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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ShineBright724

  1. Maybe he's nervous about tomorrow. You know men can sometimes be stubborn when it comes to opening up about how they feel lol. Not an excuse since you're probably as nervous.
  2. BB and Co (all my fellow 16thers) I'm about 5 hours away from checking in and 7 hours from surgery! Stopped Clear Liquids 15 minutes ago. Packing a bag (not taking much as most said they never use it) and then going to watch some Golden Girls. I probably won't sleep LOL. Too excited! I'll be thinking of you all when I go in. Peace, blessings and a successful surgery to us ALL!
  3. Getting my last bit of water in before midnight!
  4. Paige I have to be there at 5am! Surgery buddies! I'll be thinking if you! I'm starting to get nervous!
  5. Just focus on the goal! You got this!!!
  6. I didn't have to do that whole mag thing. Just clear liquids 48 hours before surgery.
  7. I'm starting to get nervous. 15 hours....
  8. ShineBright724

    42-hours til hosp. Check-in

    I'll be going Monday morning too!! Whoop!!! Just trying to get through these hours on this clear liquid business!
  9. Woohoo! I'll be thinking of you all when I show up at 5am
  10. ShineBright724

    9 Months Post Op's *Pics* :)

    What's your loose skin situation? None from what i can see lol!
  11. ShineBright724

    9 Months Post Op's *Pics* :)

    You look amazing!
  12. ShineBright724


    I haven't had surgery yet haha I have it Monday morning! But my NUT told me the apples tip.
  13. Awesome!!! Start that countdown!
  14. ShineBright724


    I've been told that the skin is going to trouble you. Have you tried peeling the apple first?
  15. Yeah but I won't sleep anyway because I'll be too excited/nervous/scared
  16. ShineBright724

    Anyone approved after an appeal

    Good luck!!!!! I'm sending you positive vibes!
  17. ShineBright724

    Young Gastric Bypass Patients

    Greg there's a Facebook page "RNY in your 20's & 30's" that has young people you should check it out. In addition to this place it's very helpful!
  18. I caved too. I had Doritos then I felt like a loser lol. But let's get back on track! I'm struggling with you until Monday at 5am!
  19. ShineBright724

    the waiting game

    I was in the same boat. My job is a limited appointment so my insurance is limited. I was under the impression that I'd be jobless by September but thankfully my appointment Ted was extended to 2014. The 6 months is the hardest part to me because you're just in limbo. Just stay the course!
  20. 10 days left!!! Whoop!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
