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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Lsilva03

    Feeling some kind of way!

    I can't stand the smell of protein shakes. I tried protein shots thinking they would be easy to get my protein in, but I was wrong they are worse, they r way to thick, not even freezing them worked may I say (yuck) I'm still struggling with protein shakes. But something's got to work.
  2. Lsilva03

    Feeling some kind of way!

    I feel the same way right now Im 2 weeks out nd I don't know what to eat my pallet is totally disagreeing with what I eat. I don't know what to cook for myself I had tuna today for lunch and my stomach stated hurting it still hurts now, and now I just feel sad and was crying. I'm at that regret stage and only because I don't know what to eat please Help!!!!!
  3. Lsilva03


    That stinks. I'm sorry your going through that. Did the doctor say what u can do to keep them down. I hope u get better soon. I don't get to c my doctor till the 4th.
  4. Lsilva03


    Are u still on the liquid diet. Im having trouble with my protein. And I hate crushing the potassium pill (yucky)
  5. Hi yes the peanut butter chocolate protein shake does taste good just like the real thing. I tried it yesterday it's yummy
  6. Lsilva03


    Hi I had my surgery on the 21st my pain is not bad I can walk without holding my left side:-)

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