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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Yvonne

  1. Hi,

    I was banded on the 28th Nov. The surgeon said I have to wait 3 months for my first fill. I wish it wasn't as long. I'm on liquids/mushies till then. I haven't felt really hungry as yet but have been told to eat little tins of Soup and milk puddings, porridge etc, I'm gonna try mashed veg/fruit soon - woo hoo - lifes little pleasures! Soup every day for 3 months! jeez :phanvan approx 800 cals per day - and no Protein Shakes, just a vitamin/mineral supplement.

    I think this is the worst part of it all, can't wait to eat normal food again.

    take care,



  2. Hi people,

    I've been told to go at least one month on liquids and 3 months if I can manage it! I've got to wait 3 months till my first fill too - jeez - it's not even a week and already I'm thinking I should be filled asap. I'm not hungry all the time but can eat a tin of Soup and drink normally - to me that seems too much. How much are you guys managing to eat and is it scary when you're filled - are you scared to eat incase you overdo it and puke? I'm terrified of that happening.

    Take care peeps,



  3. Hi again,

    It's official - I'm a fully fledged member of the club :clap2:

    Was banded on Tue 28th Nov at Stobhill Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland.

    Trying to figure out which pains are from the band and which are from the op. I'm on a liquid diet for a min of a month - first fill is in 3 months time. The scales are going in the right direction - just hope to get the kind of result I've seen with some people on here.

    I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself cos I'm still thinking of food most of the day - how do you get past that stage? what do you focus on? feel a bit lost in that department.

    On a liquid Soup and milk pudding kinda diet - 800 cals per day - they said I should keep on that till my fill, been 3 days and it's daunting - wonder how I'm gonna manage 3 months. What were you advised to eat after the op and how long for?

    Looking forward to the time I can eat what I want in moderation.

    Please advise all - need some help here.




  4. Hi Terrilen, Divanita and Dotofoz,

    Pleased to meet you guys and thanks for replying - I was hoping there were some others like minded nutters out there ;-)

    I've been on a few meds over the years but the Lamictal has been a lifesaver for me - downside is it's stopped the highs - but with the highs come the crashing lows and therein lies the danger - so I guess I'm lucky - well I try to think that way - you've got to laugh or else you'd crack right up.

    I'm also taking risperdal, gamanil, largactil and thyroxine - not looking forward to taking the dispersable tabs after the op cos they taste horrible - eek :phanvan

    Stress is a trigger for the lows and we have to just hold on tight and ride them out.

    I really admire you for your work with the homeless - it's good to help others.

    My little girl keeps me sane yet drives me crazy all at the same time and to be honest she and my partner are the only two things keeping me going and I want to be at my best for them - for me too of course.

    I'm hoping the weight loss will help with my confidence which has been eroded over the years, i'm a shell of my former self - i look in the mirror and don't recognise me! Also hoping the paranoia will lessen and I'll actually enjoy going out. I can't wait for the day when I can round around like a dafty with my little girl. Daft is good.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply to my initial note - It is great knowing that you're not alone.

    Take care,



  5. Hi,

    I was diagnosed with Bipolar in my early twenties - I'm 39 now so I've managed to survive it for quite a while - I never thought I'd reach 30! I was a rapid cycler - up n down every 2 weeks. I'm on Lamictal so I don't get the highs anymore and the big lows are a thing of the past - but they do go hand in hand - anyhoo - I'm left somewhere in no mans land - stable but not quite returned to normal mood. I miss the highs but being a mum comes first. It would be selfish and dangerous to stop the meds but I've thought about it, being constantly down isn't much fun. I think the best thing is trying to accept it - accept that it won't just go away and to just try and cope with it day to day and a laugh a day keeps the nuthouse at bay.

    I'd love to meet fellow nutters and have a chinwag.




  6. Hi,

    I in the PCOS club too - nice to meet you all.

    Drews - I'm amazed to read that your PCOS has cleared up - there's hope for us all. I'd love to have another baby but thought it was near on impossible - the first time was a miracle as I was told i wasn't ovulating. I was taking Metformin for a few years but didn't think it was doing any good. I'm getting my op in the UK on the NHS and think my condition helped get me on the list. Penny - I'm the same weight too and 5'5" (just call me short arse :))

    Do you guys have all the lovely side effects that go along with PCOS - the greasy skin/spots/cysts - I've finally been prescribed strong antibiotics - been on them for months - and the excess hair - my god I'd love laser hair removal. Looking forward to chatting with you - does anyone ever use the chatroom?

    Lots of love,



  7. Hello lovely people,

    Thanks for the welcome - that's really nice.

    I think I may have a cold coming on so I'm dreading the next couple of days - I can't have the op with the cold ;-( just my luck - keep yer fingers crossed.

    I never found a good Scottish man - despite years of trying but I found a good English one. I've had many a wild night in Glasgow - many moons ago. I'm hitting 40 and have a 5 year old so my wild days are over. The meds I'm taking don't agree with alcohol - mores the pity!

    I also have PCOS and BIPOLAR and would also love to chat to anyone going through the same - life's a bitch then you marry one!

    Thank you all for your kind words , I hope to be here next week having fully joined the club.

    Take care you lovely lot,



  8. Hello,

    Pleased To Meet You All - You Girlies Have Probably Seen More Of Scotland Than Me - Hehe - I've Only Been To America Once - New York And I Loved It - Fabulous - Loved The Accents Too - All Accents Are Lovely.

    I Love Visiting Castles - Wales And England Have Some Lovely Ones Too. I've Been To The Isle Of Mull And Arran - I Want To See More Of My Country And Hope To Do So As The Weight Comes Off And I Can Get Out And About Again. I Giggled Imagining Two Texan Girls In A Scottish Bar - Did You Manage To Find Out What A Scotsman Wears Under His Kilt? ;-) Haha

    So Nice To Be Welcomed Like This - Thank You All



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