requirements on July 1, however, the therapist that wrote my psych clearance letter truly half-assed it and only wrote two or three sentences. I should have checked it, but since she is a professional I assumed she knew what she was doing. So, my insurance tentatively approved me but required me to get a psych test from a psychologist. Grr. It was four hours of questions, tests, an IQ eval, and a 360+ true/false test (an abbreviated MMPI), not to mention all the paperwork, tests, and depression scales I had to complete BEFORE my appointment. I mean, I get why they (insurance and surgeon) want to evaluate your mental health because of the risk of cross-addiction/transfer addiction, depression, difficulty adjusting to a changing body, etc. and, in general, I think it is a valuable assessment, but I just felt like the whole thing was overkill. Hopefully I'll hear the magic words "Why yes you're approved,we'd love to pay for your surgery!," next week. Ok, enough of my rant! So, why did you choose this particular site?
  9. MamboMan

    New and bewildered

    Yep, I am a medical professional, too, and use n/v all the time. =)
  10. MamboMan

    August 2013 surgeries

    Hibiclense is a fast-acting, broad-spectrum antimicrobial skin cleanser. This product continues to kill germs up to 6 hours after washing. It prevents skin infections thereby reducing the risk of cross-infection. Has antiseptic activity and a persistent antimicrobial effect with rapid bacterial activity against a wide range of microorganisms. It is used to cleanse your skin/surgical site prior to surgery to prevent/reduce the chance of getting an infection.
  11. MamboMan

    New and bewildered

    Nausea and vomiting
  12. MamboMan

    New and bewildered

    Nausea and vomiting
  13. MamboMan

    Does anyone have PCIP?

    PCIP? Is that a Pre-condition Insurance Plan? If so, I have no idea...sorry.
  14. MamboMan


    No problem. I'm glad you were able to get everything taken care of yesterday. Good luck and I hope you get your approval very soon.
  15. MamboMan


    I find it strange you were told you didn't need anything from your primary physician as that is usually one of the most important factors. Depending on where you live, how close you are (proximity) to your surgeon, etc. they want your PCP to state they will take responsibility to treat you, obtain your labs, and continue with your care. If your EKG was in September, well, that is almost a year old. I don't know how old you are, your comorbidities, or health history, but it is not entirely unrealistic that things could have changed since your last EKG. I highly doubt your PCP is requesting you to do these things to get more money. They are the one whose name and license are on the line. Personally, I would rather have a doctor that is cautious and wants his/her patients to be safe instead of just signing off without sound medical results simply because their patients request clearance. If your only concerned about whether you'll be able to take your trip, simply delay the surgery after your trip. That way you can go on your trip, have surgery later, and not risk running into complications such as strictures or dehydration either right before your trip or worse, during.
  16. MamboMan

    Itchy itchy itchy

    You may want to visit your PCP and have some labs taken. Whole body itching can be related to a number of things such as anemia, liver or kidney issues (which can happen more frequently after WLS), or even Celiac disease.
  17. Ah, that makes sense... Both the pen pal and the IP address....smart!
  18. I sincerely hope she gets the help that she needs. I'm curious, though... How would the EMS/police know how to find her? I don't recall filling out any contact info, other than my email, when I finally registered.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
