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Everything posted by YoColeFleet

  1. YoColeFleet

    June surgeries!

    I've been lucky to get my proteins just by eating soft foods, I may have a protein shake every now and again, my 1 month Surgiversary is 7/10/13...yayyy
  2. YoColeFleet

    June surgeries!

    When I felt this way, I drank plenty of water and protein shakes, I was amazed how my energy turned around after a few hours of pumping myself with it.
  3. YoColeFleet

    June surgeries!

  4. YoColeFleet

    June Post Ops!

    How are you feeling today? I was thinking about you, I hope you are better today.
  5. YoColeFleet


    Thanks for your input...I need to get my parents to use e-cigarettes.
  6. YoColeFleet


  7. YoColeFleet


    Thanks for your opinion...
  8. YoColeFleet


  9. YoColeFleet

    I'm Back!

    Oh wow, I feel so bad for you, I hope things work out for you shortly, I pray that your pain ease up'...
  10. YoColeFleet

    MEN! GRRRRR (Sorry men)

    We've been married for 1 year, June 29th..since this post he's been trying to come into my good grace but I'm not buying it, I think he's bipolar.
  11. YoColeFleet

    June Post Ops!

    You all are doing well with the walking, in 3 weeks out, I don't walk much, however, I am constantly found up and down stairs, that's my exercise.
  12. YoColeFleet


    Mines was laparoscopic, but my incision site has staples.
  13. YoColeFleet


    Im 3 weeks out and my staples were removed at two weeks, I still have a lil soreness at the drainage spot, I still wear a bandage, until it closes completely, right now it's about an inch deep.
  14. YoColeFleet

    June surgeries!

    Im a slow loser and I weigh myself everyday, I'm not obsessed with it because I understand this weight loss procedure/process, my counselor said we should weigh ourselves everyday because down the line it will become easy to pick up weight, because you stop being concerned, you begin to think, oh it's ok, and next thing you know when you weigh yourself, you've picked up 10lbs....
  15. YoColeFleet

    June Post Ops!

    Today is my first day of soft foods, so, this morning I had 1 scrambled egg with cheese, soooo good, for lunch I had left over baked catfish my husband made me yesterday, soooo good, I don't know what I will have for dinner, so far so good I'm able to eat at least 3 oz of meat, which allows me to get my proteins in, I thank God for allowing my new pouch to tolerate the nutrients I need to sustain. I did however, need to chew, take it slow, I didn't like the stuck feeling. Now I must get water, water, water in.
  16. YoColeFleet

    Its official boob job here I come :)

    Congrats on the boob job, I told my husband we need to start saving now, for whatever I may need. Question, because you started at 211, how much did you lose? I started at 230, 5'3, my goal is to get to 135-140..
  17. YoColeFleet

    June Post Ops!

    Yesterday morning I was so fatigued, by noon I was full of energy, I don't know what's that about...Well today I'm 3 weeks post op and I can move on to Stage 3, soft foods, two weeks of this, then I go to Stage 4, soft to regular foods, this day I've lost 27 lbs. Yayyyy, can't wait to have scrambled egg and baked catfish.
  18. YoColeFleet

    June Post Ops!

    Yes, I live Muscle Milk, I haven't tried that flavor, I like vanilla and I like strawberry creme.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
