Welcome back Dave and Pam. I too havent been around here much lately either. My weight loss has pretty much stopped but it is all my doing. Snacking too much and not exercising enough has its consequences. Many things have been going on lately, my bf proposed to me on my 40th birthday. I said yes of course :thumbup:. Soooo.... there will be lots of stress getting ready for the wedding, we plan to marry in May of 09. I am also scheduled for PS in Jan. Having an arm and breast lift, a couple things I feel safe having done before I reach my goal and it will help me look better in my wedding dress. Once the stress of planning a wedding is over, not to mention the holidays and the PS, I will be around here looking for that kick in the butt also to get myself moving toward my goal weight. I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving and has a merry christmas!!